
What is a Web page? List the main elements of the Web page

The bulk of content presented on the Internet - a web page. This is historically the very first type of documents intended to be placed in a virtual network space, but which has still retained its relevance and has practically no competing formats. What is the structure of the web pages? By what means of web development are they created?

What is a Web page?

"List the main elements of the Web page" - says the examiner at the lesson of informatics. What can we say to him in return? First of all, we talk about what the web page is in principle.

According to the common definition among IT professionals, this is a document that is designed to be opened in a specialized program - a browser, and that contains data for displaying various useful content on the computer screen - various texts, links, graphics, video, music and Etc. Web page is a text document. The corresponding data for the browser are letters, numbers and special characters used as markup language elements - HTML. It is with the help of it that the creator of a web page "explains" to the browser how to display on the screen this or that content.

The place and role of web pages in the site structure

Can you say that a Web page is the main component of a website? This is partly true. However, as we noted above, a web page is just a text document. On the site, as a rule, also there are pictures, video and other multimedia elements. The web page can not contain them in itself, however in its structure it can contain links to them. Thus, a web page can be called the main component of the site in the aspect of the dominant role in displaying virtual content in front of users.

In rare cases, of course, the document in question will be the only component of the site - if for some reason it does not provide graphics, video and other multimedia elements. In particular, the very first sites - when the markup languages of Web pages only appeared - did not include relevant content. Before the eyes of the user was only text and links.

The principle of hypertext activation

So, a Web page is a document, written in HTML, with which the hypertext markup is implemented. But what is this phenomenon? What is hypertext? Without going deep into theory, we note that this is a text that one way or another allows you to get quick access to another - through links. In a normal book, this is impossible - there is a "simple text". To gain access to the desired page, the reader must make several paging, before reading the content or footnotes. In the "hypertext" mode, the main part of the work is done by the computer - due to the information reflected in the HTML elements of the page.

If the computer science teacher tells us: "List the main elements of the Web page," then we can start the narrative of the components of the corresponding document, which are created using the HTML markup language, in a perfectly correct way. So first, let's look at some theoretical points about HTML.

Structure of HTML language: tags

How does the browser read the necessary data about a web page from a document written in HTML? Very simple.

The main elements of this language are tags. They are in most cases paired - there is an opening, and there is a closing one. The first ones are indicated with the help of angle brackets only. The second is the same, but before the second bracket, the slash is the character /. The browser knows how to recognize them, and therefore displays the contents of web pages in accordance with the algorithms created by the developer of the document.

The opening tag is usually written in big letters, closing it with small letters. This is the standard that has settled among IT professionals. The browser, of course, recognizes the HTML-command with any letters, but it is recommended that web developers adhere to the noted scheme of writing tags. This will facilitate, for example, the revision of the web page by other specialists.


Other important elements of HTML-language are attributes. With their help, the creator of a web page can set content properties - for example, font height, color, position relative to the page. The same goes for pictures, videos and other multimedia components. Attributes are written within the opening tag.


Between the opening and closing tag is the following key component of the web page - the content. This is, in fact, the same content that should be displayed before the user on the screen. This can be text, link, picture, video or other multimedia element.

Elements of web pages

"So list the main elements of the Web page, finally!" - repeats the teacher. "With pleasure," we reply to him. What is included in the structure of the type of documents in question? We agree that we will consider this aspect in the context of the HTML elements of the web page. That is, their display in the browser - what the user sees on the screen - we will be interested to a lesser extent. The fact is that the corresponding HTML-algorithms, on the basis of which the program displays the content equally, may be different. And this is the peculiarity of the HTML language: you can display the desired image on a Web page in different ways. At the same time, they can be both equivalent in terms of effort of the creator of the web page in ways, and assume a different amount of effort and time for their implementation.

Elements of web pages: header

The standard elements of the Web page, however surprising it may sound, are presented in very small numbers. In fact, there are only two of them - the title and the main part of the document. However, each of them can have a rather complex structure.

