
Dracula's castle in Romania. Business on the Legend

It is not so rare to encounter a peculiar phenomenon, when people are interested in not real history, but their ideas about it. Even when it is impossible not to understand that this is nothing more than a legend. Dracula's castle in Romania annually receives many thousands of visitors. The wide masses of the tourist community, coming here from many countries and continents, studied this episode of Romanian history and in a holistic manner in Hollywood thrillers and the famous novel by Bram Stokker. But people want to see some semblance of well-known scenery to their favorite horror films. And Dracula's castle in Romania does not deceive their expectations. It fully corresponds to a pre-existing image of the public. And not everyone knows that the real owner of this castle, who wore the nickname Count Dracula, with his atrocities greatly surpasses all of his Hollywood images combined.

Dracula's castle in Romania and its inhabitants

The real ruler of Wallachia Vlad Tepes lived and performed state functions in this castle in the middle of the fifteenth century. In addition to the war against Turkey, he became famous for his fierce ferocity both to his enemies and his subjects. His name alone terrified the whole district. In addition to the maniacal, often completely meaningless cruelty, he possessed a peculiar satanic sense of humor and adored to amuse himself over his subjects, planting them on the stake for no apparent reason. Or nailed foreign ambassadors with nails to the head, for refusing to remove them from the head at an official state reception. But landing on the stake was his favorite type of execution and favorite entertainment. And his nickname - "Tsepe" - he got it because of this, it in translation means "landing on the stake." One can only imagine how Vlad Tepesh would have reacted to the fact that five hundred years later he will become a cult figure, and Dracula's castle in Romania is the official tourist attraction. Most likely, he would react to tour operators with his usual humor. But today life, destiny, deeds of this outstanding historical figure and legends around him have become a well-sold commodity in the tourist market. And the notions - Romania, the sights, the castle of Dracula - have long been lined up in a single semantic range. People willingly go, sometimes from the other end of the earth, to this beautifully preserved medieval castle in the mountains of Transylvania, on the walls of which, five hundred years ago, cola dangling decomposed corpses.

Romania, the castle of Dracula. Tours and excursions

The castle of Dracula, otherwise known as "Bran", is less than half a hundred kilometers from the ancient city of Brasov. It is through him that you should get there from the capital of the country, if you travel not as part of a tour group, but on your own. It separates it from the capital 160 kilometers. Worthy of attention is this very well-preserved medieval city with red tiled roofs and ancient streets and squares covered with ancient paving stones. From Brasov bus station, it is easy to get to the Bran stop. And any city taxi driver will take you to destination even faster.

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