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Does a man have eggs? What to do

If a man hurts eggs, what to do is the first question that comes to mind. The cause of this may be a trauma, including, not acute (for example, rubbed with tight trousers). If the pain does not pass within 35-45 minutes, you must attach a cold water bottle or a wrapped ice to the eggs. Only for a short while - frostbite is no better.

If the pain is unbearable, or the bruise is darkened, or the scrotum is swollen - it's urgent to the doctor!

The scrotum is red and swollen, the temperature is higher than the body temperature, testicles are hurting. The overall temperature is also increased. Most likely, you have started an inflammatory process - orchitis. Usually it occurs due to an infectious disease (usually viral), or after an injury. The disease lasts for several weeks.

Sore eggs. What to do? Treat any infection, monitor the condition of the body during and after the disease.

Sore eggs. What to do? Do not delay the treatment of a specialist: orchitis is the most common cause of male impotence and infertility. In addition, testicular disease often causes a drop in testosterone levels.

The egg is swollen, what should I do in this case? Pain, as a rule, no. The cause may be testicular cancer. It is observed in men, from the age of twenty.

Prophylaxis: regular examination of the scrotum from a specialist, and also in the shower and during urination, it is necessary to probe its contents. This procedure is recommended to be carried out once in six months.

If you have any doubts, visit the urologist immediately. It's better to be suspicious than to miss an illness that can kill you in one year.

An increase in the scrotum was found. In the testicle - puffiness with a painless, smooth surface. This is most likely a dropsy testicle. Such a disease is due to trauma. Prevention: avoid injuring the testicles.

Referring to a doctor and further surgery will remove this accumulation of fluid and prevent similar in the future. In rare cases, the scrotum can reach the size of a soccer ball.

Common causes of itching eggs

If you have not consulted a doctor, you can only guess about the causes of pruritus of the scrotum. In adolescence, when the process of puberty is in progress, the size of the testicles begins to increase, and then the pubic hair appears. The growth of hair in the groin area and can cause itchy eggs during adolescence. There is nothing dangerous in this. Eggs will cease to itch by themselves.

In adult men, itching in the testicles can occur due to allergies to clothing materials, tight pants, and underwear (you just need to replace it). If you violate hygiene, the eggs are very often scratched. Be sure to take a shower once a day, change often underwear. If you have frequent nervous stress, eggs and the entire body may begin to itch. In addition to ordinary moments, the scrotum can be itchy from severe skin diseases, urological diseases.

What to do if the eggs are itching? The cause of this itch may be pubic lice.

Lice are usually found on the pubic area in the hair, on the genitals and in the anus. Rarely do they appear on the abdomen and chest. Pubic lice are very easy to get infected from a partner during sexual intercourse. They move through the hair from one partner to another. But this is not the only way to get infected with pubic lice. Infects, you can through panties, bed linens, in saunas, in public baths, and swimming pools.

Treatment of pubic lice is simple. But he often accompanies with venereal diseases: chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea and others. If you think that these diseases are not related, then they are wrong. Still as are connected! Damaged by the pediculosis, the genital area is completely open to different infections, it is defenseless and easily passes them!

From the above, you can draw one conclusion - the eggs hurt, what to do - go to the doctor for advice. Do not self-medicate at all - this can only lead to irreversible consequences!

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