What is the specificity of the title? It is located at the very top of the web page. In the HTML code that generates the header, it is usually supposed to "encrypt" only the text, but if necessary, you can also place small graphic insertions in the corresponding element. And this, in fact, is all that can be said about the title. It would seem that his role in the structure of the relevant document is insignificant. But this is not so. The headings of web pages are very significant in terms of indexing sites in search engines - Yandex, Google. This element should be fully relevant to the content of the web page, as well as the thematic specificity of the site.

How does the header of a web page be captured using HTML? Very simple. First, an opening tag is written, which always looks like HEAD with angle brackets, then - the content of the header, after - the closing tag. They are written, of course, at the very top of the web document.

The header of the web document can include a number of additional elements. Sometimes the Web page format may require the display of text in a particular encoding. How to ensure that the web document meets this criterion? Very simple. In the header structure of the document, HTML algorithms should be placed, which require the browser to use a specific language encoding - for example, Cyrillic. The corresponding commands are placed within the META tag, which, like others, can be opening and closing.

The main part of the web page

The main part of the web document opens with the BODY tag, it closes with the corresponding element, including the slash. In this case, between the opening and closing tags can be a huge number of additional commands for the hypertext markup language. This is due to the fact that the main part of the web page contains its useful content - texts, links, graphics, video, various forms for filling.

Each of the corresponding types of content has its own tags. In the structure of the main part of the web document can be present HTML-commands, which also provides the formatting of the text - for example, giving the font a certain color, size and other properties.

Consider what the specifics of some commonly used HTML tags are. Actually, they also form the basic elements of a web page.

Basic HTML tags

So, for the purpose of a detailed study of what the elements of a Web page are, we will study in more detail the essence of the basic HTML tags. Some of them we already mentioned above - in particular, with the help of which the browser reads the headers of web pages and determines where the main part of the document is located.

The P tag is quite common. Like other similar elements of hypertext markup language, it can be opening and closing. This tag allows you to format a single paragraph of the document. You can, for example, set a specific font type or color for it. However, this is done with the help of an additional tag - FONT. In this case, it will be located inside the one that indicates the limits of the paragraph - this will allow not to distribute the HTML-command that reflects the type of the preferred font to other elements of the web page.

Using the TABLE tag, tables are created. With the help of the corresponding attributes, you can define the required number of columns and rows, specify their width, border specificity, font size and color in the table.

The IMG tag is responsible for the browser's processing of images. It also allows you to place various attributes that control the size of the picture, its position on the page.

Links to other web documents or files are specified using the A tag. As a rule, there are attributes inside it that indicate the fact that there is a hyperlink in the structure of the web page. It specifies the document, file or site on which it leads.

A tag such as FRAMESET is common. Using it, you can divide the space of a web page into several areas - frames. In each of them, you can place links to individual web documents. That is, frames allow you to correctly place two or more pages on one screen at the same time.

The story of the key elements of web pages and the subsequent narrative about the means of their formatting using the HTML language will be approximately the same as the algorithm of our answer to the question that the examiner asked us. If he turned to us, saying "list the main elements of the Web page," then, using the appropriate methodology, we will have every chance to disclose the topic. That is, under the term "elements" we can understand the key components of the structure of a web document, or the types of content - text, pictures, tables, frames, links that the webmaster generates using a tool such as HTML.

The Specificity of Web Development Tools

In addition to what has been said, we can explain that the tags and attributes provided by HTML standards are a huge amount. In addition to HTML, web developers can use additional tools for formatting hypertext documents. For example, using the JavaScript scripting language, you can create dynamic Web pages-that is, those in which the content is constantly updated (both through the actions of the user himself and in accordance with the algorithms pre-scripted in the scripts).

It will be useful to add that a web developer can use full-fledged programming languages in his work, such as Perl, PHP, Java, Python, with which the possibilities of working with hypertext documents become even wider. The need for this may be due to the fact that the areas of application of web technologies today are very different. The tasks that are faced by modern developers can be quite complex. For example, sometimes it is necessary to translate Web pages written in Russian into English. In this case, the developer toolkit will be the most diverse.

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