
Dydrogesterone - what is it? Application of dydrogesterone

For the treatment of certain pathological processes in the human body and correction of the work of its systems, medicinal preparations are prescribed. Women often have to use hormonal medicines to restore the normal level of production of substances. In this article we will talk about an active substance called dydrogesterone. What is it, you will learn further. Also worth mentioning about the methods of using this medicine. Preparations containing dydrogesterone will be described below. In addition, you will find out whether there are analogues for such drugs.

Dydrogesterone - what is it?

This substance is a synthetic progestogen. It affects the woman's body in a favorable way. With the help of this tool, many pathological conditions can be corrected. Dydrogesterone is a hormone that is not normally excreted by the human body. However, it can replace other substances that are produced in insufficient quantities, for example, progesterone.

Dydrogesterone: drugs and analogues

This substance is contained in medicines that have the following trade names: Dufaston or Dufaston. They contain up to ten milligrams of the active ingredient (per tablet).

In addition, it has dydrogesterone analogs. These include medications containing progesterone in various forms, for example, "Utrozhestan." It is worth noting that dydrogesterone (what is it, you already know), unlike its analogues, does not have a neuroprotective and anxiolytic effect. Also, the active substance does not have a sedative effect on the patient's body. However, its effect is quite effective, it comes already within two hours after using the drug.

When is dydrogesterone applied?

This substance is widely used by physicians to treat various gynecological pathologies. It is worth noting that the drug helps prevent unwanted pregnancy and, conversely, speed up the process of conception of the baby. Also, dydrogesterone has an effect on the woman's body in the form of reduction of menstrual bleeding, normalization of the duration of the second phase of the cycle and elimination of symptoms of PMS.

Since you have already become acquainted with a substance called dydrogesterone (what is it, you represent), it is worth mentioning now how it is applied in practice. Let's consider the basic schemes of treatment.

Use of dydrogesterone for pregnancy

The drug acts on the secretory function of the endometrium. The following reception scheme is used.

Immediately after ovulation, ten milligrams of dydrogesterone is prescribed. The treatment is carried out for two weeks. Immediately after the expiration of the established period, the fact of presence or absence of pregnancy is established. For this, conventional pharmacy tests are used or a blood test is performed for the presence of a chorionic gonadotropin in the body .

If the pregnancy has not occurred, the medicine is canceled, then wait for the next month. In the next cycle, the circuit is repeated. When the fact of conception is established, correction should be continued in full up to about twelve weeks of fetal development. In some cases, the time and dose of taking the drug are increased.

When threatened with abortion

Quite often representatives of the weaker sex who are in an interesting situation, face the threat of termination of pregnancy. This is due to the inadequate release of progesterone, which maintains the normal tone of the uterine muscle. In the absence of the necessary amount of this substance, the contraction of the genital organ begins, which leads to the detachment of the fetal egg. Dydrogesterone will help to correct this situation.

The doctors' comments say that the drug should be taken as soon as possible. If a woman has bleeding, then the first dose of the substance should be 40 milligrams. Dydrogesterone in this case should be used every eight hours. Use should be one tablet. In case of disappearance of symptoms and with normal blood tests, the medicine is canceled.

When the pulling pains in the lower abdomen continue to persist, dydrogesterone is prescribed at a dose of 10 milligrams twice a day. In this case, the reception should occur at regular intervals. Abolish such correction only after 20 weeks of bearing the child.

Treatment of endometriosis with dydrogesterone

This drug can not only help future mothers. Also, it acts favorably on the body of a woman with hormonal diseases. Quite often the drug is used to treat endometriosis.

In this case, dydrogesterone acts on the endometrium in an overwhelming manner. Tablets are taken from the fifth day of the menstrual cycle. One portion is 10 milligrams. Repeat the procedure two or three times a day. Everything depends on the stage of pathology and individual characteristics of the woman's body. The drug suppresses the production of estrogens, the excess of which leads to the growth of the endometrial layer in areas not allocated for this. Also, the release of androgens (male sex hormones), which contribute to increased endometriosis, decreases.

The effect of dydrogesterone on premenstrual syndrome

When is dydrogesterone still recommended? Instructions for use suggest that this remedy can be adjusted for premenstrual syndrome.

The drug is used in the following dosage. Twice a day at regular intervals, you need to take 10 milligrams of the active ingredient. This scheme is used from the 11th day of the menstrual cycle and lasts for two weeks. During correction, the volume of bleeding and tenderness of the uterus decreases during this period. Also, women note improvement in mood and disappearance of irritability. Dydrogesterone helps relieve stress from the mammary glands, thereby reducing their soreness and increased sensitivity. Many representatives of the weaker sex say that after several courses of treatment headaches have disappeared, which often occur during menstruation, a sleep was established and a more stable cycle was established.

Use of the drug to protect against pregnancy

The active ingredient dydrogesterone can prevent unwanted conception. However, the effectiveness of such a drug is rather low. That's why doctors recommend using alternative contraception.

To protect against unwanted pregnancy, the drug should be taken from the fifth day of menstruation for three weeks. The dose of the drug can be from 10 to 50 milligrams. Such a correction can be not only inefficient, but also quite expensive. If you do not have other indications for this type of treatment, you should choose other methods of contraception.

With the development of uterine bleeding

Dydrogesterone does not have a pronounced haemostatic property. However, it is able to stop mazhuyuschie allocation from the genital tract in the unforeseen days of the cycle. In this case, complex treatment is often used. Therapy includes the use of estrogen and hemostatic drugs.

The correction scheme is chosen individually by the doctor after a thorough examination. Usually prescribed up to 30 milligrams of the drug, divided into several doses per day. This course lasts an average of 5-7 days.

Who should not use dydrogesterone?

Are there any contraindications to the use of this drug? Of course, yes. Instructions for use inform you of the following limitations.

Tablets should be replaced with a similar drug with a different composition in the presence of hypersensitivity to dydrogesterone. It is also necessary to consider other components of the drug.

In some cases, treatment is not recommended for venous and blood diseases. Also, a relative contraindication is an oncological tumor that has become hormone-dependent.

If the woman before pregnancy had allergic reactions, accompanied by itching, then the use of the drug in the waiting period of the baby should be limited.

Summing up and recommendations

You became aware of what is dydrogesteron. This product has practically no side effects. This is why it is widely used by gynecologists for the treatment of various pathologies. However, this does not mean that the drug can be used alone. Most cases require an individual therapy regimen, which can only be selected by a qualified specialist after the diagnosis. Address to physicians at occurrence of necessity. Get the right recommendations and use dydrogesterone only according to the indications. Health to you!

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