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Caution! The tree is poisonous

In the works of A.S. Pushkin often refers to the "tree of death" - anchar. Many of us considered it a figment of the poet's imagination, but it turns out that it exists in reality. It was the Anchar that inspired the poet to create a poem of the same name, although there are other trees that are dangerous for living creatures, one of them is considered the most poisonous in the world.

The most dangerous

Mancinella is very similar to apple tree. Therefore, its name Manchineel (manchinel) is consonant with the Spanish word "apple". The full name in this language sounds like Manzanilla de la muerte - the "apple of death". Does not he mention A.S. Pushkin in his "Tale of a dead princess and seven heroes"? Apparently, he knew about the Anchar, and could "apply" the fruit of Manciniella in another of his works.

Mancinella is a tall plant with elongated green leaves and yellowish veins. The fruit is the same color, but with a reddish tinge. It refers to the Molochaev family. This plant is self-pollinated. In the rainy season, it forms both male and female flowers. Best mancinella (poisonous tree) blooms in March. Although it can do this all year round. From the flowers are formed ovaries, from which grow round fruits with brown seeds inside. In diameter they reach 4 centimeters. But the appearance and aroma of these "apples" is very attractive. But everyone who tried them, was expecting death. It often happened with people who first found themselves in those places and did not know that the tree was poisonous. Often its victims were pirates, sailors, conquistadors. Animals do not approach this plant, although there are species of crabs that eat its fruits and feel good afterwards.

There are others

Anchor poisonous belongs to the family of the Tutovs, but a tropical ficus is close to it. In height it reaches 40 meters. The tree is evergreen, has oblong leaves and rounded greenish fruits. It grows on the islands of the Malay Archipelago. Most of all on about. Java. It turns out that it is not as poisonous as AS Pushkin describes. Only his milky juice is dangerous. Touching it is completely safe. In India, even his relatives grow up, which is completely harmless. Although the natives used its juice to lubricate arrows.

In addition to these exotic trees in our country grow no less dangerous plants. One of them is oleander. The poison of this shrub is used in medicine for the treatment of heart diseases. If you do not touch it, it does no harm. Sometimes it is kept as a houseplant. The broom is dangerous when eating its fruits. He grows in Western Siberia. The white acacia is poisonous to the bark and fruits. But the flowers can be eaten. Of these, even prepare liquors and use in medicine. Dangerous are yew and boxwood. Do not tear off their branches, try the berries, then everything will be fine. They are even bred for decorative purposes. But Mancinella is dangerous in any case. It is better not to approach this tree at all.

Why is it so dangerous?

If traveling in Florida or visiting the Bahamas and the Caribbean, Mexico, the Antilles, Colombia or the Galapagos Islands, you will see a mancinella tied with a red ribbon, near which there is a sign with a warning inscription, you can rest assured - the tree is poisonous. It's terrible to imagine what happens to those who do not pay attention to this warning. After all, Hippomane mancinella is poisonous to all its parts, thanks to the contained in them milky juice. You can not only eat fruits, but also touch branches, trunk, leaves. Thick juice not only leads to perforation, getting into the stomach, which means death, but also causes burns with the appearance of blisters after contact with the skin. If they accidentally splashed in the eyes, then he would burn them out and the sight would completely disappear. Evidence that the tree is poisonous is that its juice burns even a thin tissue.

It is better not to touch

But not only juice can harm a person. Even burning at the stake, this plant exudes irritating lungs, corroding eyes, causing a headache of smoke. Yes, and dew or raindrops, flowing down on it, are poisoned and bring death. Researchers know of cases when a person found his death, just sleeping under this tree, from which dripping drops of dew. Therefore, it is better not to rush to touch unfamiliar plants, much less have them. People who accidentally tried Mancinella and survived, because the portion of the fruit was very small, tell us about their not very pleasant feelings. They note that the fruits are really sweet. It is difficult to understand why nature tried to make tasty something that is inedible. Having swallowed a piece of fruit, a person immediately understands that the tree is poisonous. It's not for nothing that his larynx starts to burn, tears flow and the swallowing reflex disappears. In the future, the pain is very strong and lasts for several hours.

How to use this tree

In the Lesser Antilles, the aborigines used mancinella juice to imbue them with arrowheads. Such weapons led to a long and painful death of a man. It is known that the person sentenced to execution in the Caribbean islands was tied to the trunk of the Mancinella, and after a while he died in suffering. The wood of this plant is valuable. On the cut, it has a beautiful pattern with dark veins. To use it in work, you need to achieve complete dehydration of wood. Of course, a person struggles with these trees. Nowadays, everything is done to prevent this plant from harming living beings. Around the populated areas, it is destroyed by an exhausted method, which makes it possible to avoid contact with it. To start with the help of fires, diluted around the tree, drain it. Then gently roll and saw. Wood is burned, and its useful parts go for industrial needs. In food use honey, extracted from flowers mancinella. It is considered a delicacy and not poisonous. Of course, if they wanted to, the Mancinella would be completely destroyed. After all, we constantly hear about the threat that the planet permanently deforests. And here so many years struggle with this "weed", and all remains as before. But is it really diligently destroyed? It turns out that no. It is even specially planted near the beaches to strengthen the sandy soil. This is greatly promoted by his tenacious roots.

Mancinella is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most poisonous plant in the world. And in Florida is already on the list of endangered species. Who will be upset by the fact that on Earth will be one less danger? Probably, only scientists for whom Muncinella is of scientific interest. With other kinds of poisonous trees a person can quite live in the neighborhood. Even an poisoned poison anchor is not so terrible for a person. The main thing is to follow the general safety rules. Then it will be possible to preserve the health of people, and such rare plants as, for example, boxwood, whose age can reach 500 years.

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