
How to prepare the ground for seedlings? What is the best land for seedlings?

New Year comes into its own. The garden is snow and cold. However, it is in the first winter months that vegetable growers open the season. What is the reason for such early sowing works? This is a feature of growing vegetable products, which until technical ripeness is required from 90 to 150 days. Seedling method allows to accelerate ripening of vegetables. The date of sowing seeds in conditions of enclosed soil depends on the individual characteristics of the crop and its variety. When determining the sowing period, it is necessary to calculate the necessary race for the plant. Do not hurry. This can lead to a decrease in the quality of seedlings.

Basic conditions for the production of planting material

Getting a good harvest of vegetables depends on the quality of the seedlings. To obtain a quality planting material it is necessary:

  • Use quality seeds;
  • Pre-sowing treatment of the seed;
  • Observe the thermal, light and water regimes.

But before you prepare the seeds and start to plant, you should take care of the seedlings and the soil.

Soil Preparation

How to prepare the ground for seedlings? This issue is rather important when growing plants in a closed ground. Inexperienced vegetable growers do not pay enough attention to this issue. And as a result, emerging shoots begin to ache and die. Let's try to figure out the reason. When choosing a soil, you can do it in several ways:

  • To get ready ground;
  • Prepare the soil composition independently.

Ready ground can be found in specialized stores. Usually it is a universal earth mix intended for growing vegetable seedlings. But based on the experience of many vegetable growers, we can say with confidence that a more reliable second way of using soil. It is better to worry in advance and in the autumn period to prepare it yourself.

Basic requirements for soil composition for vegetable seedlings

Before preparing the soil for seedlings, it is necessary to take into account its features. Soil composition should ensure the normal development and growth of a vegetable culture. The following requirements are imposed on this land:

  • fertility;
  • The content of the required set of trace elements;
  • Neutral level of acidity;
  • Sufficient looseness and permeability;
  • Absence of seeds of weeds and pests;
  • Exclusion of infections and toxic substances.

Components used in the preparation of soil mixture and substrate

The best soil for seedlings can be made up using various organic and inorganic constituents in strictly defined proportions. Typically, it consists of three to four components.

The soddy land is the top layer of the soil, covered with a grass cover. It is harvested in summer or in autumn. Shaved with a shovel, a thin layer of soil is laid in a container for further use. Apply sod land after special preparation. It is also subjected to heat treatment before use. Used as a base for seedling.

Peat (horse, transitional or lowland) - decayed dead plants. Enriches the soil with organic substances and improves its structure.

Moss sphagnum is a perennial plant. In the composition of the earth mixture it is indispensable. Moisture capacity of moss contributes to the improvement of soil quality, which acquires a more loose structure. The natural bactericidal properties of plants are an excellent remedy for decaying roots.

Wood sawdust - waste after wood processing. Provides looseness and permeability of the soil.

Compost is decomposed organic substances under the action of microorganisms. It is a wonderful natural air-conditioner. The content of humus and microelements provides nutrition to plants.

Sand is used to increase the porosity and looseness of the soil. Promotes penetration of moisture and air to the root system of seedlings. Coarse-grained structures are used.

Coir - coconut shaving. Applied for the preparation of substrates.

Vermiculite is a mineral consisting of lamellars. Possessing a good moisture capacity, this component prevents the drying of the soil.

Perlite is a light, porous material. For its production, volcanic materials are subjected to heat treatment. Adding perlite to the earth mix makes it loose and breathable. Also increases the moisture capacity of the soil mixture.

In addition to the components listed above, others are pritenyayut, which increase the moisture capacity, such as:

  • Hydrogel;
  • Expanded clay;
  • Crushed polystyrene.

To reduce the acidity of the soil, it is useful to use tracking components:

  • Lime powder;
  • a piece of chalk;
  • Dolomite flour.

The land under the seedlings must be ready for sowing. Preparing the components for it are engaged in the autumn period. They are stored in polyethylene containers at zero temperature.

Components that should not be used in soil preparation

In order for the planting material to be strong and healthy, before preparing the soil for seedling, it is necessary to know about the components that it is not desirable to use in ground mixtures. Quite often there is the question of the use of land from the garden. This is undesirable. The reason is that it can contain seeds of weed plants, as well as harmful infections. In such a soil may be insects and earthworms. Also, soil can not contain fresh manure. Do not use an unripe compost and untreated sod land.

Preparation of soil for seedlings

Before preparing the soil for seedlings, determine the soil composition, intended for a particular culture. Growing certain vegetables has individual characteristics. And naturally, the composition of the soil can be different. Land for seedlings tomatoes can have the following composition:

  • Two parts of the turf ground;
  • One part of compost or peat;
  • One piece of sand or perlite.

The sod land is placed in a volumetric container. It should not contain lumps. Grind the soil and mix well. Composite or peat is added to it. Earth mixture should be homogeneous. After adding sand or perlite to combine all components, the soil is thoroughly mixed. The earth for seedlings is a tomato ready. It is moved to seed containers.

The land for pepper seedlings can be the same as for tomatoes. You can use a different composition:

  • Three parts of sod land;
  • One part compost;
  • One part of sawdust;
  • One piece of sand.

The land for pepper and tomato seedlings is prepared well in advance. A week before sowing the seeds, the soil is distributed into seedlings and moistened with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. After that, you can add mineral fertilizers and wood ash.

Preparation of a substrate for seedlings of vegetable crops

The main component of the above soil compositions is land. However, it is possible to grow seedlings without land. For this purpose, instead of the usual soil, substrates are prepared. One of the options for planting can be:

  • Two parts of sawdust;
  • One piece of sand.

An interesting option for growing seedlings can serve as a coconut substrate. It is obtained from the peel of coconut. This substrate has good indicators, the main ones being sterility and ecological purity. It is a balanced, fertile mixture with good water and air permeability. Alternatively, coconut tablets, compressed coconut chips, are used to grow seedlings.

In addition to the coconut substrate, a peat substrate can be used. The basis of it is a natural material - peat.

Modern methods of growing planting material

New methods of growing seedlings allow you to do without soil and substrate. For this purpose, wood sawdust, paper or hydrogel is used. Growing seedlings without earth allows for a limited amount of space to obtain a sufficient amount of planting material. For growing on paper, seeds are pre-soaked. Then they are placed on a damp napkin, placed in a plastic container. They are covered with polyethylene on top. Next, make sure that the napkin was wet. After the appearance of sprouts, the seeds are constantly moisturized. In this case, the temperature should not fall below 25 degrees.

For growing vegetable seedlings, you can use wet sawdust. Seeds are sown in the processed sawdust. Seed containers are covered with a film. After the emergence of shoots film is removed. The tanks are placed in a well-lit place. Care is a regular watering. Also spend 2 subcortex mullein.

Growing seedlings without land has its advantages. The main one is sterility. Excludes the possibility of infection, weed grass and pests.

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