Spiritual developmentMystic

New Moon Rite for Love and Money

Rituals associated with the new moon are mainly aimed at the fulfillment of desires, which can be domestic, love or monetary. What is the purpose of each of the rites? Change a person's life for the better. And this chance gives people a new moon. Why not use it?

Signs of the New Moon related to love

  • If you get married on a new moon, you will live happily and richly.
  • To quarrel - sprinkle salt in the new moon.
  • On the new moon, did you dream that you were torn out of a tooth? This promises separation from the beloved.
  • If a bird has flown to a balcony to an unmarried girl, then in the near future it can expect a marriage proposal.
  • Mages are not advised to celebrate the anniversary of the wedding in the new moon, as the family can collapse.

Household items on the new moon

  • The new moon is an unfavorable time for the conception of the baby, since there is a risk that it will be born weak. It is better to wait a few days.
  • To ensure that the house has always been prosperous, it is better to timed the move to the new moon.
  • It is believed that those who were born on the new moon, are waiting for a rich, long and happy life.

Monetary signs and a new moon

  • Profitable business start in the new moon
  • Do not take a loan and do not borrow money on the new moon, as the money will disappear from the wallet as soon as they get there.
  • To attract money energy and count on fast enrichment you can, if you put it on the window sill so that moonlight gets on it.
  • Worship the new moon - expect a gift within a month.
  • For a new month, take a coin of 5 rubles and show it to the new Moon. So, within the next month, money in your wallet will only increase. A cherished coin can not be spent until the next new moon.

Magic rituals and rituals

Full moon and new moon are the most magical periods of lunar phrases. This is the peak and revival of the Queen of the Night. This is what many magicians use. The New Moon and the full moon are ideal for carrying out all sorts of magical plots, rituals and rituals. For example, to create amulets and talismans, to increase sexual attractiveness, to attract money, luck and prosperity.

A magical rite for the new moon to fulfill the desires

This magical ritual must be done only once a year - on the first new moon, which will follow your birthday.

The ritual is simple, it will be quite accessible even for beginners, who know little about magic and witchcraft. In order to conduct the ritual, it is necessary to compile a complete list of your desires, and so that the most important dreams are on the list first, and the minor ones last.

It should be noted that this rite is better suited for the fulfillment of material desires, whether, for example, the desire to have a lot of money, movable and immovable property and so on. At the same time, each of your desires should be completely sincere, well-aware and undirected to cause harm to anyone. Remember that the more you want, the faster your dream will come true.

Upon completion of work on the wish list, you need to thank the Higher Powers for the help they are giving you now, and for what they will do in the future.

Then in different sources of action over the leaf are different. However, most often, the performer is advised to completely burn the leaf, and the ashes to disperse into the wind.

Many mages say that after this magical ritual, any wishes and dreams come true, and not later than in a year.

Let's talk about the features of love magic

Rituals for the new moon to attract love do not lose their popularity. First of all, we immediately stipulate that the rituals for love - this is by no means a zombie.

With the help of such conspiracies, you can literally open your eyes to your chosen one for your best qualities and virtues. It's not just that they say that magic is not so much miracles as opportunities that scientists have not yet found a logical explanation.

Remember that rituals for a new moon for love require careful preparation, as well as the fact that in their conduct, it is necessary to comply with a number of rules.

  • Each word of the conspiracy must be pronounced not to harm, but with pure thoughts directed towards the one about whom it is mentioned in the conspiracy.
  • Before the ceremony, you should not drink alcohol.
  • Unwelcome before the ritual and intimate contacts.

What is the reason for this? Any rite for a new moon for its conduct and work requires certain energy costs, which, if not observed, may not be enough, and the conspiracy, in turn, simply will not work.

Moon water

New Moon rites for love can be a hundred times stronger if you use consecrated water that has an ideal harmonious energy structure. The water that you "insisted" in the rays of the moon, you must give your loved one drink, while looking into his eyes and mentally speaking about your feelings.

Magic note

Plots and rituals for the new moon for love include the ritual "Magic Note". It is quite simple and consists in the fact that in the note you need to thank in advance the Moon for a desire that has already come true.

The text of the note itself must be left on the windowsill for three days so that the rays of the night light on it fall. That's all. No further action is required from you. The main thing is that the one who wrote his desire, was absolutely sure that he needed the love of a particular person.

By the way, "Magic Note" can be used not only for love rituals. This rite for the new moon can be held to attract money, prosperity, luck, health.

How to bring love to life?

This is one of the oldest magical rites, which must be performed immediately after sunset on the first day of the full moon. The best time for this rite is twilight, when it's not dark yet.

In order to conduct a rite, you need ... soap bubbles. You need to go outside and try to inflate beautiful and big bubbles. It is important that you enjoy the process.

When you start to get, you will feel the flow of positive emotions, you will need to close your eyes and imagine yourself next to your lover. Next, create an image of a loved one and mentally place it in the most beautiful soap bubble, just what you will get.

Now imagine that this bubble, inside which is the face of your chosen one, is picked up by the wind and carries it away. Do not be sad. Wish the soap bubble a happy journey.

Soon, your ways with this person will cross, and you will have the opportunity to ensure that your chosen one loved you.

How to tune in before the ritual?

Conspiracies and rituals for the new moon are better to perform, after having been cleansed of the negative and balancing the emotional state. In order to purify the body, mind and soul, before performing the ritual, they usually bathe.

To clean yourself physically, rinse under the shower, and then lie down in a bath with sea salt for 10-15 minutes. After this time, open the drain and stay in the tub until all the water has gone. As the water goes away, it is necessary to imagine how all negative energy and thoughts about everyday everyday problems that have accumulated go with it. An indication that the ablution goal has been achieved will be a sense of peace and purity.

This is nothing more than a recommendation. Rite for the new moon can be done without washing, if you are not worried about gloomy thoughts, and you are feeling well.

If you have bathed, you are practically ready for the ceremony. Now you need to prepare a room where you will conduct it. Such training consists in purification, because our apartments, being enclosed premises, tend to accumulate various energy mud. We need to eliminate it, so that it does not interfere. This is especially important in the full moon. One of the simplest methods of purification is to fumigate the room for the ritual with incense or to bypass it with a candle.

So what are the new moon rituals for attracting money?

Moon and purse

Rituals for the new moon to attract money are very diverse. This ritual is as follows. Every full moon needs to lay out its open, empty purse, in which you carry money every day, on the window so that the moonlight gets into it. This must be done all three days of the full moon. And in three nights the new moon needs, on the contrary, to put a wallet with money on the window.

A shower of money

This rite for money in the new moon is as follows. You need to collect all the small things around the house. After you take a shower, "shower" yourself with rain from the collected coins (they, of course, it is better to wash them beforehand). For a one-time attraction of money, this ritual is very effective.

Rite for deliverance from unnecessary

The full moon is a symbol of the end of the cycle, the death of the old and the transition to a new level. Therefore, the rituals for the new moon and the full moon effectively help to get rid of unnecessary negatives and diseases.

This ritual must be carried out directly under the moon, in nature. We need to make a fire or take matches and a saucer for a symbolic fire. On paper, you need to write clearly and clearly what you want to get rid of. Pray before the Moon in your own words, then start burning pieces of paper with a negative!

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