
Cold calls - what is it and how to use this tool competently?

Marketing is omnipresent. Wherever we go, no matter what we do, we are both consumers and sellers. Along with advertising there are active ways of promoting goods and services, for example, cold calls. What is this and how to use this tool in marketing?

Phones have become everyday. As a rule, the numbers of persons making important decisions in a particular company are generally available. It is enough to look through catalogs of firms or independently make the list of potential counterparts. The first way to contact the customer is to make cold calls. What it is? Telephone consultants dial the number of the potential client. The conversation script should be carefully designed and thought out. After all, only 1-2 percent of potential buyers of your service or product express interest at once. To identify different categories of customers help cold calls. What are these groups and how do consultants classify potential buyers?

If one or two percent respond immediately and are ready to purchase a service or product, the remaining 98 percent of customers can be divided into negative, doubting and inclined to purchase. Make the first call to a potential buyer is not easy. The seller is a telephone worker, the consultant is usually very tense. Meanwhile, the first impression and phrases depends on how successful cold calls will turn out to be. What is it, how not advertising, but also quite aggressive? Nevertheless, a skilfully built conversation will help to determine how much the customer is potentially interested in the service. As we have already said, very few people are ready to immediately pay for your proposal. However, if the client list is not made arbitrarily, but thoughtfully, among the interlocutors you are calling, there are certainly those who thought about purchasing your product or service.

It is advisable in these cases to present not just an offer, but its differences from competitors. For example, your company is engaged in the manufacture of sites. Perhaps the client has already tried to solve this problem on his own and faced a number of difficulties. Therefore, he is ready to talk about how you will help him, but he is not going to immediately order your service. If the site already has a client, you can suggest its improvement or promotion. Therefore, the technology of cold calls will help to weed out those who are completely uninterested or unwilling to communicate in this form and choose those who are ready to continue the conversation.

The next stage will be the so-called warm ringing. Potential clients need to give time to think, formulate questions and wishes. Cold calls, which templates should be thought out for each particular stock, product - this is the first acquaintance and a brief self-presentation. If the consultant can not contact the person responsible for making decisions in the company, it is best to assign a different time (for example, through the secretary). From the moment you left the message or submitted a proposal, the relationship with the potential client begins. He already knows who will call him and roughly represents what will be discussed.

One of the common mistakes is an obsessive calling for short periods of time. Why? Because customers very quickly realize that the seller, without receiving a response, acts further automatically. And none of us want to be perceived simply as an object, as a machine. Sellers should know that even the first call must be coordinated with a specific customer. It is necessary to find out to whom you can contact with the proposal, in which day and at what time it is better to call.

The next attempt to contact should be carefully planned. In other words, the seller needs to know when to call is appropriate when the customer can devote time to talking. The best solution can be to remind yourself once every two weeks for at least two months. You can add calls and email.

It is necessary to learn how to correctly and clearly present yourself. Telephone consultants often "swallow" with a quick patter this introductory part of the conversation, as a result the client does not immediately orientate with whom he is talking and why. It is also advisable to explain where your phone number comes from to avoid a negative reaction. The activity of the seller-consultant is aimed at creating a situation in which the potential buyer will be comfortable. The goal is to build a long-term relationship, and not just sell the product in a fast way.

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