
Wifi antenna with own hands

The newest technologies are so firmly embedded in the life of every modern person that few people imagine their day without using them. One of the most progressive industries, the development of which is rapidly growing, is the sphere of wireless networks. Wireless telephony, as well as access to the Global Network without being tied to a stationary workstation, has become a familiar and commonplace business, yet it introduces tangible convenience and increases the level of efficiency of the work of a person, and also enhances the level of comfort and pleasure in the entertainment that we received today The name of the digital. In turn, one of the leading technologies in this aspect is Wi-Fi - the basis of wireless networks that have spread all over the place. In our country , Wi-Fi access points can be found everywhere - they are used to organize networks on the scale of many companies, in small apartments and large mansions, with their help, free access to the Internet in places of large crowds, etc.

Of course, the realities of life in our state cause the difference of our fellow citizens from the inhabitants of other countries, and the use of Wi-Fi is no exception. For example, the high cost of devices, the remoteness of users and equipment intended for receiving a Wi-Fi signal from access points and many other factors lead to the fact that some people think about how to make a wifi antenna with their own hands. Such a wifi antenna made by the hands of affordable and inexpensive materials is designed not only to increase the level of reception of the signal from the access point, but also to do it with minimal effort and effort. A homemade wifi antenna can help when using non-standard or outdated equipment for reception, or there is a need to receive a wifi signal in such hard-to-reach places where the opportunity to purchase a special antenna is simply not available.

Wifi antenna with your own hands - is it possible? It turns out that it is not only possible, but also widely used in the territory of our state. You can do this in dozens of ways - various homemade devices that are adapted for different purposes are quite common. On the Internet, you can find a whole list of wifi antenna designs created by folk craftsmen, who used knowledge in physics, knowledge of technology features and materials. We will not dwell on the complex designs that a wifi antenna can represent with our own hands, but consider the simplest of them.

So, wifi antenna with your own hands, made from a tin can (!). This invention is suitable for wireless networks operating in accordance with the 802.11b standard, and may also be suitable for use in other cases of using these frequencies.

For production, you need a tin can, N-type "mama", a pair of small screws, as well as a piece of copper wire 2 mm in diameter

The can can be from anything, but its walls should be flat, that is not corrugated, and the diameter should be within 7.5-10 cm, and the height should exceed 13 cm. The optimal diameter is 9.2-9.5 cm The N-socket can be purchased at any radio parts store, or obtained from spoiled equipment. Copper wire length of about 3 cm can be obtained by removing the insulation from any wire used in electrical work, if only its diameter was 2 mm.

Manufacturing should not cause difficulties. The wire is soldered to the central contact of the socket. After that, a hole is drilled in the bank wall, the location of which will have to be calculated using simple calculations and knowledge in the field of physics. The distance from the waveguide, which is the copper conductor to the bottom of the can, should be about ¼ of the wavelength of the conductor. Calculating the distance and drill a hole, on the wall of the can is fixed the connector with the soldered conductor. At this the manufacture can be considered finished. It remains only to determine the direction in which the antenna will be oriented, and you can start testing.

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