
Method Mitlayder in the Russian version: reviews, photos

The abundant harvest, the rapid growth of plants, the absence of weeds - this is the dream of a gardener, quite achievable thanks to modern technologies of vegetable growing. Method Mitlajdera in Russia has been popular for more than 20 years. What is Mitlayderovsky garden? How to apply in the conditions of our Russian reality highly effective methods of growing vegetables on Mitlajderu?

The method of Dr. Jacob Mitlayer

The doctor of agricultural sciences Jacob R. Mitlajder, having studied problems and illnesses of plants in many countries of the world, on the basis of 55 years of experience of gardening has developed universal methods of cultivation. This approach allows, with a minimum of effort, to obtain abundant crops on any type of soil, regardless of climatic conditions, seasonality and many other conditions. How can you implement the method Mitlajdera in the Russian version?

  • Extremely important in applying the method is the planning of the future vegetable garden: drawing up a plan, a calendar for sowing and nursing, marking, which only a few Russian gardeners do. Why is it important? Planning makes it possible to make better use of available areas, get a strong seedling and take into account many conditions of plant development. For example, choose such an orientation for beds, which provides maximum illumination of plants in the morning and evening rays.
  • The mitlajder system in the Russian version can be realized through cultivation on narrow soil ridges, in box-ridge and suspended from vertical supports. On narrow beds, plants are planted in one or two rows (opposite or in staggered order), taking into account the peculiarities of crop growth. First, at the edges of the bed, earth borders are formed to hold water. Then plant the seedlings from the inside of the sides. In the boxes-ridges create a two-layer soil: an artificial soil is poured onto a natural soil and planted in the same way.
  • In addition, the doctor considered very important the proper nutrition and feeding of plants with mixtures of simple mineral fertilizers. To prevent a plant burn, fertilizing is placed in 8-10 cm from the stem of the plant. The strength and health of plants significantly affect the quality of soils. Strong seedlings actively enrich the soil with root extracts, which make up to 20% of the plant mass.
  • Sprinkling irrigation, which only contributes to the growth of weeds, is not used. Only the ridges are watered. The seedlings are irrigated at the soil level, which prevents the development of mold on the leaves and saves water.
  • The study of the timing of planting of each crop, taking into account regional characteristics and frosts.

Advantages and disadvantages

Should I use Mitlajder's methods on my site? To answer this question, let us consider all their advantages and disadvantages in the conditions of Russian reality.

The advantages of the method

Disadvantages of the method

  • Allows you to get a good harvest of any plants in a small area, regardless of the climate and the initial state of the soil.
  • Suitable for vegetable growing both in the open ground and in greenhouses.
  • Plants are becoming more healthy and strong, yields are several times higher.
  • The costs of time, labor for weeding and nursing become minimal.
  • Significant water savings.
  • Wide passages between the ridges, always clean and dry, exclude the penetration of slugs and moles into the beds . Moles, like slugs, do not like hardened soil passages.
  • Not all sites are suitable for this technology, orchards are excluded on the northern slopes, swamped, in peat bogs, lowlands, where water stagnation is not uncommon.
  • Mitlajder in the Russian version requires a decent amount of fertilizers for multiple fertilizing, and sometimes installing irrigation systems, which not everyone can afford.
  • It is very important good lighting, because shading reduces the yield by 3-4 times. Vegetables will become nitrate, they will be poorly stored. For self-purification from nitrates through photosynthesis, plants need light and abundant watering.

How to make beds on Mitlajderu?

Narrow soil ridges are in most cases used on unprotected soil, and crates - ridges - in greenhouses and hotbeds. According to Mitlajder, the classical length of the ridge should be 9 m, width - 45 cm, the passages should be 105 cm, in total - 150 cm. A sanitary zone (1 m wide) is left along the perimeter along the fence. Less than 105 cm do passes is not recommended, since plants will shade each other and the space for their growth will be limited.

But the sizes are corrected taking into account the area of the site and other conditions, so the method of Mitlider in the Russian version is quite feasible. For example, if the greenhouse is illuminated in the morning, in the evening and during the day by direct sunlight, the dimensions of the passages can be narrowed to 90 cm. If there is not enough space, you can reduce the length of the beds, and the width of the passages to 75-60 cm. The width depends on the variety. Tall tomatoes can be grown in boxes 30 cm wide in a row. For spreading plants (zucchini, pumpkins, watermelons), you will need beds and passages according to the classic mitlighter dimensions.

