
How effective is the encoding for alcohol and how is it carried out?

Many people who abuse alcohol, decide to get rid of addiction through coding. The purpose of this technique is to implement the patient's attitude toward a feeling of aversion to alcoholic beverages. Modern medicine offers several methods of coding, which can be divided into medicamental and hypnotic.

Leading psychotherapists classify methods of coding from alcohol as emotional-stressful psychological treatment, since such therapy has enough Serious side effects: increased irritability, conflict, aggressiveness, fault-finding and pettiness. Many people after the coding become lethargic and psychologically depressed. They have decreased libido and increased anxiety. The most vulnerable are patients whose activities are associated with a high level of responsibility and increased nervous tension. In most cases, the encoding from alcohol provokes additional stress, resulting in a severe depression and, as a consequence, a subsequent disruption of the person with the departure of more global binges.

The encoding for alcohol should be considered as the initial stage of treatment, in parallel with which it is necessary to carry out a huge psychological and psychotherapeutic work to help the patient independently overcome dependence and improve the quality of his life, and teach him to look at the world from a positive point of view. To achieve maximum efficiency from the treatment of alcoholism, first of all, the main causes that led to this condition should be eliminated, and only after that start to eliminate the consequences.

Methods of coding from alcohol dependence

The most common ways to combat alcoholism are:

  • Implantation of the drug;
  • The Torpedo method;
  • Medicamental coding from alcohol;
  • Programming a patient with hypnosis.

The latter method is especially indicated for patients who are well suited to hypnotic suggestion. As a rule, after carrying out such procedure with the help of a psychotherapist and an expert in narcology, general medical treatment of the dependent organism is carried out.

Implantation into fatty tissue or under the patient's skin of anti-alcohol drugs is carried out strictly under the supervision of a specialist. In this case, the substance is injected under the scapula or into the buttocks, without disturbing the integrity of the skin and leaving no scars behind. It should be noted that this encoding from alcohol has a fairly long-term effect, since a constant level of substance is maintained in the blood of the patient, which provokes an aversion to alcoholic beverages.

The use of the "Torpedo" method is possible only after a thorough and comprehensive examination of the patient's body. This is necessary in order to identify possible contraindications, which can lead to side effects. During the procedure, the encoding from alcohol is injected with a prick that contains a special substance incompatible with alcohol. After this, the patient is observed for some time by the doctor, because in the event of a sudden breakdown, he may have some disturbances in his state of health.

It should be noted that all of the above methods of alcohol coding can be effective only if there is a clear understanding between the patient and the doctor.

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