
Black pantyhose under jeans. Pantyhose in a net under tattered jeans. Interesting ideas for creating an image

How to wear ripped jeans and still look chic? There are several ways. A new trend in the winter and spring of 2017 were pantyhose under jeans. So it's time to update your wardrobe. Combining different types of tights with holey jeans, you can create completely unique images.

Black, classic, opaque

One of the most practical ways to wear pantyhose under jeans is to combine a one-color black pair with straight or baggy boyfriends. Stylish and not cold.


In a mesh or lace pantyhose under jeans with large holes also look pretty bold and cute at the same time.

White or black, they will look equally good also with moderately-torn pairs.

Leopard print

To create a playful image, you can use a leopard print. Such pantyhose under jeans with holes are quite popular this season. Traditional items in this color are shoes, bags, coats. Now also leopard pantyhose under jeans. You will stand out from the crowd (in a good way).

Feminine and cocky

In fact, an openwork tendency to wear pantyhose in the net under jeans has been observed for several years. And they should be visible either from torn holes, or towing over the belt to the waist line by a few centimeters. In the latter version, the usual black pantyhose under the jeans will not work, let it be a mesh or something lacy.

Openwork socks

In the trend is also a mix of sports, femininity and punk. An example is a socks in a large cage with a nice bow and sports sneakers. Stylish, new, interesting.

One of the leading fashion trends of 2017

Wear openwork pantyhose in the net under jeans with holes - and you will be the queen of fashion in 2017. How to wear them? Just find your most problematic and ripped jeans. The more the surface of the legs is visible and the more holes, the better. Then take the lace, usual or in a net tights. Under torn jeans, they will look feminine and stylish.

Delicate floral patterns

Do you like roses? You can come off in full, wear floral pantyhose under jeans (photo in the article above) with holes - and you will be irresistible.

Grunge and glamor in one bottle

Pantyhose in a large net under the jeans, from under which they are visible, represent an original combination. It's a grunge style with a glamorous accent. It can be more tranquil or absolutely incredible and bold options. Classic combinations include black and opaque pantyhose. You can also try on a more daring and challenging combination. For example, white, bright red or fuchsia tights in a net under torn jeans.

The main rule: there are no rules!

The flight of thought and human imagination has no limit, and, as the main rule of fashion says, there are no rules. And pantyhose in the net under the jeans (photo can be seen in the article) can be worn not only to make it warmer, but also for beauty.

Can I wear pantyhose in a net under jeans?

Do you think wearing kapron pantyhose under jeans does not make sense? You are right only if you do not see them at all. Pantyhose in the net for torn jeans - this is by far the hottest trend. Hosiery finally comes out of the shadows and appears in all its glory.

Fluids of punk rock in the classics

Mixing styles is quite normal in fashion. The new is always well forgotten and slightly transformed old. Experiments with shapes, textures, fabrics are always welcome, and the best of them become trends accepted by most mods.

Where did the mesh come from?

The true origin of fishnet stockings or pantyhose is difficult to determine. The earliest mention of them dates back to one of the fables of Aesop in the early 1900s about a wise peasant daughter. In history, the king tells the girl that if she can solve his riddle, then he marries her. He challenges her: "Come to me not dressed and not naked, not on foot and not riding ...". The peasant woman is not lost and appears before the ruler, wrapped in a fishing net.

Philosopher Roland Barthes wrote in his 1973 essay on the eroticism of the intertwining of the visible and the invisible. It was noticed that net clothes favorably emphasize bends and musculature on the body. At the beginning of the 20th century the cage became popular with actresses and cabaret dancers, and among women of easy virtue.

The further, the more interesting

Over time, this part of the women's wardrobe became more extreme. As fashion designers usually like to do, they tend to take some provocative piece of clothing and in a short time turn everything upside down and try to combine what was previously considered indecent and tasteless.

By the 1990s, a number of fashion designers in the knitwear industry were creating fishnet stockings that had become an integral part of the wardrobe, like a bag or shoes. It can be an ordinary classic in 40 den, as well as pantyhose in a mesh under jeans with huge holes in your lap.

Grandmothers grab at the head: "Where does fashion roll?"

In the past, tights in the net were part of the uniform of professional temptresses and courtesans. A modest generation of our grandmother simply does not understand where this world is going. But is this really so? Is it really possible to inspire one of the oldest and oldest handicrafts in the world if you wear the tights in the net under jeans (photo above in the article)?

The same stockings in the mesh have a very rich history. They appeared in Paris, in the city of love, where the night was full of dances, games and all kinds of entertainment. First, stockings began to wear girls from the "Moulin Rouge", later they wore all of Europe, and then the whole world.

This overt piece of clothing became very popular in the 1970s, during the heyday of rock and roll and metal. The chosen color was black, but the wild 80's made their own bright contribution, colors such as pink, yellow and green were added.

New trend

The grid is again in vogue, but it's about a large one, since large spaces and maximalism are relevant. A pair of them are chosen mainly blue jeans, torn, trimmed or with a high fit, less often black. Through the holes on the pants must be visible pattern on pantyhose.

