HealthDiseases and Conditions

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis in children

Acute obstructive bronchitis in children is an inflammatory process in the bronchi. At the first stages it is similar to many viral diseases, for example, with the flu or pharyngitis. First the baby has a runny nose, a dry cough, and a fever. In the following days the cough becomes wet, with the separation of sputum. Later stages are characterized by purulent discharge in sputum, shortness of breath, constantly high body temperature. Only a doctor can diagnose bronchitis after a series of examinations: X-rays, blood tests, sputum examinations. Do not self-diagnose and self-medicate, this can lead to the emergence of a chronic stage of the disease. Obstructive bronchitis in children whose causes can be directly related to cold air or cold drink should be treated immediately.

The treatment of obstructive bronchitis in children is the more effective the earlier it was started. Of course, as with any catarrhal disease, a child needs a lot of drinking, taking vitamins and bed rest. Treatment of obstructive bronchitis in children is often treated without the use of antibiotics (except for neglected cases). In order to get rid of this disease as soon as possible, it is necessary to conduct complex treatment. A very good and quick effect gives the treatment of obstructive bronchitis in children by folk remedies.

Of course, the result at home gives a standard set of actions, such as footbaths with mustard and inhalation. But all the same it is auxiliary means. Almost every person knows how to treat bronchitis with folk remedies. There are about a hundred variants of such treatment. Everyone makes a choice depending on the availability of ingredients and the speed of preparation (some tinctures should be maintained for a long time). Many folk remedies for bronchitis are made on the basis of oils, fats and honey.

One of the most effective means for bronchitis is tying the patient with a woolen towel moistened with plenty of unrefined (necessarily!) Sunflower oil. The recipe is simple - heat a quarter of a glass of unrefined sunflower oil on a water bath, moisten a towel, tie the patient around the trunk, top cover the whole surface of the torso with cellophane and cover it tightly with a blanket. Improvement in the patient's condition after such a procedure comes just after a couple of hours.

But still, most often the treatment of obstructive bronchitis in children is the intake of various infusions and mixtures. The simplest way to get rid of bronchitis is a mixture of carrot seeds. They are poured with a mixture of alcohol and water (proportion one to one). Take this medicine 3 times a day on a tablespoon, without seizing and not washing down. As a rule, after such treatment, bronchitis completely passes in a few days. Another simple method of treatment is the use of the juice of cranberries, mixed in half with honey. Dosage is the same, 3 times a day for a tablespoon. Of course, there are more complex methods of treating bronchitis with folk remedies. One of the most effective methods is the following - it is necessary to melt and filter the interior lard, mixed with butter, honey and granulated sugar (each ingredient is 500 g). The resulting mass boil on the fire for 5 minutes, then add a couple of tablespoons of cocoa powder and boil for another 7 minutes. Take a medicine you need a whole tablespoon on an empty stomach, squeezed milk.

Naturally, the treatment of bronchitis is not only the taking of medications and tinctures. The patient must also observe certain precautions. Avoid smoking people, breathe warm fresh air, often make steam baths and consume a lot of liquid. After all, treating bronchitis with folk remedies is not a panacea, but only a part of the necessary measures.

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