
Crafts from papier-mache. How to make a horse, ball, mask. Papier Masha with his own hands

Products from papier-mache are familiar to many from childhood. How often do babies become victims of "fake" fruits made of this material and carefully arranged in vases in dining rooms, hotels, boarding houses. It can be very difficult for parents to explain to their child that this beautiful apple is completely insipid and serves as a kind of decoration. And this is just one particular example of the use of such an accessible material.

How to make papier-mache with your own hands?

This material consists of glue (PVA, paste, wallpaper or other) and paper (absolutely any, from newspaper to toilet). And you can create home-made masterpieces from papier-mache in two ways. The first involves obtaining a homogeneous mass by crushing the paper and immersing it in the glue. The second is the pasting of the finished product (figurines, plates, cups, vases) with stripes of the newspaper (wallpaper, etc.) to further create a unique design. Both the first and second methods provide for the subsequent coating of the resulting object with paint. In most cases, acrylic is used, but there may be other options, for example, gouache.

The technology of making papier-mache

How to make a homogeneous mass of glue and paper, many remember from childhood (in Soviet art, and sometimes, and general schools taught this art). Paper (for example, a newspaper) should be broken into small pieces and filled with water. If possible, it is boiled for half an hour on low heat. Otherwise, leave to swell for an hour and a half. Then the mass is properly kneaded by the hands, trying to achieve maximum uniformity. It is advisable to use medical gloves made of fine rubber, since both the newspaper and the glue adversely affect the skin. The resulting pulp is squeezed. This can be done by hand or using a strainer. And then glue is gradually added to it, getting something that looks like a dough. As soon as the mass becomes obedient, it can be considered a ready-made raw material for papier-mâché.

How to fashion a bracelet or beads?

Having received the material, you can start creating the simplest product. Beginners who first encounter this technology are advised to start with something simple. It can be fur-tree toys made of papier-mâché (making the ball the easiest), a bracelet or beads. In all these cases, a ball of papier-mache of the required size first slides. Then, when a sufficient number of them are made, the through holes for the line are made with a needle and left to dry. The final, most interesting stage of the decoration is its coloring. Beads can be simply covered in one color, or with the help of a fine brush paint on them flowers, stars, some interesting ornament. Everything depends on the skill and imagination of the author. After the paint dries, they are strung on a fishing line and, depending on its length, you get beads or a bracelet made of papier-mache.

How to make a plate?

Usually, when making dishes, a different technology is used. Ingredients will need the same: glue, paper (newspaper and thin white, for example, tracing paper, about the same number), as well as paints, but you need to act in a different way. In addition, a ceramic plate will be needed, clothed with the same, made from the same papier-mache. How to do such things? Very simple. First, the newspaper is torn with small squares (2X2 or 3X3 cm). It is not recommended to use scissors, because uneven edges provide an inconspicuous border between the fragments. Then similarly come with white paper. In the saucer or other dishes pour glue, so that it was convenient to dunk the pieces. The plate must be greased with something greasy, so that it is easier to separate the finished product from it. And then on it stick a layer of newspaper pieces, dipping each of them in glue. Do this so that they fit snugly together, forming a uniform surface. Once the entire plate has been glued, white paper is applied on top of the same principle. Thus, alternating layers, they are applied from 8 to 10. After that, the plate should dry. As a rule, it takes about a day.

On a dried surface, another 4-5 layers of white paper are glued so that the newspaper through it is no longer visible. After another day, the ceramic plate is removed, and the finished product is pasted on the underside by several layers of white paper. After 24 hours, you can start painting, after which the craft is considered complete. If desired, the plate can be coated with a clear varnish, which will make it stronger, and the pattern is more resistant.

Masks made of papier-mache

There is another popular souvenir from this material. Masks are usually made from pieces of paper, but you can also mold them out of the previously prepared mass. Their manufacture is considered more complicated than the creation of beads or plates. So, to start work without having any experience is not worth it. If a mask is planned to be sculpted from papier-mache (how to make the substance itself, described above), then, in addition to it, there will be no need for anything else. In this case, you just need to give it the necessary form. To make this easier, you can use a dummy or apply papier-mache directly to someone's face, smeared with cream. The ready-made mask is dried and painted with acrylic paints at will. Particular attention should be paid to the holes for the eyes. If necessary, you can finally correct them with a clerical knife after drying.

If you plan to use pieces of paper, it is desirable to pre-form a base, for example from plasticine. It should be pasted with pieces of paper, like a plate. Remove the plasticine base better after the mask has dried. To use it for its intended purpose, and not just as a souvenir, small holes are made on both sides, in which you can later insert a tape or rubber band.

Figures from papier-mache

Such souvenir products are often found in specialized stores. But if you want, animal figures, mythical characters, dolls, flowers or fruits can be created independently. If it is a question of small souvenirs, then they are usually molded from paper-glue mass. In the case of larger objects, a layout is preliminarily made, which is covered on top with pieces of paper. Particularly popular for the Christmas holidays are animal figures on the symbol of the coming year. It's a dragon, a snake or a papier-mache horse. Undoubtedly, to create such a creation, you need both talent and certain skills. After all, these are not simple balls or plates. But sometimes one desire is enough to build a funny (albeit not very similar to this) animal and give it to a loved one. To make it more stable and sturdy, you can first make a wire frame. And then stick it with paper pulp and decorate it.

How to store papier-mache products?

It is common knowledge that paper is a capricious material. It is easily destroyed by the action of moisture, can change its properties from high or low temperature and direct sunlight, it is easily ignited. Knowing how to make papier-mache (from paper slices or prepared mixed with glue mass), one should understand how to store products properly. Undoubtedly, the glue itself, and the paints, and all kinds of skeletons used in the work, make it somewhat stronger. But, papier-mache, like ordinary paper, is afraid of dampness. Therefore, store the products only in a dry place. In this case, it is desirable not to allow ultra-low and too high temperatures and open fire nearby. With proper storage of figurines, dishes and other figures can please the owner for many years.

How to make the material more durable?

Professionals who make figurines for sale try to make them as strong and resistant to external factors. For this purpose, a rigid frame of wire or other material is preliminarily created. You can also add a bit of cement or gypsum to the mass. As a result, it will not be quite papier-mache, but rather strong and easy to use material. But you just have to work with him in gloves.

The use of technology for children's creativity

Preschoolers and older children are very fond of doing something with their hands. It develops creative abilities and develops the motor skills of the fingers. Typically, as a material used clay or clay. But papier-mache is not worse. After all, this is absolutely natural safe material (especially if it is made on the basis of paste), with which children of any age will work with pleasure. Of course, the mass itself is best prepared for someone from adults. But you can mold it all together: from the smallest to the senior pupils.

A few tips for beginners

Those who have never worked in this technique, but want to try themselves in this direction, it is necessary to understand some of the nuances. First, regarding materials. The paper from which papier-mache is made can be any, but it is highly desirable that it soak well. Glue is best used natural (paste or PVA), so that the mass itself and the product from it are not toxic. Cover the finished product is best acrylic paints, because they are the most durable. If it is a question of children's creativity, it is better to take gouache. In order for a figure or another structure to be stronger, a wire frame should be used. Gouache on the surface I fix with a varnish.

And you should never get upset if the first time you do not get complicated figures. It is better to start with something simpler, and eventually everything will come out of experience: dolls, animals, and other figures.

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