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Divorce of Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan: reasons

Celebrities always get attention. Their weddings, partings, replenishment in their families are discussed and supplemented with various details. The divorce of Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan was no exception. Couples whose family life lasted twenty years.

The reason for the divorce of Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan

The pair did not try to disclose its gap. And only after the excitement caused by him had subsided, it became clear that the couple had parted in 2012. The reason for what happened was so banal and often occurring that neither colleagues nor closest friends were surprised. The fact is that Tigran began attending all sorts of social events with a new companion. It turned out to be the editor of the channel Russia Today Margarita Simonyan. At first, no one paid any attention to it. But one day in the blog of journalist Bozena Rynska a note appeared that she met a couple in Jurmala. Hence, already at that time the divorce of Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan was inevitable.

Bozena developed this topic further and even announced that the father of the child of this girl is none other than Tigran. Readers and subscribers began to ask questions. In 2013, Margarita's daughter Maryan was born. Who her real father, the girl mysteriously silent. It is precisely known that at that time her civil husband was Andrei Blagodyrenko. In support of her status, Mariyana wore a ring on her ring finger.

Being in Jurmala, the girl was already waiting for the second child. His father, according to Bozhena, Keosayan. The journalist did not hide her sincere surprise about the fact that the divorce of Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan for the people around is a mystery. Bagrat - a name given to his son, born in 2014, Simonyan and Keosayan.

The last appearance together

The last time the couple saw together at the premiere screening of the film "Two Days" (2011). Nobody could have imagined how close Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan were. Apparently, their union was considered to be so strong and unshakable. Only a year ago, before this event, they had a second child - daughter Xenia. And so the reason for the constant absence of Alena next to her husband was taken care of the newborn. From time to time, she still appeared on social gatherings. But at the same time she was either alone or accompanied by her friends.

How it all began

The wedding of Keosayan and Khmelnytsky took place in 1993. By that time he already had experience in directing the film "Katka and Shiz". Alena was a young actress, a student. They met at the Lencom booth. After the marriage in the careers of both spouses, the takeoff began. In 1994, the young family was replenished - Sasha's daughter was born. The newly-made husband energetically took up the direction. Since 2007, he is the lead and producer of various television programs. At the end of the decree, Alyona starts actively replenishing the luggage of her films, several times she led joint programs with her husband.

She played the main roles in her husband's paintings, usually it was her "strong and independent" bitch. The actress would happily try on herself a different role, the heroine is kind and sincere, but the directors do not aspire to this.

First alarm bells

Why there was a divorce of Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan and when the first misunderstandings appeared between them? Relations of these people for a long time considered the most real standard among the creative elite. It seemed that this is the case when love, if not to the grave, then to the old age for sure. The turning point for the pair was 2009. It was then, for no reason at all, for the shocking actor Nikita Dzhigurde, it occurred to him to say a word about a long-standing affair with an actress. They were shot in one picture, and their relationship grew into closer ones. And although this mutual hobby was short-lived, Nikita Dzhigurda did not forget about him. It so happened that it happened before the wedding of Alena. What prompted Dzhigurda to extract his memories from the light was unclear. But Tigran's colleagues saw perfectly well how difficult the director was at that time. He walked grim and tried to minimize communication with someone. Probably, not wanting to bring the case to a divorce and trying to save the marriage, Alena decided to have a second child. Unfortunately, marital relations did not help, they could not be reanimated.

Press about the separation of the couple

The divorce of Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan, of course, provoked a lot of rumors. One of the often repeated statements in the press Khmelnitsky was the phrase that, having parted, they began to treat each other better. They, as before, are close and dear people. For this reason, their parting was quiet, without stormy hysteria and scandals. In her interviews, the actress also stresses that she does not prevent her daughters from communicating with her father. Younger Xenia often visits him and communicates with his brother. Children are not deprived of affection, nor the attention of both parents. Did not pass the media attention to the personal life of the actress, attributing to her a close relationship with one Russian businessman. Alena is grateful to those journalists who are not in a hurry to assign to her romance novels, the main character of which she is not.

Spouses after the divorce

Alena Khmelnitskaya continues her acting career and with understanding perceives the choice of her ex-husband. To him and his new beloved, she is quite reserved. This surprises many. After all, for celebrities it is customary to turn their partings into shows and spew all the accumulated grievances on their heads. Alena Khmelnitskaya does not belong to such people.

If we talk about the director's new relationship, he is, according to the colleagues, quite happy. According to the version of Anton Presnov, who told about them, this couple is a real embodiment of how the director works with his muse. The beloved inspires him with his thoughts. Between them there was a beautiful mutual understanding. From Margarita on the set of warmth, from which the work is filled with calm.

By the way, condemn the divorce of Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan (photos of former Spouses can be seen in this article) the people surrounding them do not undertake, this pair enjoyed such respect.

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