Spiritual developmentAstrology

Aquarius: the patron saint by date of birth

What is Aquarius famous for? The planet-protector which this zodiacal sign has? These and other questions will be answered in the article. It is known that Aquarius is patronized by Saturn and Uranus. Initially, the all-powerful Saturn was considered to be the intercessor of Aquarius. Uranium was discovered recently - in the XVIII century. The combination of energies of these planets is bright and very strong. Saturn is a planet of sadness, and Uranus is a planet of actions, scientists and researchers, a dream about tomorrow.


How does the patron planet affect Aquarius? It is known that when encountering something new, revolutionary or radical, Aquarians are completely immersed in these ideas. The greatest value of Aquarius is their ability to innovate and think creatively.

The planets Saturn and Uranus give Aquarius mental superiority over others, and even a zeal for incessant comprehension. The nature that these worlds command, is distinguished by its impressionability, emotionality, and broad outlook.

Saturn of Aquarius condemns fate to obedience, but it does not always happen happily. As already mentioned above, Saturn is a planet of melancholy, unfulfilled hopes and sad memories. Uranus is a planet of energy, an inspiration for masters. That's why the nature of Aquarius is contradictory.

The influence of the planets

We already know that the two planet-patrons on Aquarius have an impact. They increase their desire to be different from others. Such a persistent feeling sometimes pushes to do strange and strange things, turning Aquarians into jesters who have the right to do what is punishable to others.

Spontaneously, Aquarians can do the opposite of what they expect from them. They are accustomed to putting themselves above others, which sometimes makes people angry. No one understands their ideology, except for themselves. And the distance that Aquarians save in relation to people, and ignoring the ideas of society, help them solve problems in an unconventional way.

The planet-patrons of Aquarius act impermanently. Under their influence, a large number of brilliant ideas are born in his head. As soon as the moment of realization approaches, the planets disappear, and after a certain period of time they reappear (as a rule, at the most inopportune moment) and throw them out of the usual rut.


Each planet-patron of the sign of the zodiac Aquarius endows with various qualities. Uranus and Saturn call Aquarius to fight for humanistic values, freedom, ideas of equality and brotherhood. These people work only with their allies, they do not digest those who pretend to be a boss.

But they can be both ruthless and insensible at the same time. They can act without looking back at the feelings and needs of others, focusing only on their soulless logic. Contradictory influences of Uranus and Saturn lead to the fact that their wards, striving for independence, commit irresponsible actions. These people always, without admitting their guilt, refer to various unfavorable circumstances.

It follows that Saturn of Aquarius ground, and Uranus, on the contrary, raises it to the spiritual higher spheres. Balancing these antagonistic positions is the main task of Aquarius.

Description of the planets

So, you already know which planet-patrons of Aquarius are guided through life. As mentioned above, this is just two planets - Uranus and Saturn. Saturn in size is the second planet of the Galaxy, and Uranus - the third. These two celestial bodies are qualified as giants.

Their specific features are that they have many satellites (Uranus has 15 satellites, and Saturn has 18 satellites) and an impressive system of rings. Around its axis, Saturn turns around for 10 hours and 24 minutes, and Uranus - for 17 hours. Around the Sun, Saturn makes a turn for 29 years and 167 days, and Uranus - for 84 years.

In Greek mythology, Uranus is known as the husband of Gaia (the goddess of the earth's firmament), the god of heaven, the founder of the hundred-faced giants, cyclops and titans.

Angels and demons

What is a good horoscope? The planet-patrons of Aquarius are described in as much detail as possible. They are so different that they make the character of their wards very illogical. Sometimes Aquarius is called an angel and a demon, in one person, the victim (there is a connection with the fate of Uranus) and we go (the influence of Saturn). Aquarius does not like any theatricality, and at the same time they are ready to astonish others.

They are treacherous, like Saturn: the breadth of their nature, the desire to please, freedom from the physical world is often a fiction, behind which is hidden the unrestrained desire for wealth, power, the highest position and pathos. The influence of the two different planets is also explained by some impermanence in the nature of these people.

The Prism of Aquarius

Of course, the planet-patron Saturn of Aquarius does not want to teach the bad. He looks at life through a personal prism and often hesitates between instincts and reason, although he has all the chances to be extremely confident in himself, so that for the sake of victory one should not stop at nothing.

In Aquarius, there is a subtle, malleable, soft, they are extraordinarily naive, although they are not harmed by this trait. They hate compromises and demonstrate solidity. Do not at all consider others, forgetting about caution.


So, you already know how Aquarius influences the patron planet. By the date of their birth, you can learn about them all. It is known that this sign of the zodiac is people who appeared in the world January 21 - February 18. They are ruled by Uranus, who is considered the first of the rulers of the universe. The ancient legend says that, after being subjected to the insidious and cruel attack of his son Saturn (Kronos), he was deposed from the throne, castrated, torn to pieces and scattered in different directions. The organs cut off fell into the sea and gave life to Venus (Aphrodite), the goddess of love and beauty.

