Sports and FitnessYoga

Yoga - is that from the point of view of health? Yoga classes, tips for beginners

Everyone is accustomed to believe that yoga is necessarily something connected with the physical exercises and religion of Indians. In some part it is. Yoga is a fairly broad concept that combines a variety of spiritual and physical practices that strengthen the human body and spirit and help achieve a special sublime state of consciousness. Whatever it was, but nowadays yoga has become very popular among the entire population of the globe.

What you need to do yoga

To do this, not so much. Yoga is a practice in which the most important thing is self-control and the pursuit of self-improvement.

How to choose the right mat

On a more "earthly" level, you need a yoga mat for classes and practice. For beginners in this matter, choosing your first rug is not such a simple step. Since this Indian doctrine is very common, traders have become very profiteers on this. A quality mat for yoga costs about 100 - 150 dollars. To begin with, you can not shell out for this amount, and buy a rug of a lower price category.

The rug is an important part for practice such as yoga. Comments on choosing a mat for beginners say that the most important parameter is its length. It should not be less than 185 centimeters (it is better to take 20 centimeters more than your body length). Width is not such an important parameter when choosing a rug for training. The main thing is that it is not already the width of the body. The thickness of the mat depends on personal preference and needs. On a thicker rug is warmer to do, but it is difficult to perform exercises that require a state of balance and balance.

Yoga - this is what is in terms of health

It has recently become popular for large masses of people, and many practitioners have already had results. More and more information began to appear on how to treat yoga. Constant physical exercises restore and strengthen the entire body. This is not only a medical practice: yoga lessons for weight loss are gaining momentum, where they teach how to live properly to bring their body in order. Yoga brings a lot of useful to practitioners of her people.

Physical Benefits

Many stresses and the following diseases are caused by a malfunction or malfunctioning of the endocrine system. Yoga (practice) normalizes the activity of all glands of the human body, which contributes to the improvement of its physical and mental state.

Asanas for yoga are physical exercises. They help a person cope with stress, pain and some diseases. There are many asanas that do not require some physical preparation. Gymnastics yoga leads all muscles to tone, significantly improves the physical state of the body, increases self-confidence. A person must be fully developed. This is the essence of yoga. Strengthening our body, we are building a temple for the mind. Everything in man must develop harmoniously. The physical benefit of yoga is a harmonious development.

Psychic benefits

Harmony and balance are important factors for a person's normal life. Thanks to some asanas it is possible to achieve spiritual balance and temper your mind, to force the body completely to obey it. These exercises teach you to concentrate your attention (in this case on your body). Enduring and overcoming pain, both physical and spiritual, is one of the main tasks for yoga. The practitioners' testimonies prove that thanks to asanas the mind is enlightened, and life begins to play with more vivid colors. This is a consequence of complete relaxation of the body and spirit of man and getting rid of constant stresses. A person becomes more cheerful and energetic.

Yoga positively influences mental health, which makes it simply irreplaceable in the conditions of modern life.

What does yoga do?

During yoga, the mind of a person must constantly control his body, it is necessary to learn how to breathe properly. The developed habit to correctly and deeply breathe will give the person new strength and energy. Immediately after the lessons it becomes easier and freer - this is the result of muscle relaxation and oxygen saturation of blood. Yoga practice enlightens the mind and frees it from anxiety and bad thoughts.

The first ups and downs

For beginners in yoga, the first steps and results are very important. The first ups - it's always good. Some people are nervous because they do not succeed. Their failures in yoga should be taken calmly. It teaches that a person must be fully developed. And who said that it will be easy to change? Only after a long way to overcome their mistakes and difficulties, you can achieve success in yoga.

The body is the best adviser

Yoga is a unique thing that helps to reunite the spirit and body and make them one. If there is discomfort during classes, in most cases this indicates that the person makes some mistake. Learning to listen to your body, the inner voice is an important step in yoga. If intuition suggests that it is best not to do a stand on the head, then the person is not yet ready for it morally. Yoga classes help you learn how to listen to your body, which is simply irreplaceable in everyday life.

Search for like-minded people

It is very important, at least at the first stage, to find a group of the same interested people who will be engaged in yoga. Joint activities give greater confidence, there is support from others. There will also be an opportunity to learn from other people's mistakes. If you can not deal with other people, you can ask to be engaged in some of the family members or your best friend.

Morning yoga - success for the whole day

For most people, every morning is hell. Sleepy it is necessary to have breakfast, to put in order, to get together for work. Since childhood, they said that you need to teach yourself to do exercises every day. Yoga - something better than charging, it awakens the whole body and gives a charge of vivacity for the whole day.

Morning yoga should help to return the body after sleep its flexibility and restore blood circulation. Since after sleep the muscles are still "wooden", and the joints do not bend or crunch badly, for more safety it is necessary to perform exercises slowly and calmly with even breathing. Ten minutes of spent time in the morning guarantees wakefulness, a pair of asanas will provide it.

Philosophy of Yoga

The desire to develop, to learn something new - all this gives yoga. Learning this skill will not be easy, but it is still possible. Thanks to yoga, you can do self-development: improve and strengthen your body - a temple for the spirit, educate yourself in good qualities and get rid of stress. Asanas help to focus their attention on a problem, they clear the mind of other thoughts, and this helps to find the right decision.

