EducationSecondary education and schools

Examples of patriotism and the upbringing of schoolchildren

Where to start and whether to continue patriotic upbringing? Who is responsible for this aspect of forming a citizen? And should it? Patriotism, patriot, fatherland, citizen, loyalty to the people, high duty ... These concepts are so emasculated today that it is difficult to fill them with a living meaning that is important to the heart of human meaning. But it is necessary. Very necessary. This is the only true and even categorical answer to the questions raised in the beginning. And the discussion should revolve around another question - "How?" How should the school solve this problem?

The family, of course, also must, but hoping for it - then get a generation, half composed of egoists, suffering from unconsciousness. Half of this grows in families or disadvantaged, or beggars, or incomplete. See the children there poverty, violence, drunkenness and hear mate. It is unlikely that this can be regarded as examples of patriotism. Hence cynicism, unbelief and lack of principle. There remains the school. And she has many opportunities. This is the educational component of each lesson; These activities are extra-curricular and extracurricular; These are excursions and meetings; This is a personal example of all those who work with children - from the teacher and tutors to the watchman and dishwashers in the school canteen.

But the main form of influence is the class clock. They are. And you do not need to constantly endure patriotism, love of the Motherland, duty to the Motherland as the main topics for a class hour. The word should generally sound as rare as possible. Why not develop a cycle of thematic classroom hours "Motherland is ...". Each new topic will be the continuation of the main one. For example, "glorious history," "outstanding figures," "the feat of the people," "wooden architecture," "Russian song," "folk crafts," "Orthodoxy," etc. The main thing is not to reduce everything To the edifying monologue of the teacher, who teaches how important it is for the Motherland to love, and for persuasiveness cites examples of patriotism that have long been known to everyone, and therefore do not touch the soul.

This does not mean that everything is said about the Great Patriotic War. Simply, instead of stamps "the great feat of the great people in the great war", one can read some front letter of the soldier to his beloved, listen to "Zemlyanka", and then simply, without pathos, say that he was destined to pass "four steps to death" Loved forever remained "snow and snow." This is more than any slogans will touch the soul of even the most cynical teenagers. You can offer targeted episodes from the films "Peter the First", "War and Peace" and others. And do not need to discuss, no. If it does, the children will speak themselves. The teacher will only listen to it. Schoolchildren will talk, and at this time in their souls will be a huge job.

That we do not teach children, but "grow" people, we should remember in every lesson and use the slightest excuse to make children proud of the culture, the history of their Motherland. Why not emphasize in the music lesson that the chastushka is only among the Russian people? At the lesson of work - what is especially fashionable today in Canada are wooden houses with carvings, the basis for which served as Russian huts? Each lesson, more or less, gives "educational reasons." Russia has great discoveries, there are great mathematicians, physicists, chemists. Their life and service to Russian science are the best examples of patriotism. The main thing is not to praise. Pathos is not necessary. Just tell. Know about this - already patriotic education. And the teachers of literature, as they say, God himself ordered. Patriotism in literature, beginning with The Lay of Igor's Host (and even earlier), was and remains the main theme and the main pathos.

Of course, you need to attract moms and dads. At the parents' meeting , they can advise films for general viewing, books for joint reading. Remind them that communication with the child is the most effective way of education, patriotic including. In everyday life, too, there are examples of patriotism. The task of parents is to teach children these examples, to want them to follow. Only in this way the words "patriotism" and "Homeland" will be filled with living meaning and become meaningful for the child.

Them, that communication with the child is the most effective way of education, patriotic including. In everyday life, too, there are examples of patriotism. The task of parents is to teach children these examples, to want them to follow. Only in this way the words "patriotism" and "Homeland" will be filled with living meaning and become meaningful for the child.

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