LawHealth and Safety

Harmfulness in production

To date, both in Russia and in other countries of the world there is an expansion of production everywhere, new plants and factories are being opened, and new highly paid jobs are emerging. Undoubtedly, this is an obvious plus for the economies of the states, but what impact does this modernization have on the health of the population?

Probably, few of us at least once asked the question: "Does the standard prescribed in the Labor Code correspond to my workplace?". Unfortunately, in most cases, the harmfulness of production exceeds all permissible limits. In order not to become a victim of exposure to harmful substances that cause serious illness and injury, it is necessary to clearly understand what is at stake. Let's see what the harmfulness of production is.

Harmful factors in production can be divided into 3 types:

  • Physical,
  • Chemical,
  • Biological.

Physical factors that negatively affect a person's health and state of health include low or high temperatures, air humidity, production noise, wind speed, ionizing radiation (radiation), etc. Chemical factors are inorganic and organic compounds with which Or otherwise, workers of large plants contact. Biological factors are represented by pathogenic organisms (viruses, fungi, bacteria), preparations containing spores and living cells of pathogenic microorganisms, and, of course, microorganisms used as production strains.

For harmfulness in production, additional payments of money are provided, additional days of holidays and days off, free sanitary and medical and preventive examination of workers and, of course, the issuance of personal protective equipment (disinfectants, special footwear, special clothes, gas mask and Other). Order No. 45n of the Ministry of Health of 16.02.09 provides for the issuance of milk for harmfulness or other equivalent dairy products (for example, kefir). Free delivery of milk for harmful production should occur on the days of actual employment. Regardless of how many hours the shift lasts, milk must be dispensed during the first half of the day for harmfulness in the amount of 0.5 liters. In case milk is replaced by other equivalent products, then their size should be: 500 grams of kefir, yogurt, ryazhenka, yogurt. Often, employers offer cheese (60 grams with a fat content of at least 24%) or cottage cheese (100 grams). In the event that you want to replace the issuance of milk with a monetary equivalent, then the employer has no right to refuse you this.

Benefits of dairy products

The benefits of dairy products can be said for a very long time, because they contain a huge amount of substances necessary for a person. Proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, bifidobacteria, antioxidants are just a small list of what can be found in dairy products. Consuming milk daily for food, a person makes up for the lack of nutrients in the body, displays toxins obtained during labor activity in "harmful" enterprises. Scientists have repeatedly noted that people who consume a sufficient amount of milk, improve metabolism in the body and the state of microflora in the intestine, normalizes the digestive process.

But it's worth remembering that you do not need to abuse dairy products. Exceeding the proportion of milk fat in the human body can lead to the occurrence of diseases of the cardiovascular system, to the violation of calcium metabolism, as well as to the appearance of slags. In everything, the norm is necessary, so buy dairy products with the least fat content. Fermented milk products, such as cottage cheese or cheese, are not recommended for inclusion in the diet more than 2-3 times a week.

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