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Darsonval from cellulite: reviews, instruction

Every second woman faces such a nuisance? Like cellulite. In the struggle for a beautiful figure, many spend incredible amounts, resort to the help of plastic surgery, expensive salon procedures. Cellulite appears not only on the legs and hips, but also in the abdomen. "Orange peel" covers the skin not only full or women of age, but may appear in rather well-proportioned young people. How to deal with this disadvantage? Today we decided to dedicate the topic of the article to this particular problem, to consider the drug Darsonval from cellulite, reviews about it from women who experienced its effects.

The causes of the appearance of cellulite

Many do not even think about the reasons why an ugly "orange peel" appears on the skin. It is generally believed that the deposits are associated with overweight and lack of physical activity. This is true, but cellulite can appear for other reasons, and besides the unaesthetic appearance, it carries harm to the whole organism.

Only women are affected by this problem, like cellulite. It is in the female body that estrogen can bind metabolic products, and send for long-term storage to those zones called "cellulite." Thus, all slags and toxins from the body are not excreted, but "stuck" in the subcutaneous fat.

Cellulite appears during hormonal changes in the body, associated not only with a malfunction in the climacteric period, but also with pregnancy, childbirth. Also, the "orange peel" appears due to a sharp decline or an increase in physical activity, stressful situations.

In addition to psychological problems, cellulite also brings physical. Thus, the metabolic process is greatly slowed down, fat begins to be deposited. Toxins and slags negatively affect the body.

Methods of combating cellulite

In order to get rid of the acquired imperfection of the figure, it is worth trying hard. At the first manifestations of cellulite in the form of edemas, you should change your diet. Eating foods rich in protein, vitamins. Completely eliminate the use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco smoking.

Physical exercises will be necessary. If there is no possibility and time to visit the gym, then go for a morning run, walk more, climb the stairs without an elevator.

It does not hurt, and massage, it will help the fatty deposits to split more quickly, to leave the body.

That the result did not take long to wait, you can use the device Darsonval from cellulite. Feedback from professionals about him the most positive. It helps to improve the functioning of the circulatory and lymphatic systems, thereby speeding up the process of splitting fatty tissues.

The effectiveness of the apparatus

The procedure of Darsonval will be more effective if you start using the device from the first stage of cellulite, when there are swelling. There are only four stages of cellulite, and on each of them, Darsonval will be a huge advantage in fighting the disease.

Starting the application of the device from the first stage, you can avoid the appearance of an ugly "orange peel", and less time will be needed to combat the defect.

In the second and third stages of cellulite, Darsonval is able to shorten the time to get rid of ugly deposits several times, the skin will get an even relief, the fat layer will decrease.

If you had to resort to the help of Darsonval already at the time when cellulite was fully manifested, the result will be more difficult to achieve, but still it will be effective. Noticeably decrease the bumps of cellulite, the skin will become even, the fat layer is thinner. Over time, if the device is used consistently, the "orange peel" will surrender and disappear.

Creating the device

The history of the device begins in the late nineteenth century. The French physiologist Jacques Arseny Darsonval was engaged in studying the effect of small current strikes on the human body and was able to prove that the impulses are of great benefit. This scientist has revealed that alternating currents can become a real godsend for medicine, because they are able to trigger metabolic processes, heal the body.

Then the physiologist did not yet suspect that in the 21st century his invention would be used even in cosmetology, he would be called the Darsonval apparatus, and the effect on the human body was darsonvalization.

In the fight against what problems does the device help?

Darsonval is used not only to fight cellulite. Its beneficial effect is proven in both cosmetology and medicine. The device is aimed at improving blood circulation, which leads to its enrichment with oxygen. So the whole body benefits. In addition to enriching the blood with oxygen and getting rid of cellulite, Darsonval is able to:

  • To remove swelling, to break down venous stagnation, which is effective in the treatment of varicose veins;
  • Stretching cartilage and joints, the device is able to rid of sciatica;
  • Fights migraine, stabilizing the nervous system and anesthetizing;
  • Prevents hair loss, provoking the growth of hair follicles and their awakening;
  • Current kills bacteria and infections, which leads to a more rapid disposal of acne and acne;
  • Significantly smoothes the skin, including on the face, eliminating wrinkles;
  • Clears the body of accumulated toxins and toxins;
  • Tones the walls of blood vessels and veins;
  • Promotes cell regeneration;
  • Relieves spasms and pain.

The effect of Darsonval on cellulite

The device operates at a high current frequency, but with minimal force. Penetrating into the subcutaneous cover through the silicone nozzle, it affects the problem areas, improving the metabolism. Thus, fat deposits quickly split, are removed from the body, taking with them and all unnecessary substances in the form of toxins and toxins.

Many may consider that the procedure is painful, but it is not. Darsonval is able to relax and anesthetize the areas of the body where the effect occurs, to remove inflammation. It has a massage effect, and after the session, many observe a surge of energy, an improvement in the general state, mood.

Where can I take a darsonvalization course?

Darsonval is a medical device, quite compact, convenient and easy to use. At a time when it was just begun to be used in cosmetology, it was possible to take a course only in a clinic or an expensive beauty salon. A couple of years ago, the Darsonval procedure became more accessible and the device appeared on a free sale. Now every woman can independently get rid of cellulite. To buy Darsonval for home use is more profitable than to attend courses in the salon. Its cost will be justified in a few applications, and the result will please.

