Spiritual developmentMystic

Rites and people's signs for money.

Money has always played a prominent role in people's lives. Perhaps, therefore, there are so many different examples and superstitions associated with them, savings and wealth. Some of them we forgot, and some - we perform automatically, as learned from childhood rules of conduct.

Why are there signs? People have been observing some patterns for centuries, sometimes they have quite logical explanations, and sometimes it is simply the result of ancient pagan beliefs that have survived to this day through the ages.

What are the signs for money, and do they have any logical explanations?

For example, it is widely believed that if the right hand is scratched , then soon you need to expect a profit. And if a similar feeling arose in connection with the left hand, then the money will have to be given. Why is that? This and similar signs for money are connected with the belief that the angel is behind the right shoulder, and the devil is behind the left (remember the habit of spitting, turning your head over your left shoulder so as not to jinx). Accordingly, all sensations that are associated with the right side of the body promise good, and on the left - troubles.

There are signs for money associated with the time of day. For example, it is considered a bad omen to give, take or take money in the evening. The explanation is simple, after sunset comes the time of dominance of evil spirits, therefore in the evening it is generally not recommended to conduct any operations with money.

A similar explanation can be given to signs that forbid taking out garbage in the evenings or sweeping the house. It is believed that along with rubbish it is possible to throw out prosperity, as the evil spirit does not slumber in the evenings, but only awaits an opportunity to plague people.

A noticeable role in different beliefs is played by the dining table, with this subject of the situation associated with numerous signs and superstitions. Money, for example, throwing on the table is not recommended, it is believed that in this way a person shows disrespect to them.

In addition, it is strictly forbidden to leave symbols of emptiness on the table, for example, an empty bottle or a jug. Many believe that such symbolism can lead to the formation of emptiness in the purse.

Do not sweep the crumbs left on the table, just with your hand and, especially, on the floor. Not only is this not too hygienic, it also promises moneylessness. By the way, those who dream of getting rich, are forbidden to sit down on the table, however, a well-bred person and without any signs of it will not do.

Numerous signs for money are associated with such essential household items as a broom. The fact that in the evening it was undesirable to sweep the conversation was already there. However, if you really need to, you can sweep the rubbish, it's important not to sweep it out of the house, but to collect it in a corner and leave it till morning.

Money signs prohibit having two brooms in the house, as this can lead to poverty. Probably, this sign is connected with the principle of reasonable economy, so as not to encourage dishonesty. But in order to ensure that money in the purse is not transferred, a broom must necessarily be set with a whisk up.

Widely known rituals and signs associated with money and the moon. For example, it is believed that the growing month is necessary to show money and then they will grow along with it.

But the signs connected with the finds and losses of money are full of contradictions. Some believe that the found coins can not be lifted in any case, since such a find later will result in much greater losses. Other signs say that seeing the money on earth, it is necessary to raise it, that is, to give respect to the money. As a compromise between these two beliefs, there is a third, which recommends finding the money to raise, but not to take to oneself, but to give to the poor.

Do you believe in people's signs? That's your business. However, it is noticed that signs work if the person is sure of their strength. So, let's believe in good signs, and those that foreshadow the evil, let them pass by.

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