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Age features of adolescents

If children did not leave the period of children's and unconditional submission to the authority of parents and adults, then the age characteristics of adolescents would not be the subject of separate study and understanding.

Approximately 12-14 years, children cease to be children, in terms of obedience and flexible attitude towards adults. Yesterday's children become centers of conflict in the school, among friends of yesterday and in the family.

It should be noted that the age characteristics of younger adolescents do not always provoke any complications in the school, among friends or at home. But, more often, the age features of adolescence bring many problems to their negative manifestations to all those who are directly related to the period of adolescence growing up.

Manifestations of the characteristics of adolescents in school.

At school, the age characteristics of adolescents are manifested in the emergence of new interests in their own development and qualitatively new requirements for the subjects taught. Most often, the school can not give adolescents that level of teaching, combining the depth and quality of the presentation of the educational material that teens want to get.

During this period, most adolescents lose their past interest in school. There is a sharp stratification of students in their school performance. But, the fall in the school performance of a teenager does not speak of his low level of intellectual development. A teenager loses interest only in a boring and dull educational process in the school, keeping the desire for knowledge. In the life of a teenager begins self-education.

Manifestations of the characteristics of adolescents in communication.

Age characteristics of adolescents are also manifested in their communication with each other. Adolescent behavior is imitated by adults. Romantic relations begin to emerge and develop. Between adolescents there are sympathies and antipathies.

In the form of expressing their relationship, adolescents follow the example of adults. They start dating, go to the cinema in pairs or small companies, go to discos and go for a walk in the parks. In our time, you can see more often on the streets of a company of teenagers, surrounded by bottles of beer and low-alcohol drinks.

Teenagers in every way try to emphasize their adulthood, through imitation of the behavior of adults. This process is accompanied by conflicts with others. The desire of a teenager to be an adult and his willingness to be an adult do not always coincide.

Each teenager himself chooses the criterion of adulthood, which impresses him. He strives to meet the chosen criterion of adulthood, periodically comparing and evaluating his appearance and behavior to the chosen criterion.

For some, the criterion of adulthood is physical strength. Accordingly, the adolescent estimates his adulthood by the level of development of his own physical strength.

If a teenager has chosen as a criterion of adulthood the presence of any skill, then he will evaluate himself according to the degree of achievement of this skill.

Some adolescents choose as indicators of the level of adulthood only external signs of behavior of adults, unfortunately, not the best. As a result, they begin to actively use mat, jargon, drink and smoke.

Manifestations of the characteristics of adolescents with parents and adults.

Initially, the emergence of a sense of adulthood and its strengthening is equally provoked, both by the atmosphere of pressure and dictatorship, and by complete freedom and loyalty to the personality of the adolescent.

If a teenager grows up with encouragement and support from parents, the process goes on without excesses and harmoniously develops the personality of the teenager.

If a teenager develops without the supervision of the parents or with resistance from their side, the process takes place in an atmosphere of tight confrontation.

The more the difference between the teenager's inner sense of adulthood and her admission from adults and peers, the more violent the teenager's protests. Protests can manifest themselves in various forms: from rude behavior and fights, to serious illegal actions of a teenager.

The desire of a teenager to become an adult is normal, very bright and natural desire. Age characteristics of adolescents cause problems when a teenager does not have close and respectful relationships with parents.

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