
Azalea indica: home care

The house plant of the azalea indica is rather capricious, although surprisingly charming. Many beginning flower growers do not dare to grow it because of difficulties in care. In fact, knowing about the features of the plant, the demands it makes on soil, watering, temperature regime, it is possible to achieve that azalea will please its flowering during the entire winter period.


Rhododendron is the second name of the plant. The birthplace of this amazing flower is India, Japan, China. The first mention of azalea dates back to the IV century BC. Greek warriors in the conquest of Colchis after the battle on one of the apiaries tasted honey, resulting in a certain time lost consciousness. As it turned out, the bees collected nectar from the wild rhododendron, the descendant of which is modern azalea.

In Europe, this honey-colored flower was first recognized in the beginning of the XIX century. The plant quickly gained popularity, many clubs were formed, engaged in breeding azalea. In Russia, the flower was delivered as a presentation to the royal family and at first was kept only in the court greenhouses. Gradually the cultivation of azaleas began to be practiced outside the palace.


The height of the plant does not exceed 50 cm. The flowers are medium in size - up to 3.5 cm in diameter. The petals have a white, red, pink color, sometimes they are spotted. Can be both with terry, and with even edges. Small dark green leaves are almost invisible due to inflorescence. The superficial root system is tender enough, the transplantation requires the most careful attitude. Almost the whole winter the plant is pleased with surprisingly beautiful flowers decorating the windowsill.

No less luxurious looks and azalea indica, by which no one can pass indifferently.

Choose a place

Overseas guest prefers a large amount of sunlight. However, it should not be very bright, better scattered. Putting, the flower pot on the southern window, it is recommended to fence it with a thin translucent curtain.

But the heat of the azalea indicator is bad. Therefore, keep it away from heating appliances. If this is not possible, it is necessary to install a protective shield in the form of a foil sheet, which protects from warm air coming from the radiator.

In winter, when the sill becomes too cold, a sheet of foam is put under the pot.

Temperature conditions

For the cultivation of azalea, this parameter is particularly important. The plant prefers coolness. The most comfortable temperature for him is from 10 to 15 ° C. It is more difficult to observe such a regime in the summer. Many planters Azalea Indica at this time exposed to fresh air in a shaded place. Others drop the pot into the ground. At the same time, a nylon stocking is pulled on it, designed to protect against the penetration of insect pests through drainage holes.

An important period is the laying of buds. To ensure that they are fully formed and in large numbers, the plant needs an even lower temperature. In the autumn, before the onset of frost, you can leave the flower in an unheated room or on a loggia. In order to lower the temperature, the pots are covered with pieces of ice. Spray periodically the plant with cold water. Sometimes a pot with it is placed even in the refrigerator, which helps to quickly restore the weakened plant. Before the beginning of flowering, the temperature is raised to 12-15 ° C.

Watering and Moisture

For the successful cultivation of a plant such as azalea indica, home care involves maintaining the appropriate soil moisture. This is one of the reasons why a flower is considered capricious and demanding. It is equally inadmissible both excessive watering and drying of the substrate. Azalea reacts to errors in care by dropping foliage and flowers. Roots, filled with water in excess, begin to die, and the plant dies. The earth coma should be moistened in moderation. It should not be allowed to overflow, when water flows off through the drainage, as well as the drying of the upper soil layer.

Water for irrigation should be used soft. To do this, you can add a little lemon juice or apple cider vinegar - about 10 drops per liter. The best option is thawed snow or rain water, in which there is no chlorine and other heavy impurities. Watering is performed twice a day on hot days and less often - in the cool. It is recommended to alternate the upper one with the lower one when the pallet is used.

Another important condition, how to care for the azalea indicator - to ensure air humidity. It should be maintained at a sufficiently high level. To this end, it is necessary to carry out regular spraying - several times a week. Water is needed thawed or distilled. When carrying out the procedure, it is recommended to cover the flowers with the palm of your hand, in order to prevent drops from falling on them. Otherwise, gentle petals may lose their beauty. Pulverizer should be selected so that the drops are as small as possible. Otherwise, the leaves may become stained.

