
The significance of motor activity for human health. Dosage Muscle Load

Not every person does sports. This is due to constant exhausting work, family and other matters. Moreover, many spend most of their working day in a sitting position, and home, as a rule, are sent by car. Nevertheless, do not underestimate the importance of motor activity for human health. No wonder they say that movement is life. This topic will be very useful for those who seriously think about their health.

Active lifestyle

To ensure the normal functionality of the human body you need to exercise regularly. This does not mean that you have to sit for hours on the simulator or run marathons. Everything is much simpler here. Enough minimum morning runs before work or on a day off. Such activity leads to the development of endorphins in the body, also known as hormones of happiness. They allow not only to relieve stress, but also improve tone and circulation.

The great importance of motor activity for human health has long been proven by scientists. It is especially important for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Also, experiments have shown that people involved in sports in old age feel much better. It instantly affects your health. During physical activity in the body, oxidation-reduction processes are started. This improves blood circulation and saturates the body with oxygen.

Movement is life

Every year physical human labor is used less and less. The development of computer technology is only contributing to this. Children sit all day on the screens of laptops or tablets, and adults sit in the office, which, in fact, is similar. In some cases, even young people develop muscle atrophy, a person becomes sluggish and weak. The force of the heart contractions decreases, and consequently the general condition worsens.

Active lifestyle is able to significantly improve the situation. To do this, just a few times a week to go for a run or engage in fitness. Of course, in order to achieve the proper result, it is necessary to engage in sports systematically, not only during a vacation or when there is a mood.

What is dangerous for a sedentary lifestyle?

If a person spends most of the time in one position, say, at a computer in the office, then this does not lead to anything good. Some muscle groups are experiencing serious stresses, while others generally do not work at all. This leads to health problems. In particular, there are pains in the back, in the pelvic area, etc. In this mode, the heart and lungs work less efficiently, this also applies to other body systems. The capillary network is reduced, blood circulation worsens and there are problems with legs.

There is nothing good in this, so do not underestimate the importance of motor activity for human health. It is also worth understanding how the body itself is arranged. In the absence of loads from the process of life, all useless functions are turned off. Reduces the number of reserve vessels, which can lead to blockage, worsening the work of the cardiovascular system. But all this is recoverable, if you take care of yourself today and do not put off the problem in the long box.

On the positive effects of physical activity

The phrase: "Movement - life" is not groundless. It has long been proven that people who are actively involved in sports are sick much less often, look better. Especially it is manifested in old age. The body begins to grow old later by 5-7 years, the risk of atherosclerosis and hypertension decreases.

To improve the condition of the body, you can use a variety of regimes of motor activity, ranging from the usual light jogging and ending with weightlifting. Of course, it's different for everyone. For office workers it is desirable to spend as much time as possible in the open air, sports will be only a plus. This applies not only to the younger generation, but also to older people. You can engage in athletic walking, which will soon restore your body and increase immunity. Especially important is activity for children. Only in this way can the harmonious development of the skeleton be achieved. Therefore, as often as possible you need to play outdoor games and walk in the fresh air.

Motor activity and health

As already noted above, you need to find some free time. To make it really is not that hard. You just need to get up 15 minutes early and go to bed not too late. Running before and after work will bring you cheerfulness and lead the muscles into tonus. If you force yourself hard, you can find like-minded people. Together, this will be much easier.

Of course, you can overdo it here, driving your body and bringing it to a critical state. You do not need to do this. All is well, but only if in moderation. For example, immediately after a meal you do not need to run anywhere. Do it better in 40-60 minutes, when food is absorbed in the body.

Running can be done during the dog walking. This is also useful for you, and the dog in joy will once again run about. Modes of motor activity should be selected individually. What can one, the second will be available only after a while, so chasing someone also does not follow.

Charging in the morning

There is nothing complicated in this. It takes such a charge a little time, an average of 10 minutes. But this will allow you to awaken not only the muscles of the body, but also the nervous system. As a result, you will be more alert and efficient. Many doctors recommend not to neglect this useful habit, especially since you do not need to leave the house.

