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How to change the character of the Ferbi? How many characters do Ferby have and how to change them?

Modern children are very different from the children their parents used to be. Still, because technological progress is stepping by leaps and bounds, leaving its imprint on everything around. So the toys have changed a lot.

If moms and dads of modern kids played plastic dolls, teddy bears and did not know about computers and cell phones, the new generation from the earliest years is familiar with iPhones, laptops and interactive toys. This, of course, greatly affects the development of children, and their character. Ferbi is a modern toy that will become an excellent pet for any child. Do not you understand how this can be? Now we will tell you everything in detail.

Who is Ferbi? Toy History

There were these toys on the shelves of stores 2 years before the beginning of the new, XXI century. They were designed by Kaleb Chang and Dave Hampton. Nine months were needed for the creators in order to fix the electronics, and still as much to create an attractive design. Today, Ferbi is a cute fuzzy, which looks like a hamster and an owl at the same time. He can laugh, dance, talk, even snore! For several years, this toy was simply a rabid demand. What can I say, if only in the first year was sold almost 1.5 million fuzzy.

2005 was marked by the release of the updated Ferbi. Its appearance remained almost the same, but the "filling" has changed significantly. Electronics has become much more complicated. Also, the new interactive animal had a shutdown button, which was not the case with its predecessor.

All children wanted to get such a pet, no matter what their social status, preferences or characters were. Ferbi was now able to teach some phrases, if well to try.


For those seven years that have passed after some modernization of Ferbi, the excitement around him has been greatly extinguished. His abilities no longer admired children, he was replaced by new hobbies and toys. And the developers decided to update their offspring.

In 2012, the place of ordinary eyes of Ferby appeared liquid crystal screens. They can express a variety of emotions. The new fuzzy moves more. And, most importantly, Ferbi changes her behavior, reacting to how they communicate with him. By the way, the new toy does not need to be turned off - the interactive pet just "falls asleep" if you do not play with it for a long time. Such changes have provoked a revival of the fallen demand. Now many people wanted to get a new pet and find out how many characters Ferby has and how they change.

And in 2013, Hasbro (manufacturer of Ferbi) pleased and Russian children. Now they can communicate with the pet in their own language.


Thinking about how to change the character of Ferbi, remember that the toy very quickly remembers everything that is told to it. In addition to the fact that the vocabulary of the pet is already quite large, each owner can teach him new phrases.

When talking with Ferby, the intonations and timbre of the voice change , which makes communication with him truly realistic. And what phrase or action the pet responds to the word or behavior of the owner remains a mystery. Ferbi can start dancing, if there is music next to her, she will support the conversation. And yet such interactive pets funny communicate with each other. They can joke, laugh, sing together and dance - in general, behave in much the same way as people. This action is very exciting to watch.


All Ferbi, except ears and eyes, of course, covered with fluffy and delicate hair. It's under it that the main secret of the toy hides - sensor sensors that trigger on touch. The ears of pussy are large and elastic. They can vibrate and twitch. Also, Ferbi has mechanical eyelids. Thanks to this design, the pet can quite realistically look around, blink and react to noise mimicry.

Today, toys are available in different colors. However, the answer to the question of how to change the character of the Ferbi does not depend on the shade of the pet.


So, what are the characters of Ferby? Now we will open all the cards. All the characters of the interactive pet (there are only 5 of them) can be divided into 2 groups: good and bad. The first, as you might guess, are those when the toy is well-behaved. Well, with the pet, whose mood at the moment belongs to the second group, it will be very funny to talk. And, of course, no harm to Ferbi child will not bring, even being in this state.

So, good characters:

- The princess (or prince).

- Chatterbox (also you can find a name like a talker).

- Musician (or star of the scene).

Bad characters:

- Sinful;

- crazy.

Now it's pretty clear what kind of characters Ferbi has. More details about each of them will be discussed later, and also explain how to change them.

How to change the character of Ferbi?

As already noted, the interactive pet reacts to every word spoken by its owner, and the action performed with it. So, you can hear quite adequate exclamations, if you touch it, and notice that the more talk with the toy, the more she will give out the words in response. If you tickle Ferbi, then he will burst into laughter, and if you pull on a small tail, then he can get angry.