Darsonval from cellulite: how to apply at home?

To achieve the maximum result, it is worth observing some rules. With the initial stages of cellulite, the device is able to cope without additional funds, but at the last stage or with obesity, it is worthwhile, together with the apparatus, to use additional methods to combat imperfections. This can be exercise, diet, pills and creams for weight loss.

In order to apply Darsonval from cellulite on the legs, you need a nozzle in the shape of the letter "T". On each leg, you need ten minutes of continuous exposure, so make sure that you do not get distracted. For the necessary time, drive from the heel to the top with the Darsonval instrument. The cellulite nozzle should not touch the area under the knee, avoid contact.

After the procedure, relax a bit, have tea, relax. After a fifteen-minute rest, you can start processing other problem areas.

To use the device Darsonval from cellulite on the stomach, use a nozzle in the form of a fungus. Drive the appliance over the stomach, sides and buttocks so that the camomile "looms". This is done neatly, in a circular motion, you can press a little. After five minutes of exposure, rest again, and again get down to business. It will take 2-3 approaches, and after a few sessions you will notice the result!

In order to speed up the process, you can use creams for weight loss, essential oils. They are able to penetrate deeply under the skin, and together with the apparatus their action will intensify.

Tingling during procedure

It is worth noting that during the darsonvalization session a tingling sensation will necessarily appear. This is due to the effect of current. If the sensations are not strong, do not bring discomfort and seem pleasant, then continue the procedure. If there is a burning sensation or pain, then it will be necessary to reduce the force of impact. In no case do not suffer, the session should bring pleasure and relax, and not deliver pain.

Darsonval: benefit and harm

Undoubtedly, the device is useful for the body. We have already examined the operation of the device, learned about why it benefits, and to combat which diseases can be used Darsonval. Benefits and harm always coexist together, and even such a useful and harmless device will have contra-indications. In order not to damage your health, the device can not be used in such cases:

  • During pregnancy, it is not recommended to use this device in order not to endanger the health and life of the baby;
  • With poor blood coagulability, Darsonval can cause stagnation in the vessels;
  • If there is intolerance to electrical impulses;
  • With skin diseases and neoplasms;
  • With severe chronic diseases;
  • In alcoholic or narcotic intoxication, one should not use the apparatus;
  • With nervous and mental disorders it is better to avoid the use of Darsonval, since the current affects the nerve endings;
  • If there is irritation on the skin or with very sensitive skin, it is better to abandon this method of fighting cellulite.

Choose Darsonval

Before buying the device, you should know how to choose the right Darsonval. How to choose the price and which manufacturer to prefer - it's personal, but still give some examples. Initially, we will learn how to choose the right product so as not to become confused in the assortment and discard unsuitable ones immediately with a professional eye.

The main thing is not to be shy, and ask the seller to provide certificates of quality and compliance. If the device is not certified as a medical device, but as a massager, then immediately remove it to the side, the effect will not be positive.

Pay attention to the technical specifications - they are listed in the passport. Impulse voltage should be from 2 to 15 kV, so that you can fight not only with cellulite, but also with wrinkles on the face. The pulse strength should not be large, enough 0.2 mA, the frequency 110 (+/- 25) kHz.

Darsonval is produced in two forms: compact and stationary. The first is more acceptable for home use and is cheaper. The second type is perfect for cosmetologists. From the compact devices you can see acceptable for the price and excellent in quality "Ultratek SD199", "Carat De212", Gezatone BT 201S.

Positive comments

Darsonval from cellulite reviews on the web is in large numbers. There are both positive and negative. First, let's look at the good ones.

On the question of whether Darsonval helps with cellulite, most women responded that the effect was indeed noticeable.

They write that after a week of everyday use of the device it was possible to noticeably get prettier. Cellulite became less visible, the contours of the body more distinct, the fat layer became thinner.

There are records that Darsonval perfectly coped with his work, justified the money spent on it. They write that cellulite is completely gone, the figure has become perfect.

Many argue that they have not spared the money for additional attachments, and now they use the device with great convenience. Girls advise not to spare money and buy a device with different attachments, which are convenient to use to combat wrinkles, blackheads, other ailments.

They also note a pleasant massage effect, which initially relaxes, and after the procedure gives extra strength.

Negative feedback

To my great regret, Darsonval from the cellulite reviews has negative. Basically, the problem is associated with the wrong choice.

There are records that the device after several procedures failed, so the result did not have time to get. Such women write about the fact that it is necessary to demand a check and a guarantee in the store. By the way, many trade outlets do not give a guarantee, and this is illegal. The manufacturing plant is obliged to issue it, and, accordingly, the store. Owners of outlets often use ignorance of customers, and do not issue the obligations.

Some write that a positive result could not be achieved, since the device turned out to be substandard or counterfeit.

Let's sum up a little: in order to get the desired effect, it's worth taking seriously to buy. If cellulite is already quite mature, then one thing to fix it will be very difficult. Call a specialist, and he will prescribe a diet, exercise, slimming remedies. The launched cellulite form is easier to remove if the Darsonval device is used in conjunction with additional manipulations and treatments.

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