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Composition on Levitan's painting "Birch Grove" - "life without beginning and end"

Isaak Levitan was born in the west of Russia in a poor Jewish family. Later parents transported the children to Moscow and the talented boy was given the opportunity to study painting. His teachers were Polenov and Savrasov.


To write an essay on the picture of Levitan "Birch Grove", we must briefly get acquainted with his biography. Already in the school showed his inclinations of the landscape painter. He carefully studies and sketches the tree bark of various trees, various forms of leaves of trees, grasses and flowers. Especially a lot of time he devotes to studying green, especially difficult for artists. But Levitan mastered him masterly. With his paintings, the green color looks like joy and spring, like happiness and love. Different trees belong to different shades of greenery - all this was later realized by the artist in his works. Trees and grasses in his "breathe", vibrate, live a full life, to which the artist himself loves, and after him the spectator. All these details must be known in order to comprehensively write an essay on Levitan's painting "Birch Grove".

The cosmic connections of the human soul and nature manifest themselves in the foundations of our language. Images of light, transparent, pure, fresh, soft, clear are contrasted with rigidity, cold, darkness and darkness. We involuntarily transfer our human traits to nature. The person carries on it both thoughtfulness, and grief, and joy. All these moments should be reflected when writing an essay on Levitan's painting "Birch Grove".


In Chekhov in Babkino, Levitan in 1885 began to write "Birch Grove". The corner of the grove is permeated with sunlight. In these young birches everything shines. Nature is experiencing morning vivacity. This is transmitted with great skill on the canvas and returns to the viewer. Young young birches allow you to touch the energy of a young life. The composition of Levitan's painting "Birch Grove" will help to look closely into the forest glade.

Already an experienced and skillful artist in this work uses everything that has been gained by experience: texture, glare of sunlight on the trunks and on the grass. The spectator sees how the green color changes in the leaves and grass. They are truly virtuosic. In the grass occasionally can be seen blue flowers. Levitan looks at the painting, smiling, and this smile returns to everyone who stops in front of her. Soaking up the sunlight, young birches live their own lives. But, giving it back, they are also happy. A stream of sunlight filled them, and everything around him smiles and is spiritually close to the artist. All this will reflect the composition. Description of the picture "Birch Grove" (Levitan) shows how harmoniously in plants everything is subordinated to cosmic laws: growth, movement upward, to streams of sunlight.

Imaginary simplicity

The artist finished his work on the Volga, on Plyos. The picture gives the impression of uncomplicated simplicity. But in fact it is its reflection - a simple and complex person at the same time. It reflects life with its harmonies and proportions, disharmonies and disproportions. In the work completed on the Volga, all the living human feelings that were laid in the very beginning of the work in the atmosphere of the Chekhov house with its joy, jokes, rallies are preserved. To see the light beauty of the earth is called the picture of Levitan. It shows the beauty of human life. Heartiness and joy - so, perhaps, you can determine the main idea of the picture. On this, you can finish the composition on the painting by Isaak Levitan "Birch Grove".

The final

The artist worked twenty years and created more than all the landscape painters of his time. Contemporaries, he was struck by the elegant appearance and face of an intelligent thin man, in whose eyes the soul shines.

Heavy fever with typhus, Levitan so from it and did not recover and three years later died. He knew that the end was near, and he worked with increasing intensity. His paintings lead to a great wonderful world.

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