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"Drunk Eclair" - two formats in one cafe

The name "Drunk Eclair" sounds a bit funny for the institution. What is hidden behind it - a bar or a pastry shop, why should it go there? You can read about this in the article.


This institution combines two formats: a gastro bar and a cafe-pastry shop. If there are no questions about the format of the "cafe-confectionery", it is quite clear what you can expect from it, then what is a gastrobar?

This is really quite new and unusual for the time being in the restaurant business. First of all it is a bar with a variety of delicious food. If to compare with a usual drinking institution, the difference lies in the menu. The bar is usually a small selection of dishes, limited to light and fairly monotonous snacks.

The idea to supplement the bar card with exquisite food first occurred to the owners of the establishment in the UK in 1990. Russia picked up the idea only in the mid-2000s. Since then, the gastro bars are slowly spreading throughout the country. "Drunk Eclair" is one of them.

However, the owners went even further. The drawback of the usual gastrobar is that the choice of desserts in it is extremely meager. Therefore, it was decided to add the format of the cafe-confectionery. As a result of this confusion, a virtually universal institution has emerged that will suit the taste of a wide variety of guests, including children.


There are two halls in the cafe. One is called the White Hall. Its situation is associated with the French Provence. A gentle, creamy shade of walls, floor and ceiling. As an ornament - numerous photographs in frames, lamps in the form of candlesticks with candles, tables with carved legs, and even a white bicycle with a wicker basket hanging on the wall. The furnishings are a little puppet, slightly candy, cozy, touching. Complementing the atmosphere is a soft, warm light.

The second room is called "Blue". The atmosphere is typical for a pub. Dark color of walls, wooden furniture, mirror wall, muffled light. As an ornament - portraits of the Beatles group, Vysotsky's plate. Stylish, strict, nothing superfluous. In this room fans like to gather, because here you can watch sports broadcasts.

Two halls - two different worlds, a contrast and a contradiction. Thanks to this, the café becomes a universal place for meetings of a variety of formats: for lunch with children or for a family dinner, for a business meeting at a business lunch, for a fun evening with friends or a romantic half-sister. Also here it's nice to look in order to have a cup of coffee and relax a bit.

The cafe also offers banquet service for any solemn event. They hold thematic holidays, periodically gather to play board games.

Food & Beverages

In the menu - dishes of European cuisine, French and Russian, author's. Juicy steaks with baked potatoes and young vegetables for garnish, dishes from fish and poultry, vegetables, light original snacks and a variety of salads. Dishes are distinguished by an exquisite serving and fine taste even in a business lunch. For example, a salad with chicken liver and black currant sauce. For those who adhere to vegetarianism, a separate menu is developed.

In the cafe - a large selection of desserts that get very high ratings from guests and good reviews. Especially noteworthy eclairs, which tastes like home.

In the bar chart - a wide variety of beers, strong alcohol and cocktails, there are also soft drinks, tea and coffee.

The price policy differs availability and democracy, which makes visiting the institution even more pleasant.

Cafe Drunk Eclair: address

The institution is located in the Meshchansky district (CAO) of Moscow. Address: Prospekt Mira, 6. This is the business center Meliora plaza. The cafe is on the first floor. The nearest metro station to the cafe "Drunk Eclair" is "Sukharevskaya". Phone: (495) 607-58-37.

For those who prefer to travel by car, there is parking near the building. Guests can use the Internet if necessary, as there is a free Wi-Fi in the establishment.

Visitors are expected here every day from eleven in the morning. On Fridays and Saturdays the café is open until six in the morning, on the remaining days it closes at midnight. Business lunches are served from 12.00.

Cafe Drunk Eclair: reviews

Visitors appreciate the establishment quite well. On the resource devoted to the collection of reviews, "Tripadvizor" is assessed at four points. Guests write that in the cafe "Drunk Eclair" a cozy atmosphere, it is especially good to spend time in the evenings in the company of friends. Very praised desserts, especially home eclairs, they say that they cook deliciously and diversely, there are plenty to choose from. Served quickly and efficiently, the atmosphere is relaxing and positive. Another advantage of the cafe is its location. Almost the very center, near the metro station, it is very convenient to get there. Do not forget to praise the affordable prices.

"Drunken eclair" - a cafe (Moscow is rich in such institutions), which will appeal to those who prefer a quiet and a little crowded atmosphere.

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