HealthDiseases and Conditions

Myasthenia gravis: symptoms, causes, treatment

The word "myasthenia gravis" literally translates as "muscle weakness." In addition to this name, the disease has many others: bulbar paralysis, asthenic ophthalmoplegia, Erba Goldfall's disease, a syndrome of pathological muscle fatigue. This is an autoimmune disease. This means that antibodies appear in the human body, which destroy not harmful cells and viruses, but kill normal healthy cells.

Myasthenia gravis, the symptoms of which are similar in milestones, are increasingly developing in young women under the age of forty. Every 10 people out of a hundred thousand today have a diagnosis: myasthenia gravis. Symptoms of the disease:

• double vision in the evening, eye fatigue, lowering of eyelids;

• evening hoarseness of voice, fatigue of ligaments after a prolonged voice load;

• Very fast fatigue ;

• violation of fine motor skills;

• decreased sensitivity;

• Movement disorders, especially with repetitive movements;

• disturbances of swallowing, getting food into the nose, nasal voice;

• spasms during breathing.

Many sick people noted that fatigue is sharply increased in heat, and recovery comes as quickly as fatigue.

Than insidious myasthenia gravis? Symptoms of it may go unnoticed for many years. The nature of the course of the disease may be stationary or, in most cases, progressing. The stationary form is noticeable only when the treatment is ineffective.

Progressing can develop within six months (fast), six weeks (rough), two weeks (malignant). Malignant myasthenia gravis, the symptoms of which start acutely, includes all of the above signs. In untimely treatment, malignant myalgia, the symptoms of which grow very rapidly, can lead to complete immobility.

According to the form of the flow, the myasthenia gravis is divided into a local (most often an ophthalmic) form and a generalized one. Myasthenia gravis, the generalized form of which affects multiple groups of organs, is diagnosed in neurological clinics. For the diagnosis is necessary to conduct computer and magnetic resonance imaging, pneumomediastinography, proserinic assays. Apply also a biopsy of muscle tissue, general somatic studies, genetic tests, electroneurography.

If the diagnosis of myasthenia gravis is established, treatment is determined by three major postulates:

• Staged.

• Combination of different types (compensatory, nonspecific, pathogenetic) therapy.

• Withdrawal of acute phase.

During the compensatory phase of treatment, usually prescribed anticholinesterase drugs, veroshpiron, proserin, potassium chloride. At the second stage in severe cases, thymectomy - removal of the thymus gland - can be indicated . In 75% of cases, this operation leads to complete recovery, in others - to a significant improvement in the condition. The operation can be performed by a traditional invasive and slightly traumatic method.

After the operation (and sometimes instead of it), treatment with glucocorticoid drugs is prescribed. Such treatment is desirable to be carried out in a hospital, under the supervision of specialists. The third stage of myasthenia gravis treatment is the appointment of immunosuppressors.

People can not cure the disease, but they can accompany the main treatment if doctors do not mind. For example, you can steak a glass of oats in a half-liter of water, boil three quarters of an hour, draining and taking it in an hour with honey, adding it to half a glass of liquid four times a day. Another recipe is more difficult to prepare. Three blended head of garlic, mixed with four blended lemons, add a kilogram of honey and a glass of linseed oil. The mixture is taken three times a day.

Passing the treatment for myasthenia gravis, you need to remember that it will help only with a healthy lifestyle.

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