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Henry Sienkiewicz: biography and creativity

In 2016, 170 years have passed since the birth and exactly 100 years since the death of a great Polish writer named Henrik (Henry) Senkevich. In the era of the oppression of the Polish language and culture, he, with the help of his novels, interested Poland's historical past not only of his compatriots, but also of the readers of the whole world. In addition, his pen belongs to one of the best novels about Christians in the Roman Empire "Kamo Gromeschi?", Through which he was awarded the Nobel Prize.

A descendant of Tatars and Belarusians - the Polish writer Henrik (Henry) Senkevich

The world-famous Polish writer meanwhile had absolutely no Polish roots. The ancestors of his father were Tatars who moved to Poland and accepted Catholicism. From the mother side in the veins of the writer flowed the blood of Belarusian nobles. However, at the time of Henrik's birth, his family recalled their origin only occasionally, considering themselves to be 100% Poles.

Childhood writer

The future Nobel laureate was born in May 1846 in Podlyashie. In addition to him, there were five other children in the family. Even then, the Senkevich had financial problems. Trying to settle them, they often moved from the estate to the estate. Thus, young Henrik spent his childhood among the picturesque expanses of rural nature. Over time, when all property was sold, impoverished gentry had no choice but to move to Warsaw.

Youth and the beginning of the creative path

After the family of the noblemen went bankrupt, Henry Adam Alexander Pius Senkevich had to rely only on his own strength. Despite financial problems, young Henry Sienkiewicz received a decent education. He graduated from the gymnasium and, at the insistence of his parents, entered the medical faculty of the University of Warsaw. However, the medical profession was not interested in an ardent young man with a vivid imagination, so he was transferred to the Faculty of History and Philology.

The first attempt to write his own work was undertaken by Henry in his student years. It was called the "first-born" of the writer "Sacrifice", but this work was not published and was not preserved.

Since relatives almost did not help the writer, Henry Sienkiewicz began to look for ways to earn money. Soon, under the pseudonym of Lithuania, in many newspapers in Warsaw began to appear essays, articles and essays by the young Senkevich. His talent and pleasant manner of writing quickly appreciated. So without completing his studies at the university, Henryk Sienkiewicz completely devoted himself to journalistic work.

The first published work of the writer was the novel "The Beginning" (1872). After a successful debut, he began to actively write his own works and print.

In 1876, Henry was sent on a business trip to the United States. On the impressions of the trip, Henryk Sienkiewicz wrote many essays and stories. The most popular ones are "In the country of gold", "Comedy from mistakes" and "Through the steppes".

After the US, the writer traveled extensively throughout Europe, as a result of which he wrote the short story "Yanko-musician".

Becoming quite famous in the genre of small prose, Henry Sienkiewicz decided to try to take on more large-scale works.

The historical trilogy of Henrik Sienkiewicz's novels about the adventures of Pan Michal Volodyevsky

In the eighties of the nineteenth century, Poland was part of the Russian Empire. However, the Poles dreamed of gaining freedom and periodically raised uprisings. After the suppression of the next of them in Poland, strict measures were introduced: in schools it was forbidden to teach in Polish, instead the Russian language should be used. In addition, in Polish literature at that time it was fashionable to write about contemporary events. So it was very risky, taking up writing the historical novel, Henry Sienkiewicz.

"Fire and sword" - this is the first novel of the writer. He left in 1884 in the magazine "Friend of the people." The success was staggering. Readers liked it so much that soon the novel was published as a separate book.

The work described the uprising of Ukrainian Cossacks under the leadership of Bogdan Khmelnitsky. At the same time, the main characters were the Polish nobles Jan Skshetusky, Michal Volodyevsky, Jan Zaglob and Longin Podbipyatka. Figured in the novel and many real historical characters: Khmelnitsky, Jeremiah Vishnevetsky, Ivan Bohun and Tugai-bey.

Despite the descriptions of the historical battles and adventures of the gentry, in the center of the novel was a love triangle between Bohun, Skshetusky and the beautiful princess Elena Kurtsevich.

After the grand success of the book "Fire and Sword" Henryk Sienkiewicz undertook the continuation. The novel "The Flood" describes the period of the Poles' war with the Swedes. There were in the new work and the favorite characters from the first book - Mikhal Volodyevsky and his eternal companion, Pan Zaglob. However, now the main characters are the choreographed Andrzej Kmitsits and his beloved panna Olga Billevich. While writing this novel, Henryk Sienkiewicz took into account some surprises connected with the readers' perception of his first novel. The fact is that the refined Sklyusky did not really like the readers.

The main antagonist of the book Ivan Bohun turned out to be a brighter and beloved character: he was bold, noble and ardent. Realizing that people like such heroes, Sienkiewicz made Kmitsitsa similar to Bogun, at the same time a patriot of his country. And did not lose. The popularity of the second novel of Senkevich exceeded the popularity of the first.

