HealthWomen Health

Radio wave treatment of cervical erosion

Various tumorous formations, benign and malignant, occupy a prominent place in a number of diseases that lead people to the operating table. Among the diseases of female genital organs, one of the first places in frequency is the damage to the cervix, the so-called erosion.
Erosion in women is a condition of the mucous membrane, in which part of it is deprived of its cover layer - the epithelium, as a result of which the connective-tissue base is exposed. Distinguish pseudo-erosion of the cervix and true erosion. The most common disease in the genital area among women is ectopia, or pseudo-erosion is otherwise called. To determine the size and type of erosion, colposcope examination is used.
Erosion is often accompanied by nonspecific inflammation. Timely detection and treatment of the inflammatory process is the main measure of prevention.
To date, the most effective way to treat this disease can be called radio wave treatment of cervical erosion . Such a surgical process is performed with the help of high-frequency radio emission of the apparatus. The attending physician, after taking the necessary tests and carrying out the examination, can appoint a special procedure with which to cauterize cervical erosion by radio waves.
Radio wave treatment of cervical erosion is used at the stage of progressive, complicated inflammation. The frequency radiation of waves affects the tissues, the cells react to these radiation, releasing heat. Incisions are performed under local anesthesia with special electrodes. When simulating high-frequency waves, a cut takes place with simultaneous sealing of tissues, which eliminates bleeding and promotes rapid healing of the postoperative wound. The procedure is carried out with high accuracy, the depth of the wound is under control, which allows not to affect healthy tissues. Radio wave treatment of cervical erosion in our time is the most modern method for eliminating this disease.
The method of treatment in women of erosion by radio waves excludes the appearance of a scar line on the cervix, which is extremely important for women who have not yet given birth.
The method of treatment with radio waves is used to treat other inflammations of the cervix, as well as for the safe conduct of a biopsy.
The benefits of erosion treatment with radio waves can be safely attributed to a single procedure. This method belongs to the category of sparing and does not leave a burn trail.
After the procedure, minor red-brown, pink discharge is possible, which is not a complication and does not require additional treatment. Also, in some cases, a woman may experience a traumatic pain in the lower abdomen. In case of the appearance of abundant secretions of acidic, putrefactive odor, one should urgently run to the doctor.
Radio wave treatment of cervical erosion does not cause significant inconveniences, but it is recommended after this procedure to limit the physical activity, to not walk much, to avoid bathing in the pool, the river, the sea, not to bathe in the sauna, replacing it with showering. The doctor will prescribe to abstain from sexual activity for 10-14 days, depending on the size of the treated tissue. Early sexual intimacy can lead to a longer healing of the epithelium and cause bleeding.

The radio wave method of erosion treatment has some contraindications:
- diseases in the field of oncology,
- during pregnancy (at any time),
- menstruation,
- acute infectious diseases,
- presence of intrauterine device.
This treatment is carried out on the 5th-10th day of menstruation, after childbirth - on the 40-45 day, i.e. After cessation of lop-flies.
To avoid having to use radio wave therapy, a woman should visit a gynecologist once a month and monitor her health. If any symptoms are detected, do not engage in self-medication and do not delay with the referral to the doctor.

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