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Triangle on the palm: meaning. Palmistry

In an attempt to predetermine destiny, we resort to "non-standard" methods. Guessing, unfolding solitaire games, hiking to psychics and learning palmistry are all a manifestation of our curious essence, where we are looking for even the slightest clues about fate. In esotericism, it is commonly believed that the human body is a map of life (past, present and future). This includes palmistry, which is considered a true reflection of the emotional state of a person, his spirituality and energy. They say that our whole fate is in the palm of your hand. Like this? Let's deal with this issue.

In the occult teachings it is considered that chiromancy is a prophecy on the hand, which came from ancient Greece. The main essence of this unusual science is the determination of the fate, character and life of a person along the lines on the skin of the hands. It also includes not only the well-known lines of the Heart, Life and Mind, but many fine patterns, hillocks and branches, along which it is possible to determine the past, present and future of a person to the smallest details. One of the most popular patterns is the triangle on the palm of your hand. What does this symbol mean? Our article will help you answer this question.

The general opinion about the triangle on the palm

What does palmistry tell us about this? The triangle on the palm can have several different values. The location, size, convexity and severity of the pattern play a role. With every little thing, the value will be completely different.

Factors affecting the designation:

  • The location of the figure. It is very important where the triangle will be located. As a rule, wherever the figure is: on the hill of Saturn, Jupiter, Apollo, Mars, Venus, Moon or Life, whether it's the right hand or the left one - each value will be completely different.
  • The number of triangles on the hand. The more figures will be on the palm of your hand, the more difficult it will be to determine the character and destiny of a person. To this factor is the size. The main thing is to remember that one piece of information tells one piece of information one by one, and if they are connected together like by thin invisible threads, then the meaning will be completely different. It is important to be able to properly twist these threads.

Despite the factors, a single value of the geometric figure in palmistry still exists. General information states that such a pattern is a safe sign, and its owner is intended for a bright future, closely related to science. As a rule, everything that is connected with brain activity here, and therefore the owners often find their calling in medicine, science, economics and politics. However, experts in palmistry are afraid of such a sign, which also promises both poverty and death, and even eternal love. But here we are influenced by familiar factors: location, quantity and size.

Lines in the palm of your hand. Value

Now you do not need to resort to experienced palmists, so that they helped to properly and clearly characterize the lines on the hand. It is enough to study the information about them independently, and determine your own destiny.

Occult sciences believe that the lines on the palm, the significance of which we consider, are reflected because of our thoughts, and also because of the spiritual connection with a single energy that helps to imprint not only the present, but also what happened, and what is will be.

On the palms of a person, the main lines are reflected: the Heart, Head or Mind, Life, Happiness (Apollo), Liver (Mercury), Marriage (marriage), Children, Relatives and their influence on the life of the possessor. There are also the following signs on the palm of your hand: Rosetta, Desire line, Intuition, Curses, Money success, Road (travel), Stress, Family and fidelity. You can also meet the lines of Double Life and the Ring of Venus.

Factors affecting the value:

  1. Location and size.
  2. Brightness or dullness.
  3. Correctly selected hand.

Main lines:

  • Hearts, or Love, tells how much its owner is open to true love.
  • Life. Describes how much its owner is open to illnesses and what life forces are hidden inside.
  • Destiny, or Saturn. Tell about the fateful path of man.

Meaning of the Health Line

The Line of Health in the occult sciences had become controversial and non-existent. Especially regarding its location and length. After extensive studies and discussions, palmists revealed that the real line of Health should flow from the base of the hill of Mercury and fall down exactly to the line of Life.

If the owner of the line of Health intersects or comes in contact with the line of Life, then he is waiting for a large number of diseases or very weak immunity. If as such there is no line, then the person is in excellent health - strong bones and body, and if she is weakly expressed, then the owner is prone to diseases, but, as a rule, to the easiest (cold, weakened immunity, beriberi, weakness, fatigue) . Such an indicator can well help in life a person who will be more attentive to their health in order to prevent the development of a chronic stage.

