
Lymph node

In addition to blood, another human body circulates in the human body, lymph. For her there is a separate network of blood vessels and capillaries. In translation into Russian the word "lymph" means "pure water", "moisture". The name itself came to us from the Greek, because of the existence of this transparent fluid in the body knew the ancient Greeks. The vessels that circulate this fluid, respectively, are called lymphatic. On the way to their location are nodes that contain the so-called macrophages - immune cells. What is the function of the lymph node?

Principle of operation

In total in the human body there are up to 1000 such nodes, which are located where there are natural folds. This place is under the jaw, the ulnar and knee cavities, the groin area and armpits, as well as the thorax, neck and abdominal cavity. Each lymph node constantly filters the fluid passing through it, giving a rebuff to foreign objects that are capable of harming health. It detains in itself all the harmful impurities that are in the lymph, entering it from inflamed tissues. As a rule, there are various microbes and viruses, foreign and just unhealthy cells. Then macrophages inside the node literally absorb harmful impurities. Also, lymph nodes relieve the body of excess water, fats and proteins.


With a heavy load, the lymph node can grow in size and become inflamed, but after the destruction of the threat and the complete recovery of the person, the normal appearance returns. However, the knot remains more and more dense after each serious illness suffered by the body. That is why in children, still nothing dangerous not sick, lymphonoduses are very small, it is almost impossible to feel them under the skin. When a child first becomes ill with a cold, the knots under his jaw are enlarged. The only places where the lymph nodes remain tiny throughout the life of a person (unless there is a lot of inflammation near) are on the elbow and knee folds. Where it is more difficult to notice inflammation in the chest and abdominal cavity - where it is impossible to probe the knot physically.

Why can lymph nodes increase?

- If the site has increased in size, but the person does not suffer from this pain, it is a source of inflammation somewhere nearby. Such changes are called lymphadenopathy and are generally not dangerous. Danger is the cause of the disease.

- If, at the time of pressing, a person experiences pain, then the problem is at the node that has become inflamed. This disease is called lymphadenitis, and it is much more dangerous than the previous one. The cause of inflammation is that, due to weakened immunity, the lymph nodes do not cope with the infection that occurs in them. Subsequently, suppuration may occur, which can spread to neighboring tissues. Surgery is used to eliminate lymphadenitis.

- The adhesion of lymph nodes to other tissues and loss of mobility are the most dangerous signs. This may indicate the presence somewhere in the body of a malignant tumor. In other words, there is a risk that a person has developed cancer of the lymphatic system.

Cancer cells

Contrary to popular belief, cancer cells are present not only in the body of the patient, but also in any healthy person. Every day, there are about a hundred thousand such cells. Their feature is in a structure that is broken due to a genetic malfunction, which in turn can give the ability for rapid multiplication. Cancer cells do not stay in one place. They freely move through the lymphatic system, and a lymph node becomes the natural obstacle on their way. In a healthy organism, the damaged cells are successfully rendered harmless by macrophages.

Cancer of lymph nodes: signs

This is an oncological disease, which has another name - lymphoma - and is characterized by the appearance of internal injuries. The patient has a multitude of lymph nodes, mainly in the armpit, as well as in the cervical and inguinal zones. People often have a lack of appetite, weakness and apathy, the temperature rises. Sometimes sweating increases, digestive processes are disrupted. Other signs of cancer of the lymph nodes may be a feeling of overflow in the stomach, lower back pain, shortness of breath, which is caused by the pressure of the increased organs on adjacent tissues. At later stages of the disease, malaise, significant weight loss and changes in blood composition are observed.

Types of lymphomas

There are two main categories by which the diseases of the lymphatic system are divided: Hodgkin's disease and non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. In the first case, the disease spreads in one scenario, gradually moving from one node to another. Treatment is also required specific, as Hodgin's disease does not respond to those drugs that are used to treat other types of lymphomas. In the second group there are several oncological diseases. Most of them occur in lymph nodes, sometimes in other organs (liver, stomach, nervous system). The risk group in both cases includes men and women aged 15 to 40 years, elderly people and women who have experienced late birth.

Cancer of the lymphatic system: treatment and prognosis

For treatment, surgery, radiotherapy, various drugs, including chemotherapy, can be used. The most effective combination is the use of several types of medical intervention. In addition, now there is another way to help - the patient is transplanted donor stem cells. But initially chemotherapy is mandatory.

You should be aware that the effectiveness of treatment depends on how early the disease is detected. Plus the young age and localization of tumors. Cancer of the lymphatic system, which can be diagnosed at an early stage, has quite favorable predictions. But even in the later stages, with proper treatment of a competent oncologist, one can achieve remission. Recently, many new medicines have appeared, which allow to consolidate the result. After passing the course of treatment, most patients get the opportunity to return to their normal mode of life.

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