In his third novel, the writer decided to make the main hero of Volodyevsky, after whom he named his work. It described the war of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth with the Turks, the love and heroic death of Pan Michal.

Henrik (Genih) Senkevich: "Kamo ridge?" (Qua vadis? / "Where are you going?")

After the success of his trilogy, Senkevich wrote several historical novels, but they were no longer as popular as his first books. So he decided to write a novel about the Roman Empire of the time of Nero. At the same time, the main actors were Christians who defended their faith even in the face of death. A new novel was called in translation from Polish "Where are you going?".

Henry Sienkiewicz took as the basis of the plot the ancient legend of the apostle Peter's stay in Rome. About how, escaping from persecution, the apostle decided to leave the city, but saw Christ coming to the city, and, repentant of his cowardice, returned to Rome to accept martyrdom.

In addition to the courage of Christians and the stupidity, cruelty and lack of talent of Nero, Sienkiewicz showed in his novel the beautiful love story of the Christian girl Lygia and the brave Roman patrician Mark Vinicius. As in his previous works, Henry Sienkiewicz used a win-win formula: a noble handsome young hero throughout the book changes for the better and abandons his mistakes because of love.

This novel glorified the writer far beyond his homeland and was especially noted by the Pope, thanks to which in 1905 the writer was awarded the Nobel Prize.

Historical novel "Crusaders"

After the triumph of the novel "Kamo Gyodeshi?" He returned to his favorite topic - the history of Poland - the writer Heinrich Sienkiewicz. "Crusaders" - the name of his next novel. In it, he described the period of the history of his native country, when the Poles fought against Germanization and the authority of the Order of the Teutonic Knights.

Against the backdrop of a large-scale struggle against foreign occupation, the author told about the love of the young knight Zbyzhka from Bogdanets and Danusi, daughter of Yuranda from Spyhova.

It is noteworthy that in this novel the writer depicted the uncharacteristic literature of the time for the female image of Yagenka from Zgorzhelits. This girl was independent, bold and determined - it's no surprise that the main character loved her.

The last years of the writer

The novel "Crusaders" was the last truly famous work of the writer. And although in subsequent years he issued the novel "Whirlpools" Henryk Sienkiewicz, the readers did not have much success with the book.

With the outbreak of the First World War, Henry Sienkiewicz moved to Switzerland. However, here he did not sit idly by, and opened a committee to help the Poles, who were victims of the war. Here in Switzerland, he intended to write the novel "Legions". However, he died earlier than he managed to complete it.

A great writer was buried in the city of Vevey (Switzerland), but later the ashes of the deceased were reburied in his homeland - in Warsaw.

After the death of Henrik (Genih) Sienkiewicz, he was placed several monuments and busts around the world.

The personal life of Senkevich

Despite his active writings, Henry Sienkiewicz also found time for his personal life-he was married three times.

The first wife was Maria Shetkevich. She gave birth to a writer of two children, but soon died of tuberculosis. In memory of her, the writer organized a fund for helping people with tuberculosis to cultural figures.

Grief from the loss of his beloved wife, with whom they lived together for only four years, soon passed, and Henryk Adam Alexander married again. His chosen one was Odessa, Maria Volodkovich. This union was not long, the wife herself filed for divorce.

The last time the writer decided to go under the aisle with Mary Babskoy in 1904.

The screen version of the works of Henrik Sienkiewicz

Heinrich Sienkiewicz had a huge influence on the world cinema culture. Books of this author almost from the moment of publication and asked for screens. Even during the life of the writer, the first motion pictures based on his books were shot. True, they were silent black-and-white films - two screen versions of "Kamo Gyodeshi?", "Flood" and "Sketches of coal." It is interesting that of the four paintings there was only one Polish.

In total, based on the writer's works, 23 movies were shot. The most common film adaptation of Qua vadis? - seven times. And it was only in 2001 that the Poles did it, while the Italians shot movies for three hundred years based on a book written by Heinrich Sienkiewicz. "Camo ridge?" Became the basis for two American films and one French.

Still popular with filmmakers are the books from the famous historical trilogy of Senkevich. In 1916, the Russian Empire was made a film based on the novel "The Flood", and in the sixties - in Italy on the book "Fire and the sword."

However, the greatest success in this field was made by the Polish director Jerzy Hoffmann, who managed to screen the whole trilogy for thirty years. An interesting fact is that in his films the director achieved historical accuracy in everything, so that even the buttons of the characters corresponded to the era shown in the film.

Today, like a hundred years ago, the most revered and famous Polish writer is Henryk (Henry) Sienkiewicz. Biography of this man is truly amazing and worthy to compete with the plot of his works. Like his heroes, Sienkiewicz all his life tried to remain a worthy person and helped his neighbors who needed it. I want to believe that many contemporary cultural figures from all over the world will take an example from him.

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