Self improvementPsychology

Disappointment in men: psychology. A loving man. Male infidelity

The relationship between a man and a woman is very ticklish. Not always love stories are like those that we see in numerous serials and melodramas. Any couple can come a period when passions subside and an understanding of the actual attitude to the partner arises. That's when a woman often has disappointment in men.

Understand the concept

Immediately warn that this feeling from the category of negative and unconstructive. Usually it causes unfulfilled expectations. Following the disappointment, there is pain and, as a rule, resentment, because a woman seems to have been deceived or even insulted. Although the second side of the coin is that she just idealized the man and expected more from his side. I expected that a loving man would regularly give flowers, as in a period of love. Waited for going to the restaurant as an indispensable component of family or just established relationships. But this is an idyllic picture that does not always coincide with real life. The result is the appearance of sadness, depression, sometimes irritation and aversion to a partner.

The main thing is to recognize this feeling and start fighting with it, otherwise a woman may face destruction from within and development of complexes.

All mans…

Women are emotional creatures. Rushing without looking back in a relationship, they can experience frustration in men. Why does this happen? The reason is primarily hidden in upbringing. It is important for parents to raise their daughters with good moms and mistresses. Therefore, having met with the beloved, the woman begins to dissolve in it, becoming for him the ideal in everything. At the sight of such a relationship, the beloved has nothing to do but become a lazy and passive observer. He begins to strive to where he is perceived as a real man. The woman does not have any other feelings - only disappointment.

Another type of character will characteristically negligent attitude to home affairs. By allowing them to love themselves, they are only interested in their own careers. In such relationships also comes disappointment, as a loving man also needs care and love. The exit for him can be a departure to another chosen one, who is not lazy to cook and monitor cleanliness and comfort. The same, from which they left, will once again come to the idea of male dishonesty.

Relationships are healthy and unhealthy

It's sad, but disappointment pushes a large number of couples to divorce. Adherents of Gestalt therapy consider the disappointment inevitable when the couple developed a healthy relationship. This is even one of the specific stages that each pair must overcome.

Most men and women are interested in building healthy relationships. This is when partners are able to constantly communicate and communicate with each other: to be aware of the life of another, his problems, to help in resolving this or that situation.

If there are unhealthy relationships, then one or both partners another person is perceived as an immutable given. They can not recognize changes in the life of another person. It's more correct to call such a life not a joint life, but a life next door. Little by little close people begin to distance themselves from each other. This scenario is formed by many couples.

The Dangers of Online Dating

With real life, we sorted it out. Only today the mass of acquaintances is not started on the street, in a cafe or cinema, but on the Internet. As a result, women are often caught on the bait ladies who are pursuing their own selfish goals. The result is predictable - disappointment in men. Hence, intending to dissolve in a new relationship, you should better know the new boyfriend. If there is a situation where a virtual friend urgently needs some money in debt, rip off such an acquaintance. Most likely, we are talking about the tricks of a common scam. If the new acquaintance really caused sympathy, you can continue to communicate with him in the usual setting. This will give a more accurate assessment of the elect.

So, we briefly listed why a woman is disappointed in a man. It is important to know how to cope with this feeling, because life continues.

Disappointed in the man: what to do

The first and basic condition will be that one can not become isolated in his inner world. We should not hide our own emotions about this, otherwise they will accumulate and only exacerbate the difficult situation. It's okay that there is a desire to cry. There are people whom each of us trusts. With them, and you need to talk about feelings and emotions. Drawing, dancing, hiking. List of hobbies in the fight against negative emotions can continue. The main thing is to move so that there is no time for sadness.

Are good at such moments of playing sports, walking in the fresh air, reading your favorite books. Communication with interesting people also allows you to quickly get rid of any negative feelings.

To avoid disappointment in a man (psychology Also did not pass around this topic without attention), you do not need to perceive the first elect chosen as a potential partner in life. Let it be an unobtrusive and non-binding communication.

One of the biggest mistakes that lead to disappointment in a man is an attempt to change it. Force it can not be done. After all, every adult person already has a developed character and habits.

Being in love, a woman is difficult to soberly assess the current situation. For this reason, if the behavior of a person begins to alarm, it is better to ask the advice of a loved one or a friend. Relationships will then please when they are constantly working and improving them. The main thing is to remember that a man is not the meaning of life, but only a part of life. And it is not necessary to immerse oneself in a relationship without rest, otherwise disappointment is inevitable.

The abuser for soap?

One should not categorically treat a man. After all, people do not fall into two categories: bad and good. All different. And the person who caused the offense, is only different from the image that formed in the female head. He has many good qualities, because it's not for nothing that a woman once fell in love with him.

Label loser - not for you

Important point: if a woman understands that she was disappointed in her beloved - this is not yet an occasion to live on with the label of a loser. In these situations, you can even, oddly enough, find a plus. This acquisition of excellent experience and knowledge, which will help in the future not make such mistakes. It takes time to heal the wounds of the soul. Especially because frustration in men Most often it is a deep wound. So you have to have patience. Everything will surely be adjusted and will go its own way.

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