
Why do men lie? Let's figure it out!

And really, why do men lie? What makes them, the strong sex, quite successful, wealthy, firmly standing on their feet, suddenly hide their eyes, smile with embarrassment, blush, painfully inventing some incredible story?

It seems that if you do not take into account pathological liars or cases like Khlestakov, the first reason for their lies is the same as for all of us: the fear of being misunderstood, unappreciated, unclaimed. If we analyze typical situations - why men lie - it turns out that in many ways the stereotypes are to blame. A man must "earn" a lot: he must earn well, be the head of the family, be able to do everything around the house, build a career, open a solid bank account ... Unconventional decisions, wise advice, decisive actions are expected of him. And if a man admits weakness, if not always copes with the obligations imposed on him? In the end, we are all people, and nothing human is alien to us, and to men - including! But what a woman usually says goodbye to a man is charged with guilt, almost a crime. He hurts, but should not cry, it is not! He finds it difficult, but bear it, do not complain! Do not get on with business, dreary at heart - nothing, keep the brand, do not give mind! That's why men lie! Not from the inclination to lie, not from the desire to throw dust in your eyes, to expose yourself in the most favorable light. And because their other losers, without a personal roof over their heads and a prestigious car, but with a thin wallet in their pockets, women, in general, are not ready to perceive. And if a man starts to talk about his problems, if it turns out that it is not him, but he needs to put his shoulder, to extend a helping hand - relations with a man like that, according to statistics, eight women out of ten will not tie.

This is the first and main reason for male lies. And the second - the unwillingness of some members of the stronger sex to be strong and responsible. The reason for this lies, probably, in the costs of education, in the excessive guardianship and fencing of the boy, and then the young man from a great life. Infantility, antisociality have long become diagnoses in modern society and affect the behavior of both halves of humanity. But again, if women manifestations in some situations are forgiven, then the men, alas, no. Relations with a man are built according to already established patterns without taking into account specific situations.

It has long been the case that a man takes care of a woman, helps her solve problems, gets out of difficult situations, eventually provides her with material stability. And although now feminism is gaining momentum, more women are able to earn money and pay their desires, public standards in the archives are not yet handed over. Therefore, it is the same that strong, self-confident people, that slender girls, clapping eyelashes in the manner of butterfly wings, none of them will not tolerate beside themselves pampered males who are not capable of manifesting strength. Confident in himself, in his tomorrow, the winner - that's who they need!

And who needs a man? A woman who will accept him as he is. With all the complexes, zamorochki, failed ambitions, strengths and weaknesses. In this, the psychology between a man and a woman is different. Of course, do not forget about the external appeal, sexuality, the ability to submit yourself, to lead a household and even elementary - to cook. But all the blunders in this area a man will forgive a woman if the couple have mutual understanding and sincere respect. If a woman will be for him not only a mistress, but also a friend, a reliable and faithful friend.

Another reason - men believe that you can lie "for salvation." To save loved ones from unnecessary worries, especially if these worries were caused by their own fault, to hide the truth so as not to aggravate the situation - in this they see a panacea for a lot of negativity. Of course, this is the position of the ostrich burying its head in the sand during the danger, but they are using it.

Now, think now, why do men lie ...

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