HealthDiseases and Conditions

Herpes in the nose: the main symptoms and therapies

In the body of each person there is a herpes virus. Only it is manifested only in a certain group of people, mainly in people with low immune defenses. Herpes occurs in the nose, on the skin, the mucous membrane of the mouth and even on the genitals, with bubbles forming with the whitish liquid inside.

Most often, the activation of the disease occurs during a period of weakening immunity and the impact of unfavorable external factors. For example, after a flu or sore throat, complications are herpes in the nose. Serious nervous breakdowns or depression can give a "green light" of such a disease. The causative agent of infection in women can be even the onset of a monthly cycle, any hypothermia or the slightest cold.

The most terrible thing is that, once manifested, herpes will occur periodically throughout life. The only way to prevent it is to love yourself and your body. It is necessary to do everything to support the work of the immune system at a high level. If the prevention of the disease can be carried out at home, then a qualified doctor should be treated in the nose, since this infection can spread to the genitals, which will lead to a lot of unpleasant troubles.

Herpes in the nose: symptoms.

Even before the appearance of a rash, a person experiences severe itching in the nose, the body temperature may rise, then redness occurs and, at last, blisters appear.

Herpes in the nose: how to heal.

Turning to the immunologist, you should strictly follow all his recommendations. The specialist should prescribe tests on the basis of which treatment is individually administered. Often used drugs of general antiviral use, as well as external means, the most common of which is Zovirax ointment. In addition, the patient must undergo a complete course aimed at strengthening the body's immune defenses.

As a supplement to the treatment of herpes infection, you can use some advice of traditional medicine. For example, it is useful several times a day to lubricate the place of damage with fir oil or a slice of garlic, wrapped in cheesecloth. Some people propose to apply a hot spoon to the nose during the day, and the author of the method guarantees a positive result the next day. But such ways of getting rid of the planting problem are inconvenient enough, considering that treating the herpes in the nose with garlic will not be very pleasant. That is why, mainly with the manifestation of the virus, they are struggling with medicines.

It is much more difficult to treat herpes in the nose of a pregnant woman, because many medicines are banned due to her condition. Often, the infection does not affect the development of the fetus. In some cases, the infection even creates immunity in the body of the baby's future, since antibodies are produced in the disease, which in a certain amount are transferred to the embryo. Thus, already at birth, the child is reliably protected from this type of infection, however, only for a while.

It is important to observe the rules of hygiene, that is, you should wash your hands well before and after processing the site of inflammation. In no case can not tear off the crust, which covers the vial after it bursts. Also, it is not welcome to get moisture on the wound. You can not spend much time in the open sun.

After full recovery, do not forget that in the near future, everything can happen again, so you need to start strengthening your own body. The daily diet should include nutrients and micronutrients. As for a strong foundation of the house, high-quality materials are required, so our body needs natural products that can provide the body with the necessary amount of vitamins.

In the fight against the herpes virus, the main thing is to turn to the doctor in time and not to delay, because this problem can be solved and get rid of subsequent unpleasant situations.

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