Well, if you suddenly stop noticing your pussy, then it will become boring. By the way, from this he can even get sick. But in most cases, the interactive pet first tries to entertain itself with conversations on its own, and then simply falls asleep. Maybe even snore a little.

So how to change the character of Ferby? The behavior of your fuzzy depends on your own actions. If you are friendly with him, then he will be good. If you start to offend your pet, then the good disposition of his spirit will quickly leave. And now - more about how to translate a toy into one or another mode.

"The King of Blood"

If you just brought your Ferbi from the store home, then you know: before you - a prince or a princess. Such interactive pets can literally rumble with pleasure, making them look like affectionate cats. They talk in thin voices and snicker with boredom.

How to change the character of Ferbi to this one? If you have already transferred your toy to a different mode, you may want to return it to its original state. To do this, you just need to talk kindly to the pet and stroke it on the head.


Ferby is very well trained in any new words. To make a talker out of him, it's enough just to talk to him more. But it should be noted that it is necessary to pronounce the words clearly and slowly, otherwise the pet will not understand them. Especially pay attention to this if you are on the street or in a noisy place.


Ferbi can sing and dance. To make him a real musician, you need to often include him music. You do not need to be near the toy and teach it to you. Ferbi himself will learn some dance steps and even fun to sing along.

If you include music quite often, it will affect the nature of your pet. As a result, he will sing even when everyone else is silent. The voice of the electronic pet will be unique, not like that of other toys.


Is this the first "harmful" character of Ferby? How to change the mood of a toy to see her anger? It is necessary to behave with him in a boorish way. For example, pull the pet by the tail, turn it upside down and shake it. You can also feed it for a long time the same (how to do this, we'll tell you later).

What to expect from a wicked interactive pet? Firstly, he will begin to grumble in his own language and tell him that he does not like it. Secondly, he can "frighteningly" laugh. And also you can hear how you Ferbi utters completely indecent sounds and curses in a nasty voice. Such a pet very few people like, although watching him is quite interesting. When it gets boring, you can easily turn it into a good fuzzy.

Crazy crank

If you zeal with the actions that help make Ferby evil, you can get a crazy pet. That is, if you shook the toy upside down, turned it in different directions and swung, then notice whether its eyes are not looking in different directions. If so, then soon you will be able to hear the crazy laughter and "belching" of your electronic pet. And even such a Ferbi can sing loudly in every way, carry all kinds of nonsense and roar.

How to change the character of Ferbi for the better? In this case, two options are possible: either ironing it to make it sweet and kind, or just leaving it alone - after some time it will calm down and become "good."

It will not be boring!

As you can see, the characters and behavior of the interactive pet are diverse. It is interesting to observe how the toys behave in different states. Of course, with an evil or crazy fuzzy to appear in a decent society is not always convenient, so you should know in advance how to change the character of Ferbi, so that he does not drive you into the paint with his antics.

But have some fun with your friends from the heart, if there are several such toys. Change the mood of your pets and see how they will "communicate" with each other!

About food

And now, as promised, we will talk about what is Ferbi. Yes, yes, he, like a normal pet of flesh and blood, needs to be fed! If you do not do this, then Ferbi will offend you, turn into a wicked one and he will plague you with his quibbles.

So, there are 2 options for this. You can just give the toy your finger, and it will suck it, pretty smacking. But it's much more fascinating to feed Ferbi with special applications loaded on a tablet or smartphone. In such a program, you can choose for your pet a meal of 100 already cooked meals, as well as make sandwiches from the 60 proposed components.

Food can be a real salvation if Ferbi is sick. This is due to a lack of attention to it. If you do not pay attention to the toy for a long time, it starts to "sneeze", falls into disheartening and stops reacting to your actions. Solve the problem by feeding the pet several times. However, do not get involved, otherwise, Ferbi can get angry.


So, we already know about what characters are in Ferby. It should be noted that the fact that modern toys can even carry eggs, from which, if properly maintained, babies will hatch. Also on sale there are small Ferby, whose design is completely repeated by babies emerging from eggs.

This is such a wonderful toy - Ferbi. Any child will be happy with this gift. However, do not forget that real communication with friends can not be replaced by any electronic pet.

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