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Bophosphate powders: reviews. Russian besfosfatny powder

All modern washing powders can be divided into two main groups: conventional and non-phosphate. The latter species is considered much safer for health. Russian companies began to issue similar funds quite recently. And that's why many housewives have a question about the quality of Russian non-phosphate powders and whether it is worth buying them. Reviews about this type of funds are different.

What is a phosphate-free powder

The composition of household chemicals designed for washing clothes can include a variety of substances. Most of them are injected into powder to improve the quality of washing. Related to such elements and cheap phosphates. Substances of this group soften water, as a result of which the powder is better foaming, and therefore better removes impurities. However, studies conducted in the last century have revealed the fact that phosphates can have a very negative effect on the human body. These substances disrupt the acid-base balance of the skin, degrease it and can cause allergies. In addition, the phosphates are also poorly rinsed out of the laundry.

Russian Marks

As you can see, phosphates - substances are really very harmful. Therefore, in Europe, the production and sale of detergents containing them is prohibited. You can not see besfosfatnye powders in America. However, in the US it is still permitted to sell funds with phosphonates. These substances also significantly improve the working properties of powders, but are less harmful to health. In Russia, the release and sale of such funds, unfortunately, is still not banned. Most of the shops on the shelves of stores contain phosphates.

Firms that produce harmless funds, in our country there are not so many, but still they are. Most often on the shelves you can see besfosfatnye powders brands "Chistown" and "Dakos". Also the means intended for washing children's things are sold: "Alenka", "Aistenok" and "Our Mother".

Next, let's see what kind of housewives have reviews about the tools of these manufacturers.

Powder "Chistown": consumer opinion

The means of this brand, designed for washing, are produced by LLC "Eurasian soap-making company". In the opinion of housewives, the things "Chistown" without phosphite powders are washed off well. To their advantages, first of all, include the possibility of using any hardness in water without loss of quality. Less is the need for a long rinse. Judging by the composition, the powders "Chistown" are practically the same soap, but crushed to small particles. Even the manufacturer himself recommends that the product be poured into the machine not through the tray, but directly into the drum. Therefore, according to many housewives, "Chistown" - a tool more suitable for hand washing. At the same time, most people advise not to put too much powder in the water. Otherwise rinse out things later will really be difficult.

Reviews about the powder "Dakos"

According to housewives, the means of this manufacturer are good only, in fact, its harmlessness. Use them, they recommend only for washing not too contaminated things. Almost all non-phosphate powders wash laundry worse than normal ones. "Dakos" in this respect "surpassed" many other brands. In order to remedy the situation, some housewives advise you to add the "Dakotron" remedy (in small amounts) to the powders of this manufacturer when washing. The latter also does not contain phosphate and is intended specifically for water softening.

Powders "Our Mother": reviews

This agent contains neither phosphates nor phosphonates. Therefore, it can be used to remove contaminants from things from the first day of a child's life. According to most housewives, a good quality of washing is what distinguishes this besfosfatny powder. Reviews about it are positive, but some note certain shortcomings of this tool. So, for example, the "Our Mama" remedy is very poorly soluble in water. In addition, it does not have a pleasant smell. Therefore, most mothers advise using it only for washing things of a very young child. Further to it it is possible to begin to add gradually a usual children's powder. Make the remedy "Our Mother" simply from the soap "Extra".

The Aistenok

According to most mothers, this is actually a good besfosfatny powder, one of the best in the domestic market. "Aistenok" is absolutely harmless, it gives a lot of foam and it perfectly wipes out even the dirty laundry. Some housewives note only the fact that if there are any stubborn stains on things (for example, from juice), they have to be stretched 2-3 times. The pluses of this powder include the complete absence of odor. Make this remedy also from ordinary household soap.

Reviews about means of "Alenka"

Besphosphate powder for children of this brand is produced not in Russia, but in Ukraine. But, like domestic, these funds are much cheaper than European ones of the same group. The main advantages of "Alenka" housewives include the absence of any smell and the possibility of using the smallest children for washing clothes. Use this brand of product can be for both manual and machine wash. Take to the pluses of powder "Alenka" housewives and its economy. In order to properly wash children's little things, it needs very little. In this case, the composition of the powder includes, according to the manufacturer, only natural components. In any case, judging by the numerous reviews, the Alenka remedy does not really cause allergies in children.

With regard to the quality of washing, then in this respect, this powder does not cause any powder in young mothers. The only drawback of the means is that only on sale it can be met infrequently even in Ukraine, not to mention Russia.

Foreign powders

As you can see, all means of domestic production are of good quality. However, almost any Russian besfosfatny powder is, in fact, the usual plucked soap, economic or child. And what about foreign analogs? What are the specific components of the European powders of this group? At the moment, from the universal most popular among domestic housewives are the means of brands "Amway", Sodasan and Klar. As for "Amway", then, judging by the reviews, this is a usual powder, the soap is not at all similar. Instead of phosphates, it contains less harmful phosphonates.

Sodasan is also a good besfosfatnye powders for washing, which include only natural ingredients. Many people think that the powder of this brand is bettered than the "Amway" (at almost the same cost). The only - quite contradictory reviews are available about the smell of this powder. Some people find it pleasant, others do not.

Klar is also a pretty good powder. Many housewives use it for washing colored underwear. Instead of phosphates, Klar powder contains relatively harmless zeolites.

Thus, funds without phosphates, both domestic and imported, according to housewives, cope with their task in most cases is not bad. And since they do not have practically any harmful effect on the body, it is definitely worthwhile to buy at least a pack of such a powder for testing.

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