
Corn silk. Application and contraindications

The widespread distribution of corn, its cultivation, use in cooking and traditional medicine proves its complete universality. Almost all parts of this plant are used for treatment. These are grains, flour, as well as bundles of cobs, called corn stigmas.

This cereal has a large number of useful for the normal functioning of the human body of minerals, carbohydrates and vitamins. Alkaloids, vitamins C, K, E, groups B and P, carotene, resins, as well as fatty and essential oils complete the list of nutrients. It is thanks to their content that the unique medicinal value of this plant is provided.

Corn stigmas are long fibers protruding from the upper part of the cob. They are the most valuable and most commonly used in medicine parts of corn. From them make broths and tinctures. Corn stigmas should be consumed within a year after collection, because most of the nutrients to the next crop are destroyed.

If you decide to prepare corn stigmas yourself, then the best period for harvesting is the one when the cob gets a golden-wax maturity. You can also buy stigmas in pharmacies in your city. When buying, be sure to take a moment of attention and ask about the expiration date.

An excellent source of selenium is also corn stigmas. Their use helps to smooth out the negative effects of fatty, fried foods and alcoholic beverages on the human body. In addition, they also inhibit the processes in the intestines, responsible for fermentation and decay. With enterocolitis, decoctions are included in the patient's diet, and recovery is much faster.

Corn stigmas with long-term use help dissolve and remove stones from the kidneys. They are also strongly recommended for taking with such diseases as: hepatitis, cholecystitis. The course of therapy for 1 month will provide you with excellent health and normalization of kidney and liver function . True, it is not necessary to rely on traditional medicine without consulting a doctor. It is strongly recommended that you undergo a checkup and get medical advice before taking even such a harmless remedy as corn stigmas. Its use will help you and with the removal of excess fluid from the body, especially if this process is associated with a violation of kidney or heart function.

Applying infusions and decoctions from corn stigmas systematically, weight and pain from the liver region are eliminated, patients get rid of nausea and vomitive reflexes. It should be noted that after the treatment, which takes about a month or so, the effect lasts a fairly long time. Stigmas can also be used as a mild sedative.

Although corn can not be called a product of dietary nutrition, it should be noted that corn stigmas do not count. They help to significantly reduce appetite, balance the sugar content in the blood and reduce the need for sweets. Consider the positive aspects of a corn diet:

  1. Allows you to almost completely abandon the sweet;
  2. Due to its properties displays an unnecessary liquid, in connection with which disappear edema and cellulite;
  3. Is a rich source of vitamins B and P.

Consider another side of the drug called corn stigmas. Contraindications to their use are due to the following reasons:

  1. Frequent removal of fluid from the body can trigger cystitis;
  2. The K and Mg needed by the heart are output (it must be filled with asparcam and panangin);

This should be taken into account and it is necessary to consult with the doctor before the application, because they have corn stigmas and contraindications. In no case should they be used for people with high blood coagulability or for those who suffer from reduced appetite.

To prepare a curative infusion, we will need corn stigmas - 100 grams and 500 ml of water. We boil the stigma with boiling water, wrap it with a towel, let it brew for 2 hours. After that, we filter and use half a cup before each meal.

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