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How does a white partridge protect the nest?

The west-eastern part of the territory of Russia is the habitat for such "feathered" fauna, such as white partridges.

This is a bird of medium size, weighing just over half a kilo. Depending on the season, the partridge has a different color. In winter, the bird is absolutely white, and beginning from spring and until late autumn, the color of the plumage is dark.

In winter, birds gather in "flocks" and "explore the surrounding neighborhoods" in search of food. "Objects" of eating in winter, the white partridge chooses, mainly, birch and willow buds. Feathered bite off the main shoot of small length pieces and swallow them together with nutrients located on them. In addition, birds have the skill to make deep pits and "tunnels" in snowdrifts, thus obtaining up to the berries and grass seeds that have remained since the fall, hidden under the snow.

In summer, the white partridge does not have much difficulty finding food. At its disposal is a wide expanse of various provisions - berries, flowers, leaves, shrub shoots.

Early in the spring, a common flock of partridges is broken up into separate "family" couples. Before that, males are attracting their future "second halves" in the morning "serenades". The formed pair occupies and equips a place for nesting, which becomes the object of vigilant protection of the feathered "husband".

The ptarmigan avoids nesting in the open space and is usually arranged to lay eggs under the sprawling branches of trees, in shrubs, under bumps.

After laying eggs, an average of 7-10 pieces (the record holder for the volume of the pitting is a gray partridge with 15-25 eggs), the white partridge moves on to a long and surprisingly patient incubation process. The female never leaves the nest for about three weeks. All this time, security for a caring "mother" falls on the "shoulders" of a male. Disrupt the peace and continuity of the incubation procedure are capable only of very serious "force majeure" circumstances, for example, large predators or hunters. If the "father of the family" has not coped with his protection duties, the white partridge, using similar tactics of males, as near as possible admit the enemy, and then abruptly breaks and flies aside, distracting and leading the "danger" from the masonry.

Hatching, the chicks almost immediately "get to their feet" and learn the skills to find food. After two weeks, stronger wings allow you to flirt from place to place, but for the readiness for long flights the chicks still need time.

There is a touching moment when, in the event of the death of partridge, the male himself becomes a "mother" and cares for the offspring. Full growth of young animals occurs in late summer.

According to the statistics of natural science bodies, there is a sharp decrease in the number of partridges.

Throughout Russia, strict measures are being taken to prevent such a sad trend. It is forbidden to hunt partridge in the early spring - during the breeding season of birds and development of offspring. Hunting for the gray partridge is not subject to such strict sanctions as to the white one, the ban on shooting which in some regions is valid for the entire year. In hunting farms, activities are carried out for winter feeding of birds, catching stray dogs and cats, and domestic farming of partridges - all this also contributes to the conservation and successful reproduction of the species.

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