Stylish or vulgar?

Outdoors over jeans tights look rather sloppy and even vulgar, but if you manage to competently combine things, then you will get a very interesting and daring image. Alternatively, as a kit, you can wear white sneakers and a simple sweater.

More daring choice - rude boots. If the street is warm, then you can wear a high top instead of a sweater. If the fashion experiments seem too radical for you, and you want to try it, you'd better start with socks in a thick cage. They are worn with ankle boots, loffers and sneakers.

Interesting ideas for creating an image

Now most fashionistas of the world try on new images. And once the tights in the mesh were considered a sign of bad taste. Just do not be to fashion trends and clothes in general to be taken too seriously. After all, experiments are so great. Especially if it's an excellent and non-expensive way to update your wardrobe.

If you dig deeper, then pantyhose in the net and torn jeans - this is something related to instincts, aggression, independence, non-acceptance of certain rules and formats. Girls in this image is not a weak sex, they are defiant, rebellious, do not sit at home by the window and do not dream about a prince on a white horse.

Choose jeans

The most suitable option is wide boyfriends or skinnies, as well as any shortened forms. That's what you should not wear pantyhose in the net, so it's with a classic black dress-case. Often on many photos you can see fashionistas in the most tight-fitting jeans models, and it looks pretty beautiful. But in fact, more appropriate will be free and baggy options, with which neutralized increased frankness and aggressive sexuality of pantyhose in the net. In general, the whole image will be calmer and more restrained.

Matching sets

Sexy pantyhose perfectly combined with a sweater in the style of grunge, velvet boots, a hat and a leather jacket, and jeans, of course. Frankness in the image is not worth adding, the grid is more than enough. Excess will be an open neckline, all sorts of pushups and a radical mini.

What makes an image so attractive?

If you want to attract attention, then, as they say, all means are good, especially when there are fashion trends on your side. As already mentioned, this season is a major grid. Choosing such pantyhose, girls should be confident in their legs, because they will be riveted extra attention. Than this part of the body is slimmer and thinner, the better it looks the grid. All, however, individually, there are no rules, there are only recommendations.

Manner in the style of "Underwear parading"

When exposing the so-called underwear for public inspection, it is worth making sure that it looks organic and in shape. Then it will not look vulgar and unaesthetic. It is also important to understand that this is a more casual style, you can not go to school or work, but to a disco or to friends at a party - please. And it's not about the figure at all, but about its proper presentation.

Following the trends, remain yourself

Trying on other people's images and playing with fashion innovations, it is still worthwhile to remain true to your own style. Putting tights in the net under tattered jeans is pretty bold, bold and fashionable, if you like it, then why not? However, remember that such specific trends, as popular as they may be, can burn out just as quickly. In principle, there is no reason not to try this trend. It's fun, it's different and, importantly, it will not leave huge holes in your wallet.

All attention to the legs

The new trend is directed solely at the lower part of the body, everything below the belt is under close scrutiny. Thanks to lace, towering over the pants, you can see the belly, through the holes in the jeans - the legs, and through the checkered socks - the ankles. For a trendy combo, a pair of fishnet tights and a pair of light blue jeans are required. Beautiful and practical. Who said that you can not wear your favorite torn jeans when it gets cold? Pantyhose is in this case, albeit a thin, but an extra layer.

A great way to emphasize your strong points

  • Waist. This is also a wonderful way to emphasize your waist. An excellent option for those who once loved to wear jeans with a low fit. Pantyhose in a mesh can act as an openwork belt.
  • Hips . For those who want to boast of their ideal hips and lack of cellulite, this combination and the technique of layering under ragged jeans will also taste.
  • The knees . Owners of beautiful knees no longer need to hide them under jeans, enough to put on fishnet pantyhose and favorite jeans with holes in the right places.
  • Ankles . It can be quite ordinary socks in a large grid, perhaps with the addition of rhinestones or bows. This is not as bold as in the above options, but still nice and fresh.

Dressing for the weather

The more layers of clothing are put on, the warmer and more pleasant it is to carry the cold. What to do to poor mods who are so fond of a new trend, and on the street cool enough? In this case, the grid is yet to be saved to plus temperature. Nothing prevents under jeans wear no less trendy colored pantyhose, with patterns and monophonic.

Setochka is always a fashion risk. If you ask your mother or grandmother, they will surely give you an agitated or awkward answer, saying that it is not entirely decent. Of course, if you wear pantyhose in a net, mini-dress and boots or hairpins - it really will look a little vulgar. And in this form to walk around the evening city will be very dangerous. As history shows, these hosiery products used to be worn mainly behind closed doors and in places of entertainment.

How does fashion usually work? She decides to take a risky step, takes something unclaimed, forgotten, forbidden and hidden and makes it a trend, which then falls in love with millions of fans and which has a resounding success among the grateful public. Feel the inspiration, try to try on a new image, putting on pantyhose in the net with jeans, shorts, skirt. Combine charming fishnet socks with sandals, sneakers or heels. Be in a trend and do not forget about your own style!

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