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Michel Nostradamus: biography, predictions

The most famous of the soothsayers in the world over the past 500 years is the French doctor and an astronomer named Michel Nostradamus. In history, he entered as a plague winner and time overlord, inexplicably looking forward to 2000 years. And to this day his foresights are used with great attention and are studied with interest by many astrologers.

The birth of the future soothsayer

In December 1503, on the 14th, in the French province of Provence a boy was born in the family of Jacques Nostradamus, a notary in Saint-Remy and René. He was named Michel de Notredam. He was a Jew by his father, and all his family adhered to Judaism for the time being. However, the time was restless: Europe lived under the close supervision of the Catholic Church and its laws. Therefore, all followers of the Gentiles could be outlawed and executed as heretics. Where Michel Nostradamus was born, Jewish families were threatened with exile. Therefore, the whole family of the future seer accepted the faith preached by the Pope and was baptized. That's why little Michel was given a surname in Latin - Nostradamus.

In the genus along the paternal line of Nostradamus were ancestors engaged in healing and predictions. By mother, the relatives were representatives of the sciences, especially mathematics and medicine.

Childhood and primary education of Nostradamus

All his childhood he spent in his native Saint-Remy, grew up, played in the streets of Provence in the same way as other children at his age. As for education, it should be noted that it was not in every medieval family in medieval Europe that Michel Nostradamus received primary and secondary education at home. Educated and taught the basics of science of his grandfather by his mother, Jean de Saint-Remy. It was he who instilled in the young man interest in studying the stars. Michelle was so carried away by astrology that even in his childhood his acquaintances and relatives called him "a small star." Jean was able to give his grandson a very good and full education by the standards of that time, but when Michel Nostradamus reached the age of 15, his grandfather died. After this, a new period begins in his life.

The Avignon Master travels to France

In 1518, immediately after the death of his grandfather, he went to one of the largest cities in France - Avignon. There he enters the university and begins to study the sciences of the humanities cycle, such as logic, philosophy, grammar and rhetoric. The next 3 years he spends in the walls of the school, after which in France appears another master of arts - Michel Nostradamus. The biography of the next 8 years is very vague. Some sources say that all 8 years after the training he traveled around the country, studying medicinal plants. According to other sources, in 1521 he decides to devote himself entirely to medicine and enters one of the most prestigious educational institutions in Europe - a university in Montpellier, whose medical school was famous throughout the Old World. For three more years he devotes his studies, as a result of which he receives a bachelor's degree and only after that travels to his native country until 1529. However, most likely, we will not know the truth, since the period of his life from 1921 to 1929 is shrouded in darkness.

The first meeting with a lady named Plague

During his travels in 1526, he was in Exa. There he first met with the disease face to face. Since that time, her study has occupied all the time. After the first successful attempts in the fight against a dangerous epidemic, Michel begins to treat infected throughout France, and takes care of those patients from whom other doctors have already refused as hopelessly sick, leaving them to wait for their death. It was at this time that Michel Nostradamus invented the famous remedy for the plague. It consisted of a set of aromatic herbs, which had to be placed under the tongue of those who were in the zone of infection. In this terrible time for all of Europe, the glory of the plague winner spreads through the cities and villages of France.

Learning on the verge of exclusion, or As a student has surpassed his teacher

Michel Nostradamus traveled until 1529, when he decided to continue his studies at the University of Montpellier. October 23 he did it. He was reinstated at the Faculty of Medicine with a view to obtaining a doctorate and a doctor's license. After paying for his tuition and vows about observing the statutes and rules of the university, he chose a mentor for himself. It was Antoine Romier. However, with further training, he is on the verge of deduction. There were many reasons for this, but the most important is that his understanding of the nature of illnesses and medical activities were contrary to the existing canons of healing. Most of all the doctors were enraged by the refusal of bloodletting and his recognition as dangerous to human life.

Dr. Nostradamus

At a time when his fate as a student hung in the balance, he did not abandon his beliefs and made the struggle with the plague his vocation. He suggested that if disinfection is carried out in infected areas, the morbidity can be reduced. Also, one book by Nostradamus revealed the secret of preparing a remedy for a plague infection. One of his most famous inventions in those years were rose petal pills, rich in vitamin C. In large quantities, Nostradamus distributed this remedy on the streets and squares of infected cities. As a result of unquestionable success in confronting the plague, the contradictions at the university were resolved, and already in 1534, at the age of 31, Michel received a doctorate. From this event his name is written just like Nostradamus.

Little happiness and a crushing defeat in Agen

The result of the recognition of Nostradamus's merits was the invitation to the city of Agen to be one of the most significant scientists of Europe, called "French Erasmus", with the aim of continuing education. They were Jules-César Scaliger. It happened in 1536. At this time, Nostradamus married his chosen one, who gave birth to him two children. Everything was fine. But soon the white band was replaced by black. In Agen, an epidemic of plague began. Michelle entered into battle with her, but suffered a crushing defeat. In this battle, he lost his family. After that, disagreements began with Scaliger, old rivals and simply envious people called him a charlatan. But the worst thing is that Nostradamus gets to the note of the Inquisition, he faces death.

