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Savitsky Alexander. Taste of life

Nowadays, many authors publish their works on the Internet. There are many resources for this. The most active at times become the most famous. One of these authors is Alexander Savitsky, who stands out among other poets with a special charisma and talent.

The young poet is open to all

Young poet Savitsky Alexander was born in Belgorod in 1989. On the Internet, the active user of which he is, there are many of his poems. в социальных сетях, поэт читает свои стихи в видеороликах . The works are placed on poetic portals, in social networks, the poet reads his poems in video clips . A lot of pictures and illustrations to his works are placed by the poet on the web. It is open to all. Beautiful features, ironic look. Open to communication, to recognition, to glory! Меня зовут Саша, мне 27 лет. Я пишу стихи". Alexander almost everywhere writes about himself very simply, without frills: " My name is Sasha, I'm 27. I write poetry." It's very sweet, it inspires confidence, a smile and genuine interest. What kind of verse does this open, sincere person write?

Creative activity

Девушки в тельняшках" (в двух редакциях) и " Компас", в его возрасте это очень впечатляет! On the account of Alexander Savitsky two collections of poems: " Girls in Vests" (in two editions) and " Compass", at his age it is very impressive! His texts are written by a young author himself. Covers, illustrations help to create friends. Мастер Оскольской лиры", которое он получил в 2016 году. Alexander has the title of Master of the Oskol Lyra, which he received in 2016. The young poet is very active, constantly arranges creative events, projects. Литературный слэм" в родном городе, Осколе, а также в Севастополе , " Городской клуб поэтов" в Белгороде. " Literary slam" in his native city, Oskol, and also in Sevastopol , " City club of poets" in Belgorod. на подъем , с удовольствием путешествует по городам с выступлениями. The author is easy on the rise , with pleasure traveling through cities with performances. поэтам из глубинки". Alexander Savitsky himself refers to " poets from the remote places." во время проведения творческих встреч. He plays a lot and talently reads his poems from the microphone while holding creative meetings. He sincerely believes that true poetry is born and lives in the Russian outback.

"Girls in Vests"

The collection of poems "Girls in Vests" was released first, it absorbed works written in an earlier period, beginning in 2009 and until 2012. The author memorized all the poems from this collection on his solo evening. Alexander Savitsky can laugh and surprise. With humor reflects on the opposite field, sad, when the girls are not around. So he says, they say, I wanted to write about the fall, but "I write about sex." These hooligan lines cause a smile. прекрасной половине человечества, задумывается, как же из девушек можно высечь искры? Alexander Savitsky, a poet, a man, thinking about the beautiful half of mankind, thinks how can girls make sparks? Sometimes he states that there are "nothing senseless" women in the world. Эйвон". This becomes clear from the work of Avon. A poet can express himself briefly and capacitively, writes a quatrain with a deep meaning. Alexander has many friends. He easily appeals to people for help, gives reading his poems, listens to someone else's opinion, is ready to accept criticism.

"Compass". Love lyrics

At a young age it is necessary to dream about love, and even to a poet - even more so. Alexander Savitsky is not an exception. Компас" полностью состоит из любовной лирики. His collection of poems " Compass" completely consists of love lyrics. свою собственную историю. In it, the author, in a boyish manner, boldly and frankly draws his own story in verse . Namely: a certain poet C is in love with actress Yu. The whole collection is the history of this love. She is already in the past, but she wants to leave something in her heart, fix stupid acts, scream past about her feelings, what she did not dare to say before even in a whisper. The literary hero recognizes the mistakes of youth. He is one of those who write the name of his beloved on the fence, on the asphalt, clouds in the sky. Of those who are capable of madness. девушка становится книжкой", оставаясь навеки в его сердце. At Alexander "the girl becomes the book", remaining forever in his heart. The poet is young, yearning for love. In his works he exudes the energy of youth, a certain maximalism of passions. сопливых песен тонны", подкожных и внутривенных инъекций страсти. To such natures - if you really love, then to the last nerve, give him " snotty songs of a ton", subcutaneous and intravenous injections of passion. But it should be noted that Alexander Savitsky - poet not only love lyrics.

Taste of life

The civil subject for Savitsky Alexander is very close. мальчика-подростка , который бредет по улице, засунув руки в карманы, и внимательно наблюдает за всем, что его окружает. Reading his works, involuntarily imagine a provincial teenage boy , who wanders along the street, his hands in his pockets, and closely watches everything that surrounds him. A playful, tenacious look, nothing escapes him. разговорной речи". The author goes through an easy gait on " colloquial speech." Любитель кофе и сигарет", немного хулиган, чуточку романтик. " Lover of coffee and cigarettes," a little hooligan, a little romantic. здесь и сейчас", перебирает ее как паззлы, рассматривает под разными углами. He seems to taste life on taste, is in a " here and now" state , sorts it out like puzzles, looks at different angles. He notices little things and from them draws bright pictures. Thanks to this, his verses are read and perceived easily, visibly.

Savitsky Alexander describes life as it is. And it is remarkable that in one work he can unexpectedly combine everyday detailing with his own associative sensations. Ты утро” он говорит, что пора засыпать макароны сыром, затем подать кофе, посыпанный тертым шоколадом. In the poem " You are the morning" he says that it's time to fall asleep macaroni with cheese, then to serve coffee, sprinkled with grated chocolate. звучит следующее: ”Ты рассвет. Then the following sounds: "You're dawn. You're oxygen. You're Pepsi-Cola. " You can say that Alexander Savitsky gives his poems to people and does it generously.

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