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Has put an ear what to do or make?

In the life of each person there are situations when suddenly "lays" the ears. And here it is quite reasonable to ask the question "what has the ear done?" First of all, determine what caused this to happen. If such a state arose after a flight in an airplane or a lift (descent) on a high-speed elevator, then the reason for a sharp drop in pressure is enough to swallow several times, so that in 2-3 minutes the hearing is restored. If the stuffiness arose after bathing, then it is necessary to remove water from the external ear canal (it is best to gently swab a special cotton swab). In addition, the cause of congestion can be sulfur plugs, which can be removed only by a qualified doctor. Sulfur plugs can occur at any age and often they are the result of improper hygiene of the external auditory canal. In particular, if you often use cotton buds, picking in your ear, the sulfur does not go away, it's just tamped, forming the same cork.

Another thing, if there is a cold disease, accompanied by a long nasal congestion, that is, a common runny nose and the ear stuffiness has arisen . Here the answer to the question "put an ear on what to do" requires a more detailed answer. The fact is that the nasopharynx and the middle ear are connected by a thin passage called the Eustachian tube. Normally, it should be passable for air and it is through it that the pressure in the middle part of the ear is regulated by the atmospheric pressure. The passage of this organ is also disturbed in the runny nose, when the mucus in the nasal passages does not allow the air to pass freely. In addition, with active smokings, particles of mucus with bacteria can get under pressure into the tube itself, causing its inflammation, called eustachitis, and clogging the lumen. The worst option is when bacteria enter the middle ear itself, causing congestion and inflammation (otitis media).

If you hammer in any search engine the phrase "pawned an ear how to treat" or "pawned an ear what to do", you can find a bunch of various advice on this topic, but the decisive factor is the root cause of zalozhennosti. But nevertheless otolaryngologists or simply ENTs (these doctors are engaged in questions of treatment including an ear) unanimously advise to address in an out-patient department to the expert. But sometimes there are unforeseen circumstances, when zalozhennost arises far from hospitals (in the country, for example, after bathing in the river) or at night. In this case, the question "put an ear on what to do" there are a few simple tips that you can use before calling a doctor.

If the ear has been poured after a cold and the rhinitis still remains, it is necessary to rinse each nasal passage with a solution of salted water (1 teaspoon without a slide to a glass of 200 ml of boiled water). You can simply "draw" a little nose, but you can use a syringe or a syringe without a needle. The child should be given such a procedure by his parents. To date, there are ready-made drops based on sea water - they can also be used for washing. Then, in the cleared nasal passages, vasoconstrictive drugs (naphthysine, galazoline and many other similar actions) should be dripped. In the very sick ear, it will also be useful to drip 2-3 drops of the same warm vasoconstrictive drug simultaneously with the nose. But not boric alcohol - this is a common misconception, which can only increase pain.

If these simple remedies did not help, then the further answer to the question "put an ear on what to do?" The answer is one - it is urgent to go to the ENT doctor. It is not permissible to engage in self-medication, as serious complications associated with hearing loss can occur. And if the process has passed into purulent otitis, then there may be a threat to the life of the patient, since in the immediate vicinity of the ear is the brain.

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