ComputersComputer games

How can I transfer money to Meinkraft to another player?

There is no full currency in Maynkraft, which players could use to trade with each other. Here the rules of natural exchange are applied, that is, only resources are used in the course. In extreme cases, you can use emeralds as a currency, but still it's just an improvisation. However, this problem can easily be solved by installing a special modification. It not only introduces currency into the game, but also adds a variety of operations that you can do with it. Naturally, when such a mod is installed on the server, players begin to have questions, for example, how to transfer money to Meinkraft or how to check the status of their account? For all these questions, you can find the answer in this article, because they are solved very simply - with the help of console commands.

Balance check

It is unlikely that anyone will think first of all about how to transfer money to "Maynkraft" - everyone thinks first about themselves. Therefore, the most important command for this modification is money. When you enter this command and activate it, the screen will display your current balance. Thus, you will always know how much money is in your account. And, based on this, you can plan your costs. Naturally, this is not the only team you can use.

Checking the balance of another player

Given the fact that this plugin is not incredibly advanced and was created by amateurs, it is worthwhile to understand that it will not be approached to reality. Therefore, at any time you can check not only your balance, but also the balance of other players. To do this, just add the player's nickname to the money command, and you will get information about how much money he has on his account. On the one hand, it's good, because you can not be deceived or misled - you can always check the account of the player you are going to trade with. But on the other - your balance state will always be monitored by other players, and this can not be avoided. So, it's time to solve the most interesting question - how to transfer money to "Meincraft".

Transfer of money

The money that has been added to the game through modification is used in most cases directly for trading between players - they are not suitable for anything else. Therefore, it is important to know how to transfer money to "Meincraft" to other players, because the process is not automatic. A gamer gives you an item that you would like to have, and you must transfer money manually to him. Accordingly, you need to know the command money pay, which transfers funds to the account of the player, whose nickname you will write after this command. Naturally, you should understand that this method is extremely risky. Deceive any of the participants in the transaction, so it remains to rely only on the decency of the players. But now, with the knowledge of how to give money in the "Meincraft", you can start a serious activity. Naturally, without forgetting to hire a couple of bodyguards to avoid deception.

Other teams

In fact, it is these three teams that are key to the player. However, there are much more commands available - you can learn them with the help of a combination of money help, which will display all existing commands. There are a lot of them, but, unfortunately, most of them are available only to administrators. Therefore, you will have to deal with how to make money in Meincraft, because with the introduction of this modification this issue is most acute for many gamers. It is possible that you will get a server on which this system is optimized to the maximum, and then you can get the most out of the game.

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