It is believed that the hill of Mercury, from which the line of Health departs, completely depends on the imagination and the nervous system. Its bulge, the dimensions are different. Therefore, the manifestation of the Health Line can start from any place on the hill. Also it is closely connected with the line of the Head, therefore in chiromancy it is tied to the imagination.

The Value of the Headline

The Line of the Head, or the Mind, as considered in palmistry, is one of the most special and important in determining a person's life. As a rule, its beginning lies between two fingers - the index and the large, and it ends strictly closer to the center of the rib of the palm. In comparison with other lines, the mind is not added from the length, so the size does not matter here.

The length indicates that the owner is able to quickly analyze any situation, without difficulty sees small details and work in a field that is closely related to mental activity. The main occupations of this man are an economist, an employee of exact sciences, a teacher, an accountant, an economist. Such people tend to be petty and pedantic.

When considering the line of Uma, you need to know that in palmistry, the right and left hand can be very different from each other, the length of the lines on them can be different. Here, different life situations of the person play an important role, where he was able to change his destiny and go the other way, leaving an eternal imprint on his palm.

Factors affecting the value:

  1. A straight line of the Head speaks of an intelligent and cunning possessor. As a rule, this type of people tries to be distant from acquaintances and communication.
  2. If the end is lowered down, then it speaks of a creative and fantasy person.
  3. If the end is like a slingshot, then such a person is very creative, friendly with both exact sciences and imagination.
  4. Wavy line tells about the changeable mood and character of the owner. As a rule, this rare type of line speaks about special people who have an unconventional outlook on life.
  5. Is near the line of Life. The possessor knows what he wants from his life, and therefore boldly goes to his goal. Anyone who wants to stop it must convince not only the owner, but the whole world.
  6. In touch with the line of Life. Such a person will depend heavily on his family. Relatives have a great influence on his life.

Fatal triangles

  1. Near the index finger, namely on the hill of Jupiter, the triangle tells of a man who has great potential in oratory. Such people become diplomats, academics and ideal directors. They have a good imagination, and their brain can rightfully be called a "generator of ideas."
  2. The hill of Saturn (middle finger). The possessor, like a magnet, attracts all the strange and unusual. He is able to perfectly master black magic, hypnosis, spiritualism, as well as other occult sciences. The main thing - to want.
  3. The hill on the ring finger (Apollo) speaks of the ability to create scientific art. As a rule, such people are not based on imagination, but on exact sciences. Owners of such a triangle often become architects and engineers.
  4. On the edge of the palm is the famous hill of Mars, which tells about the possibility of accurate calculations that help to achieve success in any military branch.
  5. The hill of the Moon is at the bottom of the rib of the palm and carries a big mystery. People who have such a sign draw to themselves all the mystical and unusual. Their subtle connection with the spiritual world can open the door to a mysterious, fascinating art. Such people, without knowing it themselves, create incredible masterpieces.
  6. The triangle, located near the hill of Venus, speaks about the possibilities to suffer both morally and physically from the fire. This is a rather bad sign, it is very rare, and often it carries a secondary meaning. Such a mark on the palm gives the opportunity to be prudent in love, relationships and family, where the mind and love are reunited into a single whole.

Triangle on the right palm. Value

Despite the large number of opinions, the triangles on the right and left hand differ from each other. The main factors that can affect the distinctive value can be fateful moments in the life of a person who was able to change all his fate and the way forward. Therefore, triangles can differ on the palms or absent altogether. Also, it is possible that the figure appears on one palm and that it is absent on the other.

If the triangle is directly in the center of the right palm, then you need to pay attention to its contact with other lines.

  1. The triangle connecting with the line of the Head and Destiny (Saturn), says that its owner is able to achieve great financial success in life. However, money to such people will not come easily. They can be earned thanks to the line of Uma, which will allow them to develop their abilities in exact sciences, or, conversely, in art, until the financial well-being that the owner dreams of is achieved.
  2. To achieve monetary success, the triangle on the palm should be large, and its sides should be clearly displayed on the hand.
  3. If the figure has intermittent lines, then the person will let the money go to the wind with a light heart.

