Sports and FitnessBuild-up of muscle mass

Deltoid. Features of training.

Which of the men does not dream of an athletic figure? The image of an ideal man is always associated with broad shoulders. A beautiful shoulder girdle is formed with the help of deltoid muscles, which give this part of the body a manly look, make the shoulders wider, and the hands - more boldly. It is the shoulders and arms of the guys tend to pump up first, wanting to effectively look and attract the attention of the girls. Even those men to whom nature has not given a broad bone in the shoulders, can increase them by pumping deltoid muscles.

Its name deltoid muscle was obtained because of the triangular shape and similarity with the Greek letter "delta". With the participation of this muscle, we raise and lower the hand; We take the shoulder aside, forward, backward; Make turns with your shoulder. As is known, delta includes three muscle beams: anterior, middle and posterior.

Well-designed delta is not only aesthetics, but also prevention of shoulder injuries. The developed deltoid muscle protects the shoulder joint from injury and strengthens the ligament apparatus. Delta training is a laborious and lengthy process, which is due to the complex structure of this muscle. No exercise can fully load all the fibers of the deltoid muscle, therefore, to obtain a harmoniously developed shoulder, it is necessary to use a variety of different exercises that affect different beams.

Training deltoid muscles consists of basic exercises and isolated. Basic exercises work out simultaneously not one bundle of muscles, and isolated influence only on separate bundles and fibers. Basic exercises are more effective than isolators and should form the basis of training. Isolating exercises are included in the training as needed when the individual beams lag behind in development. 8-10 repetitions in one approach is the optimal amount for muscle building.

To perform exercises for deltoid muscles use a barbell, dumbbells or a special simulator.

Basic exercises.

One of the best exercises, thanks to which a powerful deltoid muscle of the shoulder is formed, is an army bench press, which also studies the triceps and the chest top. Performing a press with dumbbells or with a bar from the position, sitting or standing. Of great importance is the technique of performing the exercise. The army press is aimed at studying the front and middle beams of the delta. Standing or sitting to take the bar and hold it at the chest level, lift the bar up above your head, fully extend your arms in the elbows, without disturbing the balance. Return to the starting position.

Dilution of hands with dumbbells in the sides. Legs on the width of the shoulders, dumbbells in the lowered hands, palms directed to the hip, arms slightly bent at the elbows. Raise your hands through the sides up, at the shoulder level, the palms turn around and point forward at the top. Smoothly drop your hands down, do not bend at the elbows, watch out for dumbbells while moving your hands.

Arnold's wrestling is a basic exercise, in which the entire deltoid muscle of the shoulder is involved, but especially its anterior and lateral fascicle. Exercise is performed with dumbbells sitting on the bench with the backrest. The back should be firmly pressed to the back of the bench, the legs stand on the floor and the floor is bent by a 90 ° angle. In the initial position, the arms and dumbbells are at the level of the neck, the elbows with the trunk lie in one plane, the palms are directed to the trunk. Raise the dumbbells up until the arms are fully straightened, while the head does not fall, the chin is parallel to the floor, the sight is directed forward. At the top of the head start to expand the palms, so that at the highest point they are directed forward. In this situation, strain the deltas and gently lower your hands to the starting point.

Another basic exercise designed for the development of the middle beam is the pull to the chin. In the work included not only deltoid muscle, but also trapezoidal. Starting position standing, chest forward, back bend, barbell in lowered hands on hips, narrow grip on top. Stretch the deltoid and trapezius muscles, pull up the elbows, spread them to the sides, move the elbows, and not the ovens or forearms. At the highest point, the elbows should be raised above the shoulders, the upper parts of the arms form an angle of 30 ° with the horizontal. At the highest point, strain the deltas and trapezoid muscles as much as possible . Smoothly return to the starting position.

Isolating exercises.

For the front beam of the delta. For the development of the front head of the delta, barbell presses are carried out from behind the head, the straight arms raise with dumbbells forward.

For the back beam. The rear head of the delta is well developed by such exercises as the cultivation of hands with dumbbells in the sides, standing in a slope; Pull dumbbells out of the prone position on the bench.

Exercises for deltoid muscles can be trained on block devices, but working with a barbell and dumbbells gives more tangible results.

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