Uranus reigned before the very existence of time, so his reign was incompatible with the materiality of the world in its formation. This explains the inevitability of the fall and cruelty of the first of the gods. Nevertheless, Uranus is still outside its own destiny and over all the gods.

Uranus is outside of time and dominates, and does not rule, and exists, and does not exist, it is dead forever, but never dies. In the physical world, it corresponds to lightning, electricity.

Stones of Aquarius

Strong planet-patrons of Aquarius. Stones that favor his fate? He is kept from troubles and disappointments with the following crystals:

  • Amethyst is a crystal of fidelity. He is also called the stone of the third eye.
  • Aquamarine - stabilizes the balance of mind.
  • Garnet - brings good luck in friendship and love.
  • Turquoise is the stone of happiness and victory.
  • Opal is a symbol of assurance and loyalty.
  • Lapis lapis lazuli is a crystal of sincerity.
  • Light sapphire - gives wards wisdom.
  • Zircon - makes you strive for science.
  • Chrysocolla - defeats fears.


The planet-patrons of Aquarius are amazing. By the date of birth, it is quite easy to find out the character of a person. Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac. Its symbol, depicted in the form of two waves, means "dead" and "living" water. Often the sign of Aquarius is portrayed in the form of a mortal pouring water out of a jug, which means a servant of humanity desiring to quench the thirst for knowledge.

Aquarius manages the Sabbath. Its element - air, color - violet, plants - violet, narcissus, mistletoe, belladonna, immortelle, myrtle. Important years of life:

  • For those born from January 21 to February 1 (the beginning of the sign) - the years 12, 22, 32, 42, 52;
  • From 02.02 to 12.02 (middle of the sign) - the years 10, 20, 42, 50, 60;
  • From 13.02 to 18.02 (last days of the sign) - the years 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 42, 48, 56, 64, 72.

The motto of Aquarius: always in search of truth.


And now we will find out how Uranus was discovered - the planet-patron of Aquarius. By the date of birth and name, by the way, you can also learn a lot about a person. So, in ancient times Uranus was unknown to mankind. It was discovered only 200 years ago with the help of a telescope. In the city of Bath (England) in 1781, March 13, the court astronomer Sir Herschel William noticed a space object, which he considered a comet. After observing the year, he determined that this is a new planet of our solar system. Herschel named her the star of George in honor of King of England George III, but this name was not rooted and after a while it began to be called Uranus. In the symbol of Uranus, the first letter of the astronomer's name survived, which he discovered.

Uranus in astrology is considered a planet of sudden upheavals and unexpected, precipitous events, a planet of the future. Its sphere of influence is all unusual, new, original.

Birth chart

Uranium is associated with the inner power of man and his inner energy. Sometimes its strength is similar to that of Mars. The discrepancy lies only in the fact that Uranus is a force deeply hidden within a person, an instinctive goal that appears throughout life. The great astrologer Adams Evangeline believes that one individual can be strong, even if he is physically disabled, and the other, possessing colossal energy, dispels it aimlessly. Uranus in the first person is in a strong state, and Mars - in decline. The second one - frail Uranus and strong Mars.

The position of Uranus in the birth chart shows your talents, the ingenuity of the mind, the frequency of bright and sudden events taking place in your life.

If Uranus in your horoscope occupies a strong position, it is likely that you are an independent innovator. You can dress in an unusual way, create new accessories, invent a personal style. People are interested in your ultra-advanced way of thinking and they are drawn to you. You can even be a psychic. Uranus is a delegating force, placed behind clairvoyance.

Uranus is also responsible for eccentric behavior, recklessness, perversion and indiscipline.


In addition to influencing the person's personal horoscope, Uranus, along with Pluto and Neptune, affects the whole generation. These three planets are so far from the Sun that they move very slowly along the zodiac. They are in each sign for a long time: Neptune passes the sign for 14 years, Pluto - for a period of 13 to 32 years, and Uranus - for 7 years.

Astrologers say that these heavenly bodies affect not only some people, but also generations. The movement of Uranus in the zodiac in time is associated with the discoveries of science. Uranus patronizes the approaching era of Aquarius.

He brings into our lives acquaintances, new situations and changes. His gifts are always short-lived and sudden. A person must immediately apply the chance until he is gone. Uranus tells people not to be afraid of the future and follow the modifying life.

The governors of Aquarius

It is believed that the sign of Aquarius is governed by Uranus, but here the planet Neptune is exalting! In this connection, in separate life situations, when it is necessary to activate all the forces, it is also desirable to connect the energy of Neptune.

In the Middle Ages, astrologers claimed that Aquarius is governed by Saturn. Today, its influence on the psychotype of this sign is manifested only in the form of coldness, detachment and indifference.

February 2

What are the Aquarians who came into being, for example, on February 2? From the "classic" Aquarius, they differ in that people are paid much more attention and they like individual individuals, rather than an abstract society. Looking at their compassion, mercy and kindness one can understand what qualities the zodiacal sign has on February 2.

But even the responsiveness of these people is more colored and vivid than that of typical Aquarius. People born on February 2 are less stubborn than other Aquarians, they are ready to consider the words of the interlocutor. They are less focused on personal ideas and feelings.

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