Why is it recommended to leave wide passages between beds? To be convenient to water (there is a place for storage tanks, barrels for water), to fight pests, weeds, diseases, timely harvest. Plants are easily seen and not damaged when walking along the aisles. Optimum watering allows the leaves and stems to grow well. Wide passages provide a place for plants to spread out, to get more light.

How to apply Dr. Mitlider's method in the Russian version for a site at an inclination? In a garden with a strong bias, it is recommended to make horizontal terraces with drawers-beds. To all accurately calculate, you will need a drawing of the site with future ridges.

For tall plants, vertical trellises can be used, and beds with them should be located from west to east in order to provide access to the sun for each plant in the morning. Greenhouses and greenhouses the doctor also recommended to place in the direction from west to east. For undersized plants, the orientation of the ridges is not particularly important, but they should be planted on the south side of the high so that they are not shaded.

Clearing of the site for ridges, marking is carried out in the autumn, and soil preparation, loosening, digging - just before planting, which allows to reduce the growth of weeds.

Advantages of narrow beds

Vegetable growing on narrow ridges gives a result on any soil, including depleted. Method Mitlaydera in the Russian version is not so difficult to apply. Making such beds is simple and easy even for beginners, they do not require much preparatory work. Seeds on this method are inexpensive. The preparation of the soil series does not require expenditure at all, and the drawers-ridge are at a minimum (it is not necessary to use expensive materials, you can use old slate, uncracked boards, etc.). To create a soil series, unlike boxes, beds, no additional materials are needed, so Mitlajder in Russia is becoming increasingly popular.

On simple ridges from the soil, it is necessary to periodically introduce well-decomposed organic fertilizers for the formation of humus, and in the boxes during the preparatory period only mineral additives will be required.

Advantages for plants

Soil rows


  • Earthen bows (8-10 cm high) along the edges of the ridges contribute to the formation of a favorable microclimate for shoots.
  • During watering, the skirts hold water and fertilizer with it. Fertilizers do not burn plants, as they accumulate in the middle of the ridge and prevent the growth of weeds.
  • Plants get more light and space for growth.
  • Processing narrow rows is much easier than broad beds.
  • The artificial soil created in boxes (a twenty-centimeter mixture of sawdust, sand, lime and mineral fertilizers) contributes to the fact that the ground beneath it always remains soft and moist, prevents the growth of weeds. Roots quickly pass through the first layer and grow well in natural soil.
  • Artificial soil of the upper layer does not need organic fertilizers and is used annually. Due to the action of microorganisms, it gradually turns into compost, improves, and is enriched with humus. Humus retains nutrients from the fertilizing, preventing them from washing away.
  • Protection from adverse weather conditions, strong wind. Boxes will save plants from prolonged downpours and flooding, will cool the roots in the heat. Such beds can be temporarily covered with a cover material or a film.
  • The growing season is prolonged, as the artificial soil warms up more quickly.

Fertilizer mixtures

When growing vegetables on Mitlajderu for fertilization is recommended to use two types of mixtures:

- Mixture 1. Lime fertilizer (boron and calcium) used before planting. It is consumed per one meter of the meter of the mitaylder bed: 100 g (light soil) or 200 g (heavy soil). Light soils include sandy, to heavy - clay and peat.

- Mixture 2. Mineral mixture for regular feeding once a week (potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen, magnesium, molybdenum, boron). It consumes 60 gr. On 1 m.

Organic fertilizers can be used for nutrition and soil sanitation. At the same time, it is important to remember that the organics should warm up well, overstraight, turn into compost, then under the influence of heat, weed seeds will become non-viable. In addition to weeds, unrestricted fertilizers can cause plant diseases and increase the number of pests. Living in the compost microflora suppresses the causative agents of such diseases and improves the properties of soils.

Method Mitlajdera in the Russian variant is more often use of manure. A well-baked compost or manure by the humus is brought in the spring under a digging and in preparation for planting. Feeding 0.5-1 buckets per 1 m of the ridge can be combined with dressing the soil with mixtures 1 and 2. When introducing more buckets (up to three), it is recommended that you refuse to fill the soil with a second mixture.

