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M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, "Golovlyov's Masters": a brief summary of the novel

The novel "Lord Golovleva" can be attributed to the best works of Saltykov-Shchedrin. The writer with special interest related to the departure from the historical arena of the nobility-serf owners and officials of the patriarchal way of life.

At that time questions about the family were actively discussed in journalism, in scientific treatises and art publications. Therefore, the novel was written on a hot topic, and the image of Judas entered the gallery of satirical-nominal types.

Saltykov-Shchedrin, "Golovlyov's Masters": a brief summary of the chapter "The Family Court"

The middle of the XIX century. In Russia, at the end of serfdom. The landowners of Golovlev not only prosper, but also gradually expand their borders. This is the merit of the hostess, Arina Petrovna.

She is a woman, imperious, not tolerating objections. Her husband, Vladimir Mikhailovich, never had any special talents. I mellowed the birds, composed rhymes, drank, but the girls were lying in wait.

The eldest son Stepan, Stepash-bells, did not live up to his parents' hopes. I quit the work, I lost the gift house. He began to wander around the well-to-do peasants of his mother, begging them for money, then tobacco. In the end, there was only one way - to return to the mother. What Stepan does, goes to the family court. It was decided to leave Stepka in Golovlyovo under supervision. Let's go back to the rest of the family.

Anna's daughter ran away from the house with a cornet. Mother threw out her "piece" in the form of a squalid village. Anna has two daughters: Lyubonka and Anninka. After the death of their mother, they had to visit their grandmother in Golovlyovo.

Porphyry is the middle son, he is Judas. The lover is going to head and to ingratiate in front of her. Even Arina Petrovna feared his ingratiating, but gave the best piece to him, after all.

Paul is the youngest son, a man without actions, morose and apathetic.

"Golovlyov's Masters": a brief summary of the chapter "In a Kindred Relationship"

Vladimir Mikhailovich died. Arina Petrovna shares all property between Porphyry and Paul. Golovlyovo departs to Judas. For some time the lady and granddaughters live in this estate, but Porfiry's avarice forces them to move to their youngest son.

Paul has all the property stolen, he himself drinks a lot. The housekeeper is in charge of the housekeeper, who tells everything to Judas. Paul dries from drunkenness and leaves no will. His property departs Porphyry. Arina Petrovna, along with her granddaughters, moves to the village of her daughter.

"Golovlyov's Masters": a summary of the chapter "Family Results"

Several years have passed. Granddaughters, exhausted by boredom, leave Pogorelka. Arina Petrovna draws closer to Judas, whose character has become even more unbearable. He constantly checks something, considers every berry, writes complaints.

Yudushkin's son Peter comes. He asks his father for help, because he lost three thousand rubles. But the latter refuses him, as he once refused to his second son, Vladimir.

"Golovlyov's Masters": a brief summary of the chapter "The Nephew"

Arina Petrovna is dying. Judas cleans all her belongings. Peter in exile. He asks his father to send him the contents. But Judas is limited to a moralizing letter. A month later, he receives a notice that his son is dead.

Anninka arrives. She became a young, prettier woman. Anninka visits the grave of her grandmother and her village. She accuses Judas that he has appropriated everything to himself, even grandmother's image. Porphyry persuades her to stay in Golovlyov, but she literally runs away from him to Moscow.

"Golovlyov's Masters": a brief summary of the chapters "Unauthorized Family Joys" and "Escheat"

A son from his companion Evprakseyushka is born to Judas. He is afraid that he will be accused of adultery, and removes Evprakseyushka from himself. She does not recognize the child and sends Ulita to Moscow to take him to an educational home.

Around Judah, everything was empty. Even Yevprakseyushka rebelled, began to walk with the guys, abandoned the entire farm. And he is completely in a wild mood. He does not leave his office and enjoys idle talk. He builds various assumptions, mentally ruins, dislikes, entangles the whole world with slander and resentment.

Summary - "The Lord of Golovlyov," the head of "Calculation"

Anninka returns to Golovlyovo, she is dangerously ill. Judas learned that Lubonka committed suicide, unable to withstand the meaninglessness of her life. The niece starts drinking with her uncle. And after drinking, she constantly reminded Judas that he brought all his relatives to the grave.

Judas wants to "say goodbye" to his mother. He goes to her grave, not noticing neither the wind nor the snow. And only the next day they found his stiffened corpse. Anninka was already in a fever, but she did not regain consciousness.

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