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Vulgarity - this is what? The meaning, definition and synonyms for the word "vulgarity"

"Platitude" is a word whose origins go back to history when writing was a curiosity. Its first values were significantly different from modern ones, because many concepts at that time did not exist at all. In the entire history of Russian, one rarely finds a word that in every epoch acquired a new meaning.

Historical reference

The word appeared from the verb "to go" and up to the 17th century it meant belonging to the antiquity. It was used in such values as the ancient, primordial, tribute, tax. With the coming to power of Tsar Peter I, the attitude to the past has changed, and the meaning of the word "vulgarity" has acquired a somewhat different meaning, more negative character. There were such definitions of him as unimportant, rustic, low, ordinary. In the 19th century, the famous Russian scientist and writer Vladimir Ivanovich Dal, creator of the Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, adds new meanings to the word vulgarity, most of which are still used today. Then the notions "vulgarity", "impropriety", "meanness", "triviality" appear. Become more used word forms "vulgar", "vulgar", "vulgar".

In the sketch SM. Solovyov about the writers of the 18th century noted that this period was marked by the final renunciation of antiquity, since under the use of this word often hid their base motives. Proponents of novelty believed that vulgarity is all that goes on apart from their worldview and the notions of a bright future.

In many dictionaries "vulgarity" disappears until the end of the 18th - early 19th centuries. Until now, only one of its word forms has remained unchanged-a "duty", meaning a tax or a money fee.

The word "vulgarity" in literature

At the beginning of the 19th century the word "vulgarity" received a second birth and began to be widely used not only by ordinary people, but also by well-known writers and poets in their works, many of which became classics of Russian literature. Until now, the adjective "vulgar" was used, to which the suffix "-st" was added, and the word, popular until now, was obtained. Such writers as Pyotr Andreevich Vyazemsky, Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol, often spoke about their comrades-in-arms Alexander Pushkin, Vasily Zhukovsky, using the concept of "vulgarity". Expressing an opinion, they described their vision of the creations of famous colleagues, considering many of them unworthy of attention. Simply put, banal and talentless without any shade of novelty. Since the second half of the 19th century, the meaning of the word "vulgarity" has changed again. The values "worn-out", "worn-out", "stereotyped" appear.

Synonyms for the word "vulgarity"

In the modern Russian language, the word "vulgarity" is synonymy rather simple. However, they will differ substantially depending on the sphere in which they are used. For example, if we are talking about fashion, then the outfits are often told that they are "tasteless", "colorless." The synonym "vulgar" will suit both fashion and speech or behavior. "Template" or "trivial" will characterize any application of the stereotype. In relation to the media, the definition of "tabloid" is often used, which characterizes the low rating of the publication. If it is a question of a frequently used phrase or a joke, they say that it is "beaten". A person with a narrow outlook is called "limited", which, in its essence, is also similar to the notion of "vulgarity".

Vulgarity today

Today the answer to the question about what is vulgarity is unlikely to be unambiguous, since this concept can be viewed from several sides. For example, "vulgarity," the definition of which in communication is commemorated by the use of obscene language that offends the honor and dignity of others. However, the abusive words entered our life so tightly and reached a level that they can replace some of the generally accepted concepts inherent in pure literary speech. Ubiquitous use of them adversely affects the development of man as a person, reducing vocabulary and making more limited. On the other hand, the word "vulgarity" has an intimate background. The free access of the broad masses to the most intimate moments of the life of a man and a woman has significantly crossed the relationship with the opposite sex.

Vulgarity in society

Vulgarity in society manifests itself primarily in the behavior of many public figures, politicians, pop stars, theater and cinema. Now in fashion, the so-called "black PR", thanks to which many of the above are safely raising the rating. If you analyze the subject of scandals around famous people, then they can be divided into several categories:
1. Calling behavior.
2. Passion for alcohol or drugs.
3. Violation of the law (the most common - fights and accidents, most often in a state of intoxication).

Recently, politicians from the rostrum also do not disdain to use foul language, or to use assault in the hall directly, which is a pleasure to broadcast all TV channels of a single country, as well as the world level.

Platitude in architecture

What does "vulgar" in architecture mean? If we consider the value from the point of view of stereotyping, as it was defined at the end of the 19th century, many cities of the former USSR fit this category. Most municipal buildings and residential areas were built according to a certain pattern.

Therefore, coming to any of the republics, you still feel like you are in your hometown, where all the buildings of that era are in the same manner. Then the main quantity was, that is, the more they build, the better. Therefore, many structures gradually began to collapse under the influence of precipitation.

What is platitude in modern buildings? This is primarily the use of precious metals in the manufacture of ordinary household things such as door handles with the impregnation of diamonds or gold plumbing. Only a few can indulge in this way, however, by exposing their mansions to public view, they evoke a rather negative attitude towards themselves from others.

Trivial jokes - what is this?

About what is platitude in anecdotes and various jokes, now it is difficult to say, since what was considered shameful before, is now perceived as a norm. For example, laughter evokes stories about drug addicts "high", employees of traffic police and police, who did not arrive on time from their husbands trips. In comparison with the jokes of the times of the USSR, the current ones have become tougher, brittle, offensive. Reviewing modern humorous programs, you come to the conclusion that many of them are ready to laugh even at the human grief. Often vulgarity borders on wit, but rarely does anyone catch this line. Because of the seemingly innocent at first glance jokes can hide hurts for life. Therefore, it is necessary to be extremely cautious about joking people's actions or ridicule the appearance, so as not to earn enemies in their face. That's what "platitude" is in the modern scale.

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