Triangle on the left hand

What does the triangle on the left palm mean? If the figure is strictly centered and in contact with other lines, it will speak of successful solid financial well-being. However, compared with the right hand, the left one promises the owner quite easy money, despite the contact with the line of Mind, Heart, Life or Fate.

The meaning of a large triangle

The lines on the palm of each person differ in the same way as each snowflake with each other, or fingerprints. Absolutely identical there. Therefore, the triangles formed on the palm of a person can differ among themselves and have different components of the sides. To such an example is a large triangle, which, as a rule, is obtained from the lines of Mind, Life and Mercury. All three components intersect each other and form a form of three angles. In palmistry it is very important that each of these lines be clearly expressed on the hand.

Three lines indicate that a person is able to balance simultaneously between several tasks: to manage his mind, control his strength and potential, and quickly adapt to any situation. A large triangle is a rather rare phenomenon, and a person who is lucky enough to be the owner of such a figure is a unique and individual person.

A large triangle not only carries a vital balance, but also shows good financial well-being. The intuition that will allow one to feel the outer and inner world is so strong that it brings the person closer to the mysteries of the mystical world and the world of the occult sciences.

The main aspects of the large triangle are:

  1. Form - the right triangle affects a balanced and harmonious personality.
  2. The slope angle plays an important role in the formation of fate. For example, if the lines of Mercury and the mind form a right angle, then the person has a very strong intuition, flair and intelligence.
  3. Disharmony can occur in a person's life if there are tears, cracks or crevices on the line. Then the entire balance will be interrupted.

The value of a small triangle in the palm of your hand

If a large triangle stands for harmony and balance between mind, intuition, prudence and financial well-being, then a small figure tells about great potential in the field of arts and creativity. A person who has small triangles in the center of his palm, from early childhood, reaches for the knowledge of creative secrets. Here the position of the figure does not play a big role. It can be as separate from the lines of Mercury, Mind, Life and Heart, and touching them.

If the small triangle on the palm still touches the nearest lines, then the fateful designation only increases. For example, creative impulses will be in an ideal balance between mind, perseverance and diligence. A person with a triangle on his arm is able to quickly learn any creative activities, and also achieve this enviable success.

Small triangles include a high triangle and a figure with elongated sides.

High Triangle, or God's Eye

At the base there are three lines: Mercury, Apollo and Uma. The holder will be prone to high-precision science from early childhood, where his level of intelligence can exceed all peers and adults. In addition to the intellect, a person with a high triangle on his arm will have the opportunity to achieve great success in his work. Such a figure will allow a person not only to generate their ideas, but also to achieve their fulfillment.

Figure with elongated sides

Several lines and hills are involved, so it will be difficult for the beginning palmist to see and determine the presence of such a figure.

The first line goes from the hills of Mercury and Saturn, after which it gradually forms a small bend, similar to the horn. Such a figure is similar to a tulip or a crater, so it is very difficult to see with the naked eye. Holders of such a triangle will be capable of philosophical judgments, creation and knowledge of the spiritual world.

The designation of monetary well-being in the form of a triangle

Many people who have a triangle in the palm of their hands dream of hearing cherished words that the figure means monetary well-being. However, not all such figures directly promise wealth and prosperity. As a rule, a money triangle in the palm of the hand must connect the line of Mind and Saturn. The size of the sign need not be large.

With the fateful reflection of finance, one must remember that some will lack millions for happiness, and some for several thousand. Monetary prosperity reflects a constant prosperity that will not allow the owner to face a shortage of food, clothing and shelter. However, if the path to wealth is laid by the line of Destiny, the rest of the task is shifted to a person who can use his mind.

It is very important that the money triangle on the palm has no gaps and rips, otherwise the owner of all the wealth will flow through his fingers like sand. The main thing is to remember that the lines can change throughout life and are directly related to the person's desire and thoughts.

That's right, if you believe in palmistry, our destiny is determined by the signs on the palm of your hand. To believe it or not is a personal matter for everyone. Good luck!

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