
Gastroesophageal reflex disease, and what medications for heartburn appoint specialists

Heartburn is a disease that is familiar to most of us. In medical practice, heartburn is also called - gastroesophageal reflex disease, which occurs when the functioning of the esophagus. In highly developed countries of the USA, about 50% of the population complains of heartburn for Western Europe. Therefore, most people ask themselves: what is the use to treat heartburn? According to a survey in Russia, a feeling of heartburn concerns about 17-45% of the population.

Most modern publications indicate that the main cause of heartburn is the ingestion of stomach contents into the esophagus. There are also data that in addition to HCl of gastric juice, the destructive effect on the esophagus mucosa is manifested by proteolytic and lipolytic enzymes (pepsin, lipases), bile acids and pancreatic enzymes. When the work of the esophageal valve is broken, the contents of the stomach through retrograde (reverse) movement enter the esophagus. This process is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. There are some foods and drinks that provoke heartburn (oily, fried foods, mint, coffee, chocolate, alcoholic and carbonated drinks). Also, some factors can cause heartburn - tight clothing, exercise, pregnancy, smoking, stress. Often a feeling of heartburn occurs with the use of aspirin, sleeping pills, spasmolytic, antihistamines, sedatives. In women, when using contraceptive pills.

The signs of heartburn manifest in the form of a kind of burning sensation in the upper part of the abdominal cavity, this feeling is intensified when the torso is tilted. If the heartburn manifests additional symptoms - a feeling of fatigue, a decrease in appetite, nausea, vomiting with blood, back and chest pain, increased sweating, you should immediately contact a specialist. Persistent signs of heartburn may indicate esophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus), or oncogenes in the stomach and esophagus. It should be noted that even babies can feel a feeling of heartburn. This is due to the fact that infants (up to 6-12 months) after feeding can regurgitate. In those children who have such a problem, heartburn can be accompanied by asthma, inflammation of the larynx and lungs.

Many gastroesophageal reflex disease is considered as one of the acid-dependent diseases, since hydrochloric acid acts as the main pathogenetic factor and the main symptom - heartburn, and esophagitis. Dysfunction of the lower food sphincter can develop against scleroderma, pregnancy, and also when smoking, using pharmaceuticals that reduce the tone of smooth muscles (Teofilin, adrenoblockers).

Medications for heartburn. Doctors limit the use of fatty, fried foods, chocolate, coffee, strong tea, alcohol, citrus, garlic, onion, etc. Therapy is aimed at stopping heartburn. For this, the patient is required to take antacid preparations (Megapak, Milanta, Maalox, Fosfalugel, Topalcan, Gaviscon) whose mechanism of action is aimed at reducing acidity in the stomach. It should be noted that these drugs are characterized by speed, but the duration of the action is small (about the spirit of the clock). For prevention, experts recommend eating foods often, in small portions, thoroughly chewing it (up to 30-40 times). After eating, do not take the horizontal position of the body, do not exercise.

Medications for heartburn: conservative treatment. The effectiveness of treatment largely depends not only on the prescribed treatment regimen, but also on the changing lifestyle of the patient. Doctors recommend changing the position of the body during sleep (for this, the head end of the bed should be raised by 15 cm); Refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol; Some patients need to stop taking medication (sedatives, tranquilizers, anticholinergics, calcium antagonists, drugs, progesterone); Eliminate the burden that causes an increase in intra-abdominal pressure.

Medications for heartburn: medication. To neutralize hydrochloric acid, antacid preparations are prescribed, which activate proteolytic enzymes, adsorb bile acids and lysophosphatidylcholine, and carry out alkalization of the stomach. The aluminum ions found in the preparations have a cytoprotective effect. In modern medicine, people diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflex disease are prescribed medications for heartburn in the form of prokinetics, cytoprotectors, histamine H2-receptor blockers (Ranitidine, Famotidine, Nizatidine, Roxatidine). The latter actively block the secretion of pepsins, and also reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

Some people treat heartburn at home using folk medicine: herbs (oregano, St. John's wort, cumin, plantain) and vegetable juices (potatoes, cabbage, cucumber), etc.

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