The complex of exercises can be developed both independently and use existing ones. It is advisable to include the following exercises for the whole organism in the gymnastics:

  • Squats;
  • Slopes to the side ;
  • Stretching;
  • Push-ups and the like.

Dosirovannaya muscular load in the morning should not be too high. It is desirable to work only with your own weight and orient yourself according to your condition. If possible, it is better to get out into the fresh air, and finish the session with dousing with water. This will further strengthen the immune system, but it's worth to be approached with the mind also, and if you have never done it, then you do not need to go and pour yourself into the frost with water.

Organizational matters

It is extremely important to properly dose the load. If your friend is able to run 3 kilometers, it does not mean that you need the same amount. This requires an individual approach. Insufficient or excessive activity will not give any positive results. For this simple reason, it is advisable to use the following recommendations:

  • Gradual increase in loads. If you are new to this business, it is better to start small and gradually increase the intensity. You do not need to try to run another 100 meters through strength and pain, it can harm the body;
  • Start with a simple. First of all, you need to learn the correct technique of doing exercises and only then move on to more complex elements;
  • Systematization. It is desirable to play sports regularly. Only in this way can you significantly strengthen your body. Lesson several times a month, the result will not bring.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. It is necessary to exercise regularly, without violating your body and not trying to jump above your head. In this case, the benefits of running and other exercises will be, and you will surely feel it on yourself.

Going to the gym

If there are no serious contraindications, then you can go to the simulator. For greater motivation, you can set yourself a certain goal and gradually move towards it. It is extremely important to develop a suitable program for your body. The same principle applies - from small to large. Do not immediately try to raise 100 kilograms on the chest, focusing on someone. This person most likely went to this for more than one year.

Therefore, at first it is advisable to get acquainted with the technique of performing exercises and draw up a training program. For example, based on the work schedule, choose the time and number of classes per week. They should be no less than 2 and not more than 4. Going to the hall every day is also not worth it, since the muscles and the psyche need to be restored. The duration of training is also better not to stretch. Enough will be 40-60 minutes, after which you can go home to rest. Remember that the importance of physical activity and physical education for a person is closely related. That's why the athletic physique of a guy or girl is admired. A healthy organism is less sick, and with proper nutrition looks an order of magnitude younger and fresher.

Important details

It is advisable to begin to engage in an active lifestyle with ordinary hiking. Many may think that this is useless for health, but this is not at all the case. During walking, muscles of the abdominals, calves, hips, buttocks, back are straining. All these muscle groups are involved in the work and gradually restore their functions. As has been repeatedly noted above, it is better to start small. Approximately 10-15 minutes of walking outdoors before work will be very handy. In some cases, you can walk or bike on the workplace. It is much more useful than driving a car or using public transport.

Note that the importance of motor activity for the development of the child has simply a huge role. It is useful to walk and run in the fresh air, to engage in developing active games. The mobility of the child must be constantly developed. The less time he spends on a computer or TV, the better. This will not only improve immunity, but also strengthen bones and muscles. Do not forget that for each person the load should be individual, this is one of the basic rules.

Let's throw aside laziness aside

Many diseases arise precisely because of insufficient motor activity. Someone even to the nearest store, to which 5-10 minutes to go, goes by car. What can be said about health if the muscles atrophy not so much in older people as in modern youth. But if in adolescence there are not any special problems with well-being, they will necessarily appear later, this can not be avoided anywhere. But all this can be prevented. It's enough to devote a little time and not be lazy.

Let's sum up the results

Recent research has shown that the importance of motor activity for human health plays a decisive role. Because of the sedentary lifestyle, the incidence increases by about 50%. Thus it is necessary to understand, that there is no cold, but such an ailment as hypokinesia. This disease is displayed on the sensory systems of the body. Vision and work of the vestibular apparatus deteriorates. Ventilation of the lungs decreases by 5-20%. In some cases, not only does the work of the circulatory system deteriorate, but the weight and size of the heart decreases. These are very serious prerequisites to at least try to change their way of life. To get up in the morning from bed and take charge or go for a run is the first step to recovery. Soon you will be surprised how much the impact of physical activity on health.

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