At night, he escapes from Agen and leaves the territory of France. The seven-year period of wanderings through Italy and Spain begins. Mysteries of Nostradamus in this troubled time come out from under his pen. It is believed that it is precisely after the loss of the family that the gift of foresight appears in it.

How Nostradamus managed to turn the persecutor into his ally ...

1546 was a turning point in his life. Provence Province experienced enormous difficulties, the plague epidemic there has reached a catastrophic scale and threatened the complete destruction of the entire population. In the same year there was a severe flood, as a result of which a large number of corpses of people and animals appeared on the surface of the earth. Infections spread with terrible speed, new infected people appeared every day. Nostradamus was invited to organize the fight against the plague. Using preventive measures and own medications, he managed to stop the epidemic.

At the same time, he showed himself as a skilled psychologist, having managed to raise the spirit of the population, using for this the church and biblical commandments. At the peak of the epidemic, the services in the churches did not stop, the bells rang. And so people saw him as their savior. The Church and the Inquisition, having learned that Michel Nostradamus had made her an ally to fight the plague, refused to pursue a doctor.

The second happiness and the first successes of the soothsayer

In 1547 Nostradamus moved to the small town of Salon-de-Provence. Here he marries a wealthy widow named Anne Ponsar Zhemella, who gave birth to 6 children: 3 sons and 3 daughters. In this quiet and cozy place he will live up to his death in 1566. All the riddles of Nostradamus, including predictions, refer to this time.

He started writing activities in 1549 and wrote until his death. Since 1550, the first versions of his works have been published. Nostradamus used the last word of technology - a printing press. The initial works were far from predictions - they contained information about cosmetics and cooking. However, after a while he began to use his deep knowledge in astrology and began to compile calendars of crops of agricultural plants and prediction of the time of sunrise and sunset. The writings of Nostradamus were full of mystery and mysticism, so they instantly gained great popularity, and his personality was overgrown with new incredible rumors.

The first predictions of Michel Nostradamus

Since 1554, Nostradamus began systematic work on writing the fundamental work, containing prophesies for many years to come. The book of Nostradamus was called "Centuries", or "Centuries". It was first published in circulation in 1555. Instantly, she won a stunning success in the reading environment. The collection consisted of two parts - the so-called "Messages": the first - the son of Cesar, the second - to King Henry II. Predictions consisted of quatrains-quatrains, numbering about 1000 pieces, and described the coming events, beginning in 1559 and ending with the year 3797.

Immediately after the release of "Centuries" Nostradamus was summoned to the capital to the court of the king. He was invited by the wife of the ruler Catherine de 'Medici. The reason for this was the prediction of the death of Henry II during the knight's duel. As it turned out later, this forecast came true, after which Catherine left him at the court, next to her. In 1565, the forecast came true regarding the fighting between Christians and Muslims in Malta, during which Europe won a brilliant victory.

In life, another prophecy of Michel Nostradamus came true: he predicted the defeat of France from the army of Spain in 1557. The last predicted in life forecast was that he would not be at the next day's dawn. So it happened, in July 1566 Nostradamus died.

Predictions of Nostradamus for 2016

A large number of Michel's prophecies have already come true and come true at the present time. Scientists who set out to study the predictions of Nostradamus, provide evidence of 90% of already come true predictions. The rest, they argue, either were not deciphered, or did not have a place in history. Some should happen at a certain time, including in 2016. So, what should happen this year, according to Nostradamus?

Natural cataclysms were predicted for 2016: first fires will begin that will sweep the whole world, then as a result of the greenhouse effect people will not see either the sun or the moon. After that, heavy rains will begin, and to top it off, a comet will fall on the big city, which will lead to an unprecedented tsunami. As a result, all continents will suffer, especially Australia and Oceania. However, not everything is so sad. It is at this time in Russia there will be a man and a new religion that will begin the spiritual unification of all mankind, and by 2040 all artificial boundaries that separate peoples will disappear.

In the economy and technical sciences there will be significant changes: first, a new source of renewable, easily accessible and cheap energy will be opened. In addition, scientists will implement the invention of Nikola Tesla - the transfer of electricity without wires. This will bring about a revolution and lead to the so-called. Energy revolution.

In geopolitics, the predictions of Nostradamus for 2016 also contain many interesting points. He says that the world will hang in the balance. The epicenter of events will be moved to the Middle East. Everything will begin with the "fights" of Iran and Turkey, but after a while they will unite and "look angrily" at Europe. The peacekeeping mission will be entrusted to Russia and the countries of Africa. If you look at the current political international situation, it is already clear that some moments in the world have taken place. It was also predicted the expulsion of his ruler in one of the countries, which in itself will surprise the whole world.

The great authority in astrological circles is still enjoyed by Michel Nostradamus. Predictions had a huge impact on the fate of some crowned people at all times, beginning in the second half of the 16th century. He predicted major cataclysms and events of history that changed the world and turned the clock back. No, probably, a person who has never heard of Nostradamus. All the people here are divided into two large camps: the first are sure that Michel could really foresee the events for millennia ahead; The latter believe that he is a common charlatan who wrote a complete confusion in which it is impossible to recognize specific events and names. Nevertheless, one should recognize the fact that Nostradamus' ideas have a huge impact on the development of medical science, astrology and prophetic activity.

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