
10 things that you should never do with your ears

If you love music, the health of your ears is important for you. In this case, it is possible that you regularly harm them. Each person takes the ear for granted, in the meantime, it is very easy to lose. Try to refrain from these dangerous mistakes so as not to encounter hearing problems.

Do not ignore the symptoms

No one wants to admit to themselves that their ears are no longer heard the way they used to. Ignoring such a symptom, you exacerbate the problem. Sometimes the cause can be a temporary illness, and sometimes it's time to start a hearing aid. Anyway, the problem should be solved as soon as possible.

Do not forget about the rest

After you've been to a loud concert or been exposed to other loud sounds, you need to give your ears a rest. Experts believe that it may take up to sixteen hours for complete recovery. So after the concert, it's better to sit at home with a book. If you are in a bar with loud music, go out every forty-five minutes.

Do not let your ears get wet

If you do not dry your ears, they can develop an infection that can adversely affect your hearing. Thoroughly wipe your ears with a towel after showering or bathing, teach this to children. If you feel that there is water inside, try to remove it.

Do not overstrain your ears

The constant voltage causes a phantom buzz. If you want to protect your health, fight with unnecessary stress through meditation or other exercises.

Do not play music too loudly

Everyone knows that it is harmful, but not everyone avoids this behavior. You do not have to listen to music for a long time, turned on to the maximum volume. It is difficult to refuse such a habit, but it can be harmful to your ears, since problems will appear in old age.

Do not ignore the piercing

If you have long done piercing, you still need to clean the puncture from time to time with alcohol for safety. If the puncture is fresh, it should be followed closely. Try to be as attentive as possible: nobody wants to face an infection developing in such dangerous proximity to the brain.

Do not brush your ears too deep

The inner part of the ear is cleaned independently, in addition, some earwax is simply necessary in order to protect the ears from dust and other small particles. If you have too much earwax, it's not too good, but you still should not use a cotton bud. What can be done? Just wipe your ears clean with a damp towel, and then dry them. You can use a special cleanser. If the problem persists, you will need the help of a specialist who can determine the cause of the problem.

Do not forget to use earplugs even at home

If you cut a lawn or use a drill, you need to think about the safety of your ears. A sharp loud sound can damage the hearing in a destructive manner. Get quality earplugs specifically for housework. However, cheap and disposable fit, the main thing is not to forget to use them.

Do not forget to brush behind the ears

On how to clean the ears inside, there is a lot of data, but the area behind the ears is usually ignored. If you do not clean behind your ears, there accumulates dirt, the smell of which resembles cheese. It's foul! Try not to forget to wipe your ears from behind and in front with a dry napkin to achieve perfect cleanliness.

Do not take medicines without a prescription

Some medications can lead to hearing loss, so drink only those pills that the doctor prescribed for you and in which you can be sure. Never drink medicines, the side effects of which you do not know.

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