In addition to spraying, there are many ways to moisten the air for the plant. In a wide and deep tray poured pebbles, expanded clay, lay pieces of moss. On the top layer install a pot and pour water. It must be ensured that it is always in the pan. In doing so, the bottom of the pot should not touch the water, settling on damp moss and expanded clay.

How to transplant azalea

Quite delicate matter is the transplantation of a capricious beauty. It differs significantly from the procedure performed with other indoor plants. The roots of the azalea contain a unique microflora: it is worth breaking it, and the flower will die. Earth clod together with the plant is immersed in water, leaving it for some time in it for soaking. Change it 2-3 times until there is about a third of the land left. Water should be used soft and durable. As a result of the procedure, the space for a fresh substrate is freed and the necessary microflora is retained. Soil is better to buy a ready-made, specially designed for this plant. It has the right amount of organic substances, has a suitable acidity and water permeability.

A pot is picked up wide, greater depth is not required, since the root system of azalea is superficial. It is necessary to lay a layer of drainage on the bottom. It must be ensured that the root neck remains on the surface.

Until the plant reaches the age of three, the transplant is performed annually, then every 2-3 years. Signs indicating the need to change the "habitation" for the flower is the appearance of moss on the surface of the substrate or dense entanglement of the roots of the earth coma.


The process of fertilizer application for a plant such as azalea indicator is rather specific. Care at home requires you to make fertilizing in the process of each watering. Special complex fertilizers are used for azaleas. They begin to be introduced 3 weeks after the purchase of the plant in the store.

It is recommended to carry out classical top dressing during the period of growth, formation of kidneys. The plant needs mineral fertilizers. Superphosphate is bred at the rate of half a tablespoon per 10 liters of water and is applied to the moistened soil.

In summer, when the flower is experiencing a resting phase, fertilization is stopped.


Azalea indica multiplies in three ways: seeds, cuttings and layers. The first method is rather complicated and is the prerogative of specialists. With the help of other methods, you can get new flowering plants in 2 years.

For propagation by cuttings it is necessary to cut down lignified last year's shoots. Young for planting is not suitable. Using a pruning shear cut a length of up to 10 cm at an acute angle. After removing the lower leaves, it is placed in a growth stimulant for a period of 8 hours. Plant the cuttings in a small container with a pre-prepared substrate, which consists of peat, coconut fiber and perlite. After planting, young plants should be watered properly. A year later the seedlings are ready to be transplanted into separate pots, and after another as many will be pleased with their blooming appearance. Cuttings are cut only from healthy plants, not more often than once a year.

Reproduction of azaleas by the shoots is even easier. Choose the strongest of all, bends close to the surface of the soil and is pressed with a conventional hairpin. Soil in this place should be sprinkled and wait for rooting. Within 2 months the process will be ready for transplantation into a separate pot. To the bushes grew lush, the tip of the flower should be pinched.

Diseases and pests

Only knowing how to care for azalea indicator mix, and having shown a little diligence, you can get a beautiful plant that can become a decoration of the home. When there is a violation of technologies related to care, problems begin to arise.

Yellowing and drying of leaves is the result of exposure to direct sunlight.

Falling foliage and flowers is associated with a lack of moisture. A plant for restoration needs abundant watering.

With excess moisture, the leaves fade and turn yellow, the shoots begin to dry. The flower in this case needs a transplant to another pot.

When growing a plant azalea indicator care for her includes and the fight against insect pests. Of these, the most dangerous is the spider mite. Its appearance is also associated with mistakes in the care of the plant. Spraying with a soap solution or fungicide will help to get rid of the pest. No less dangerous is the strawberry tick, which penetrates into the plant. Shoots, inflorescences as a result of its invasion become formless, the kidneys become smaller. Save the flower can only special fungicides.

Azalea indica, the photo of which is presented in this article, possesses extraordinary energy, helping tenants to relieve nervous tension, restore strength.

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