Spiritual developmentTarot

The Tarot of Thoth is the great work of Aleister Crowley

This deck of tarot cards was created by Aleister Crowley - the most famous esotericist of the early 20th century. Tarot Thoth (calorie cards and book) Crowley's fundamental work, in it he expounded his vast knowledge, beliefs, mystical and magical experiences. To create this system (not only speculative, but also philosophical), he carried out in-depth studies of the heritage of ancient cultures and secret teachings. The Tarot of Tota combines: the classical fortune-telling system of tarot cards, the knowledge and symbols of world religions and cults, the sacred knowledge of Ancient Egypt and the even more ancient science of Kabbalah (which, by the way, underlies all religions and beliefs). The author did not just create a tool for practical application (fortune-telling and predictions) ... Tarot Thoth - an attempt to understand the laws of the universe and to pick up the key to them. A. Crowley himself considered his creation to be "an encyclopedia and a reference book on occult philosophy, which precedes the direction of magical and mystical thought for 2000 years ahead." Indeed, the information contained in this system is not fully deciphered today, so modern occultists interpret it in different ways. Many of them consider this deck to be "comprehensive" and containing a vast amount of information to understand the true meaning of the older Arcana.

Features of this deck

The deck of Tarot cards of Tota was published in 1944, drawings and symbols designed by A. Crowley were performed by the artist and Egyptologist Frida Harris. Together with the maps, a "Thoth book" was created, explaining in detail the meaning of the Tarot Thoth cards. In structure, this deck does not differ from the classic English decks of the Tarot (the closest it is to Tarot Raider-Waite). The number of cards is usual - 22 senior Arkan and 56 junior. But the images on the maps of older Arcanes differ markedly from the traditional one: on each card there are a lot of symbols necessary for interpreting its meaning. The drawings of the senior arcane mainly on the theme of Egyptian mythology (as is clear from the title), Torah and Prophecy. In working on this deck, the artist used a completely unusual color scheme. The meaning of the Tarot Tarot cards is somewhat different than usual; Many maps are interpreted differently, Arkan Sila and Arkan Justice have swapped places (which corresponds to the French Tarot system), the names of some older Arcanes have been changed; The power is called Lust, Justice - Regulation, Moderation - Art, Arkan Lovers has a second name - Brothers. In the Tarot Thoth deck, the interpretation of such "heavy" Arcanes as the Devil and Hanged is more positive. Junior Arcanas are also unusual, there are no plot pictures on numeric maps (from two to dozen), the meaning of the map is revealed with the help of a complex, symbolic drawing depicting the objects denoting suits: disks, bowls, swords and wands. Each numeric arkan has a name that reflects its essence (this often confuses newcomers who first took Tarot Tota, the interpretation of the values of the cards of this deck is not at all easier than others).

Recommendations for choosing cards

For successful work with tarot cards, it is important to find contact with a specific deck, the subconscious plays no small role here. When the pictures and symbols depicted on the cards like and intuitively understand - it's "your" deck. Therefore, when choosing a deck of tarot, you should trust only yourself, your feelings. Even the most authoritative recommendations are unlikely to help you in this. If you like Tarot Thoth, you can safely work with it, even if you are just starting to learn the Tarot. And if you are frightened by Aleister Crowley's "questionable" popularity, then you should not trust too much all that is written about him. Reading a book and working with the maps created by him, you can better understand the master and his world view. Then you "at first hand" find out whether your philosophy suits you or not.

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