EducationSecondary education and schools

What are the mysteries about the family?

The closest people are family. It can be very small, consisting only of parents and a child. And sometimes it is difficult to imagine without grandparents, aunts and uncles, as well as sisters with brothers. In any case, riddles about the family are interesting to children of all ages. After all, what could be better than finding an answer to a task that is close and understandable.

Poems with the "family"

This is a generic term that includes many different relatives. Therefore, it is better to begin the riddles about a family for children with a generalized term.

There are many mysteries in the world.

These guessing, relatives names.

The riddle about my mother, the rebus about my dad,

About your aunt and uncle, sister or brother.

All relatives, as a team for the ship,

Great and friendly our ...

Two more short riddles about the family, which even a preschooler can cope with.

1. You can not live without her in this world.

It should be very much cherished.

Adults, children, you and me -

Necessarily will support native ...

2. Who puzzles the puzzle,

That word will find out.

Tsiforka is seven and the "I" is friends with her,

That it turned out great ...

Poems with the guesses "Mom" and "Dad"

This is the logical continuation of the game of riddles about a family for children. Mom and Dad are the main people in the life of any person. Child in particular. Therefore, the riddles about them are set as the first of those that will be about other members of the family.

The first three puzzles about my mother.

1. Her children certainly love her,

She is the nicest of all.

Every child speaks stubbornly:

"All is well, only mine ..."

2. In my room on the shelf, the photograph stands.

A happy woman looks at me.

If I'm sad, I'll look at the frame.

At once the soul warms the look of the beloved ...

3. She worked during the day and played with me,

The house was made beautiful and completely tired.

I'll play it quietly, I will not wake her up at all,

I regret it, my own ...

The next three puzzles about the family with the answers "Daddy". After all, he is also an important person in the life of every child.

1. Whoever does the hard work

Did he do it on Friday, Saturday?

He deftly operates a saw, a shovel.

At the dacha the first hard worker is our ...

2. He will teach his son how to score a carnation,

When you are older, you drive a car.

Details will tell how to become the most daring,

Dexterous and strong, in the skillful.

3. Who can teach his son?

A screwdriver to unscrew the screw?

The nail to score, saw with a saw?

A loving mother to cherish and love?

Poems with guesses "brother" and "sister"

Since many families have more than one child, such tasks are usually easily solved. In any case, there are at least cousins and sisters. Or friends and neighbors. All the same, riddles about the family are incomplete without such tasks.

The answers in the first two are the word "brother". The third riddle of the sister.

1. In our house appeared very bright karapuzik.

From diapers he was freed and now crawls on the belly.

The fastest growing of our wonderful boy,

And I always call him "my little ..."

2. In my family I am the youngest

There is also a senior boy.

Does he also call Mom and Dad?

Who is he? Who will call him?

3. In my family I am the oldest,

I have a little brother.

And the girl grows up,

She's the youngest ...

Poems about grandmothers and grandfathers, aunts and uncles

Without them, it is difficult to imagine riddles about a family for preschoolers. Assignments with answers about the grandparents should be present necessarily. Below are puzzles about them.

1. She always caresses grandchildren,

They are sweet baking cakes.

She always has delicious pancakes.

After all, this is our ...

2. To her we will come to a house in the village.

She will certainly open the jam.

She will put on the table a treat,

Candles can not be counted on her birthday.

3. He worked hard all his life.

And now a long time ago retired.

He surrounds everyone with love and care.

Old, but still fun with it.

4. He worked for many years, not knowing boredom,

Now the corns covered his hands.

In the wrinkles of his face and became quite gray

The most beloved and kind is my ...

And this riddle about the grandmother and the grandfather together.

In autumn the holiday was not invented in vain.

On this day, remember an elderly person.

As soon as the dawn stops shining

Congratulate do not forget your ...

The mysteries about the family are continued by those whose answers are the words: aunt and uncle.

1. My mother's sister came to visit us,

With her, her already grown-up children.

They are also brother and sister for me.

Their mother is just kind ...

2. And what kind of man came to visit with your aunt?

His dad is called coming children.

To me, he comes up and with a smile:

"Hello, my friend," my friend tells me ...

These puzzles can be continued, because the family ties did not end there. After all, there is also great-grandmother and great-grandfather, father-in-law and mother-in-law, father-in-law and mother-in-law.

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