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Harbinger of genera in second-rate: what about them you should know?

Future parents sit on websites and forums for moms, learn tons of information provided by the media, share their experiences and fears, ask thousands of questions about pregnancy and childbirth. For the sake of truth it is worth noting that those who are preparing for this role not for the first time are puzzled no less.

If you are one of them, then your body has remembered the previous experience, so ordered mother nature. You already know what awaits you - at the psychological level you are ready. However, as you know, twice in one river you will not enter. Whatever your childbirth, it will always be an exciting and unique event. And you probably remember your first harbingers of birth. Either way, consciously or subconsciously, you draw an analogy with the first time. And do you know that the precursors of childbirth in second-rate can differ in their unobtrusiveness or weakness of expression?

What you should pay attention to?

First, listen to your feelings and watch. Not the fact that you immediately notice how the body is intensively preparing for the process of procreation. However, the precursors of childbirth in the secondborn, you can still recognize, if you are careful.

The weight

If you watch for changes in your weight during pregnancy, you will probably notice that they have stopped gaining weight, and maybe dropped to 2 kg!

Mood swings and loss of appetite

Often a woman who is preparing to become a mother is not the first time, is actively engaged in family affairs, so it is not particularly susceptible to such changes, but these phenomena also occur.

Irregular uterine contractions

Since your body has already experienced the process of childbirth, the uterus is more elastic, because she already has the experience of a phenomenon in the light of a baby. In connection with this, such precursors of labor, As irregular uterine contractions, may remain unnoticed by you. If the first-borns begin 5-7 weeks before the coveted date, the second-born may appear much later. If this occurs shortly before the expected date, you can easily confuse them with fights and hurry to come to the hospital, because there is an opinion that the second birth is fast.

Abdominal abscess

You probably remember how in the first pregnancy your belly was watched not only by you, but by the whole family, friends and acquaintances. Perhaps, this time you will have to wait for this moment almost before the onset of labor.

When the child moves to the pelvis, there will be relief of breathing, but there will be pains in the lower back and a need for frequent visits to the toilet room, because the baby will put pressure on the walls of the uterus and, consequently, on the organs and parts of the body that come in contact with it.

Mucous plug

The process of separation of the mucous plug (possibly with blood veins) in the first pregnancy could last for a couple of weeks left before delivery. Now it can happen in a couple of days, and a couple of hours before the "hour X".

Uneven fetal movement

As practice shows, these precursors of childbirth in second-rate, as in principle and in the first-born, not every future mother can designate at herself.

Contractions and the passage of amniotic fluid

This is the immediate beginning of labor, and you are already aware of how it looks. That's only on what your pain threshold, it depends how soon you notice these painful and rolling waves in the lower abdomen. Also in the second-rate contraction period usually lasts two times less than the first time, but it also passes more intensively. Because of this, rapid delivery is possible. If the last time there was an amniotomy (in other words, a puncture of the bladder), then the passage of amniotic fluid can become a surprise for you. You will not ignore this event. In this case, as with fights, it is necessary to go to the hospital. Here you can not make a mistake - the birth began!

It is worth remembering about such changes in the body that tell a woman about the approach of labor, like pressure in the perineum, chills, frequent emptying of the intestines and maturation of the cervix. The gynecologist will inform you about the latter after the examination on the chair. Now you know what harbingers of birth are worthy of attention!

Is it necessary to repeat that every pregnancy is unique and unique? Probably not! Accordingly, the precursors of labor in the second-born may radically differ from those during the first childbearing experience.

Successful birth to you!

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