Russian fertilizers against mitaylder chemicals

Many Russian truck farmers use the method of narrow ridges, but they often refuse mineral fertilizing (mixtures 1 and 2). This is due to the fact that the active use of fertilizers without adequate knowledge in crop production does not always give the desired result. Dr. Mitlider's method in the Russian version often involves the use of humus, compost, a green infusion of herbs, a solution with manure, ash, etc. What are the advantages of natural fertilizing, what are the disadvantages associated with the use of mitlayer compounds?

  • The use of mineral fertilizers affects the taste of the fruit, many gardeners do not like it. And thanks to the replacement of mineral fertilizing with natural organic fertilizers, you can get an environmentally friendly crop.
  • Plants are best not to feed fertilizers, rather than overfeed, as excess nitrates will harm your health.
  • To minerals are dissolved and absorbed, abundant watering and sunny weather are required, which is not always compatible in the weather conditions of some regions. In addition, it is important to know that abundant watering in some days is useful, and in others - harmful for plants, while taking into account the periods of their development. For each culture suits its way of watering: for some - sprinkling, and for others in dry weather - under the root.
  • In the presence of manure (not fresh manure, but thoroughly rotted manure compost), you can abandon the method of applying fertilizers to Mitlajderu.

Method Mitlayder in Russian. Transformation

Mastering on the expanses of Russia method Mitlajdera, our truck farmers have made in it the correctives:

  1. Many cut the passages, leaving the width of the beds unchanged. Here everything determines the type and grade of the crop planted. Passages of 45-50 cm are suitable for onions, dill, radishes, carrots, beets, etc. For cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, zucchini and others (depending on the variety) leave wider passages from 65 to 100 cm.
  2. The method of Mitlajdera involves planting plants in one or two rows. For example, cabbage, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants are planted in one row. Onions, garlic, beetroot, radish, carrots, peas - in two.
  3. Method Mitlaydera in the Russian version allows you to completely abandon the annual digging of the entire garden. In the spring the ridges are simply loosened before sowing or planting seedlings, and in the autumn they make out a hoe.
  4. To cut the weeds in the aisles, they are treated with a hoe or a hiller. The remains of plants can be accumulated to form a compost, which in autumn decomposes into beds.

Than to fill the boxes-ridge?

Box-ridge is a bottomless frame that can be made from cement, logs, pilings and other materials. Method Mitlajdera in Russian does not exclude the use of old railway sleepers. They do not harm plants, since creosote, used many years ago for their processing, has already ceased to be toxic.

Before planting the seedlings, the boxes are filled with artificial soil, which is used year after year, but in no case is it natural. The mixture can be prepared from 2-3 materials listed below:

  • Shallow as dust sawdust.
  • Sand.
  • Peat.
  • Polystyrene beads.
  • Perlite.
  • Pumice.
  • Sphagnum moss.
  • Pine bark.
  • Crushed, crushed shell of coconut or walnuts.
  • Styrof in granules (heat-insulating foam).

Method Mitlaydera in the Russian version. Reviews

Many gardeners confirm the high effectiveness of the method of narrow ridges in Russian conditions, especially when growing vegetables. They are very convenient to handle from weeds, hills. They allow you to easily allocate space for certain vegetables, taking into account the productivity of the last season. Method Mitlaydera in the Russian version, reviews about which are mostly positive, has a low labor intensity, allows you to save time and effort, is indispensable for the elderly.

Gardening on Mitlajderu allows creating almost ideal conditions for farming; Protect plants from any unfavorable weather conditions: heavy rains, strong winds and high summer temperatures; Get rich harvests on exhausted or problematic soil. The method of Doctor Mitlajdera in Russia is applied for a long time and quite deservedly won the army of admirers.


Mitlajder's method has a number of advantages. This is efficiency, universality, economy and simplicity. Not all gardens are suitable for this technology, sites on the northern slopes, marshy, in the lowlands are excluded. Not all gardeners use mineral fertilizers and fertilizing, but the technology described in the article is easy to adapt to many conditions. This proves that the modern kitchen garden "Mitlajder in the Russian version", a photo of which is presented in the article, is quite feasible.

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