Yoga in Everyday Life

Interconnection with people is one of the important factors of social life. Yoga strengthens the mind and makes a person balanced. It helps to establish connections in social life, to move to a new level of organization of relations, to find contact with any person and to resolve all disputes with a clear mind.

Ease of Yoga

A huge plus of yoga is its simplicity. To achieve results, you do not need to exhaust your body. Yoga is a dose of relaxation that is important for the body and soul of a person. The essence of yoga is simply to get away from the surrounding turmoil for a while and see the world around you, to feel its harmony.


Help in finding yourself is one of the main tasks of yoga. Self-knowledge of yoga, or svadhyaya, is something like self-development, after all, developing, we discover new facets, we learn a lot of new things, we search for what was hidden inside.

For general development and better understanding of the known practice, it is worth reading the "Yoga Sutras", the author of which is Patanjali. This is an ancient text, detailed instructions and a description of raja yoga. "Bhagavad-gita" (translated from Sanskrit means "divine song") is one of the oldest philosophical books in the world. A lot of famous writers went into her text to find themselves and answers to many eternal questions.

What is Hatha Yoga and its role in medicine?

Hatha Yoga is the most popular direction, which helps the spirit to rule over the body, to establish a strong bridge between the physical body and the mind.

A correct approach to the practice and assimilation of hatha yoga gives a person unprecedented health and the opportunity to live a very long time. Asanas open up a new source of energy, hidden earlier. Guru argue that the proper technique of performing asanas allows a person to discover supernatural opportunities.

The main goal of hatha yoga is to perfect your body, to turn it into a worthy temple. Perfection of one's body helps to grow spiritually.

Yogis believe that each person has kundalini (cosmic energy). By properly performing the asanas one can achieve the awakening of kundalini, the side effect of which are siddhis - those supernatural powers.

The word itself consists of two parts - "ha" (that the sun shines) and "tha" (moon). Two opposites mean two vital principles - life and death, good and evil. Many people know such opposition under the names "yin" and "yang".

For ordinary people, hatha yoga is important as an effective way of maintaining vitality, developing one's body, maintaining the tone in all muscles. Hatha works wonders and gives a person excellent health and a strong spirit.

Asanas in Yoga

Asanas are the main elements in hatha yoga. This species is mainly aimed at the development of the physical body and its reunion with the soul. Physical exercises help to cope with many diseases, improve blood circulation and open up internal energy.

Adho Mukha Shvanasana

This long asana in Sanskrit means "the dog is snouting down." This is not an easy exercise to master all beginners of yoga.

To perform asana first you need to lie on your stomach, relax and spread your legs 30 centimeters. The hands should be at the chest level, and the fingers are widely spaced. The next step, the most difficult, is to pull the body upwards so that the back and knees remain flat, and the feet, deployed to the head, remain on the ground. The head should also touch the ground. The body weight must be uniformly transferred to all three reference points.

Regular exercise of this exercise serves as a good prophylaxis against flat feet, discomfort in the back and waist. It kneads and stretches the entire body, which is a good prevention of joint disease, like arthritis. Blood flows to the brain, delivering oxygen to each of its cells. Stay in the asana should not be more than one minute. During exercise, a person must control his breathing. At the exit, one must make a deep exhalation and sink to the floor. Then you need to let your muscles rest.

Everything has a reverse side, and this asana has its contra-indications. People with high blood pressure and any diseases of the wrist joint are not recommended to perform this exercise. Also, do not perform Adho Mukha Shvanasana for headaches, gastric and intestinal disorders, as well as during pregnancy.

Ardha Navasana

It is also a difficult asana, requiring great concentration. In translation from Sanskrit it means "half of the pose of the boat". Indeed, this pose resembles a boat.

To perform asana you must sit on a firm surface and stretch your legs forward so that they are raised above the ground. The legs must be straight and not bend at the knees. Hands are best intertwined with each other and put on the back of the head. The elbows should be set aside. Correct execution of the exercise requires that the fingertips and the vertex remain on the same line. Breathing during the execution must be smooth and even. Duration for beginners - no more than 20-30 seconds, for more experienced ones - about one minute.

Ardha Navasana will help restore the activity of the abdominal organs, and it also has a beneficial effect on the spine and the muscles of the press and back. Stimulates the proper functioning of the liver and spleen.

Contraindicated execution of pregnant women, as well as those who have pain in the back or back. It is not recommended for people with high blood pressure and heart disease.


This asana requires a certain concentration. Since this exercise requires balance, it should be performed on a firm and level surface. In Sanskrit, bassana means "the pose of a crane". It must be performed to treat a variety of gynecological diseases and problems with the urinary system.

The technique of execution requires certain skills. From the very beginning it is necessary to squat, bend and place hands on the width of the shoulders. Fingers are placed for greater stability. The next step is to transfer your weight to your hands and try to tear yourself away from the ground. The correct technique of performing asana requires maximum compactness of the legs. Lower extremities need to be raised as high as possible to the trunk. The feet must touch each other. The body should go in parallel with the floor.

It takes about 30 seconds to remain in the asana, but you can do more. It is contraindicated only to those who have problems with joints, and pregnant women. This exercise strengthens the entire belt of the upper limbs, helps quickly find balance and balance itself. Due to exercise, blood circulation in the genital area improves, which is beneficial for the system of sexual and urinary organs.

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